Fiction isn't too far from the truth

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With the right amount of money, live in the right country, or have a very good passport, and find the right surgeons...,
I'm not terribly impressed with what some people do with their bodies. I don't condemn as that would be like the pot calling the kettle black. A lot of people aren't impressed with what I turned out to be either. Let's plow on. Not sure what her thinking is? Whatever she's seeking I pray she finds it. Personally I believe she's fortunate her body is holding together after all the surgeries.
Former 'Human Ken Doll' Jessica Alves confesses she's had 75 plastic surgeries amounting to over a million dollars after previously revealing she was transitioning to a woman

This one is for all the authors who over describe the female body of their dreams and put that to story. The young lady is absolutely gorgeous and yes, over endowed. Her momma and Mother Nature didn't bless her as such I don't believe. Looking at her pics from the beginning, yes she was a beautiful girl but over endowed? No. Only my opinion so I don't get sued, she had help. If one's imagination isn't fertile enough, this should help. By the way, she's 5'2:".

Here's my growl. Trans need years of therapy and several doctor's opinions before they are allowed to get near a surgeon. If all trans were beautiful ladies and only needed enhancements, they wouldn't need anyone's opinion and could be recovering next week.Just so we are clear and there is no doubt. I hope Dr. Harry Benjamin roasts in Hell for the hell he laid on trans.
Hugs People
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out. Be nice if others would let us live that life without their interference.



crash's picture

I suppose it depends on how the genetic and economic lottery worked out for you. People with access to silly amounts of of money have different options than those of us from the other side of the tracks. it is not "beautiful ladies" that have this access. It's silly stupid amounts of money that grant it.

There are times when I agree with L. Ron Hubbard. Psychiatry is a crock. It's more fake than phrenology. At least phrenology could be proven wrong. Phrenology could be falsified. Psychology cannot be. It seems that most psychologists and psychiatrists are either trying to exorcise their own daemons or are so stuck in a script that everyone they see is another example of what they are looking for. I need to get a rubber stamp from those assholes before I can move to another step. I really have to want it if I'm going to push through all that. Silly stupid amounts of money would give me different options.

Here's an Idea. Let's just set an economic base line. Would mental health be better for all of us if we just set an economic base line? What if in the richest country the world has ever seen we just made sure that everyone could live above the second tier of Maslow's hierarchy? You think that maybe knowing that you will be warm and fed would help with all this self actualization bull shit?

So here is another middle aged couch potato writing nonsense with no clue about what it's really like, If I had silly stupid money would I have made the same choices? Probably not.

Thanks BarbieLee. I needed to vent.

Your friend

To Crash:

Remember Andrew Yang? $1K per month for everybody or just for the non rich? After all the fed support for so many people and knowing that problems like minorities stuck in poverty (some can get out but many can't), unemployment and homelessness will be around for a long time if the "system" stays the same, a guaranteed income seems like a very good idea. Just the boost it would give the economy would provide enough jobs and business opportunities to significantly change our society. I heard Finland tried it for a year (or something) but I haven't seen an analysis of it's effects.

The idea seems good for everybody, not just trans. I'm sure many might need an expensive surgery or medical treatment that would change their lives.

OTOH, a generous, well run, single payer medical system could also provide such benefits.

About costs: think of the cost to the government of Trump's tax cuts for people and corporations who didn't need it or all the spending to counteract the covid 19 depression. A single payer medical system is so much more efficient than our present insurance and monopoly based system (a wellness system vs a disease management system), after a few years, when the average health of our people has increased, the savings to our society might be enough to cover the cost of the guaranteed income.

Another thing about the guaranteed income: We have had tax cuts (off and on) for decades. The reason given for them was that they would stimulate the economy enough that new gov't income would make up for the lost tax revenues. This has never happened! Instead, the top 10% and 1% of earners kept getting a larger and larger portion of the nation's wealth. With reduced tax revenues the national debt kept rising altho some present economic thinking is that the national debt doesn't matter or that it just has to stay below some fraction of our GDP.

We could think of the guaranteed income as similar to a tax cut. Instead of shifting income to tax payers, more and more income to those who pay more taxes, the guaranteed income shifts income to those who pay little or no taxes. The poorer people need and spend all most all the income that they get. The rich do not. This shift will absolutely boost the economy and reduce the gap between the haves and have nots which has grown dangerously large and threatens our democracy.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,