I'm back from the convention, and I have to admit, it was an absolute blast.
I'm SO totally Cosplaying next time. One of my friends came as Dr. Horrible, and there must have been at least fifteen Naruto's there, not one of them male :p
It was a lot smaller than I was expecting, though, only about 500 people, and I ended up spending most of my time playing D&D, Magic, and Munchkin Cthulu in the game room. What can I tell ya, you can take the geeky chick out of the dungeon...
Melanie E.
Which Ed is that, Edward Elric or Radical Edward? Or perhaps some other Ed?
Cowboy Beebop
A lot of girls went as her- actually, a surprisingly cute costume, though quite a few ended up looking more like Leeloo than Ed.
I think it was called the Arkansas Anime Festival.