Fire on the Farm

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Fire is non discriminatory as it's an equal opportunist. Had one visit Friday. Really dry spring ans summer, sparks on top the power pole set the grass on fire below. Destroyed a garage, tool shed, a dozen old vehicles, farm equipment, hay, travel trailer, tools, etc. etc. but actually not the most valuable things. The Fire Fighters and I still have our lives. Not to be too caviler about the whole thing, I had nothing but my parents and family when I dropped into this world. Theirs and all my friends love is all I'll take with me when I check out. The biggest treasures in this life can't be stolen and only lost if we don't realize what really counts.

I'm not asking for donations so please don't ask. I value a lot of people on this channel as some of those treasures and wanted all to know I'm okay. I've had four hours sleep in the past forty eight so my muddled brain is even more so than usual.
Hugs People,
Life is a gift, treasure it.



Let me know if you have questions about insurance. It's been a while but I once was a farm insurance underwriter.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Oh no!

Daniela Wolfe's picture

I'm deeply saddened to learn that you lost so much, but I am glad that you are safe. I do hope you have some sort of insurance coverage.

Have delightfully devious day,

Stay Safe

Piper's picture

I'm glad you are safe, now go get some rest. :)


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Hugs all and yes I'm good

BarbieLee's picture

No fire insurance and the power pole was after the meter and before the house so I can't blame North Fork. Darn...LOL oh well. Lots of bruises, scraped skin, but everything is fine. Battle scars, I can brag about. I didn't get any during Vietnam so I'm milking it for all it's worth now.
Yes Bru my love, I'd like to blame the blue dress you DIDN'T loan me. Oh how we forget do we? Selective amnesia, darling? Can't blame the power company, nor the blue dress, life just isn't fair. Sleep is eluding me as every little noise I'm back checking to make sure no more flare ups.
Boys and girls, everything is fine, really and truly. I lost a lot but I lost nothing if you may understand and I pray you can.

Came in last night around eleven and I drank over a half gallon of lemonade and several glasses of milk and still not enough liquids. Smoke up my nose and in my lungs, washing clothes this morning and still smell smoke. I'll be working it out of my system for a week or more. Don't know how fire fighters manage when they do it for a living.
Hugs People, and I do love all of you.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
If I work this right I can get some mileage out of it. Let's see, Willow needs a house guest for a month or two. Bru, my sticky little fingers is thinking of all those darling dresses she keeps squirreled away. Of course I'll have to "visit for awhile". Jill, oh darling Jill is a high maintenance gal and I know she has some of the "power dresses" to impress the stock holders and board members. Visit? Silly question. Samantha, has that quaint little squat she calls home and I'm sure I can weasel her out of her elec car for the visit. She has her motorcycle when she needs to go someplace. And it'll be my chance to get my hot little paws on her sea foam green cocktail dress she has been hording.
Golden opportunities arise from misfortune and I know how to take advantage of the situation. I'll have to drag up some sobs and tears when I call each of them begging for help. The girls are so easy. I mean, Jill and Nuuan bought some Oklahoma Ocean Front property from me. Which brings to mind those glittery stage costumes Nuuan has... drool. I can work this.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison


erin's picture

I'm weeping to think we might have lost you. Not huge sobs, just a quiet dampness in the eyes, but I've lost too many since I started this little corner of the internet.

Be safe, hon.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

you are correct.

things can be replaced...friends cannot.

I'm glad you're okay, apart from inhaling smoke, and not physically harmed otherwise.

Get some rest, deal with the other stuff when you are rested and ready to tackle all that. Grateful hugs from me.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Could be worse but it still sucks

laika's picture

So sorry for all your losses and the financial setback, but if the main house survived you at least have a place to sleep. Must have been a real shock since it was a freak accident that didn't give you any warning.

I live in a chapparal covered tinderbox part of Nevada, we keep our area clear and hoses handy but that isn't really going to stop a wildfire if it wants your house. And about every year when we see the fire coming over the hill my sister and I wonder if this time it's gonna reach us, but so far I havent had to grab my wildfire emergency travel bag and computer and flee.

I like to think I'd be philosophical about it if I ever did, taking it like 17th century Japanese poet Mizuta Masahide:

Since my house burned down
I now own a better view
of the rising moon

...but I really wouldn't want to put my zen savvy to the test like that.
~so anyway, HUGS! Veronica (Mizuta Mashedpotata)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Maddy Bell's picture

that you are in one piece, take care


Madeline Anafrid Bell

It's good to know

It's good to know you're alive, you're in one piece and you're the same as previous.