Gaby Book 21 ~ Summer Loving ~ Chapter *26*

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*Chapter 26*
Old Guard


After sorting out my wardrobe, well dressing malfunction we clambered into the A Klasse for the short drive down to Ahrweiler – I guess Dad isn’t drinking tonight. I really miss the crushed C Klasse, that was so much bigger than Mum’s car, even I struggle for leg room in the A and forget long frocks!

“You two okay?” Mum enquired.
“Glad we’re not going far.”
“Yeah,” Mand agreed.
“Wouldn’t you be better waiting until we get there to do that?” Dad suggested.

‘that’ is my makeup, no time at home remember.

“Duh!” I advised nearly poking myself in the eye as we rattled through a pot hole. I mean, turn up without makeup on?

It certainly isn’t far to Ahrweiler, it actually takes longer to navigate into the centre and to our destination, yup that good ole standby, Der Mühle.

“Who’s got the VeeDub?” I asked as Dad manouevered into the tiny parking area.
“The bus?” Mum asked.

Well I didn’t mean the Passat next to us did I?

“Looks like Carsten’s,” Dad opined.
“Bit retro,” Mand suggested as she untangled herself from the seatbelt.

Indeed it was, retro that is, a classic T1b split screen in sky blue and white and actually a rare crew bus.

“Pretty cool.”
“reminds me of our first camper Dave,” Mum mentioned.
“That was a T3,” Dad stated.
“A T3?” I queried, “i thought it was an LT.”
“You won’t remember it Gab, we sold it when your sister arrived on the scene, couldn’t swing a cat in it,” Mum told us.
“Toilet Mad?” I suggested.
“I don’t nee, oh right, yeah sure.”

At least with it being Der Mühle I know where the facilities are, nothing worse than going somewhere and having to ask coz you can’t see the signs – especially if you ‘need’ the loo. It didn’t take long, well ten minutes maybe, to make myself beautiful ably assisted by Mand tidying up my attempt at putting my hair up.

“You gonna dye it again?”
“My hair?”
“Your roots are well grown out.”
“Hadn’t thought about it, I’ve sort of got used to it.”
“It is sort of like your signature look now,” Mand suggested poking another grip into my mop, “there, that should hold it.”
“Have to go and see them at the salon I guess, if I ever get any free time.”
“Yeah, best not keep everyone waiting.”

Everyone on the Apollinaris cycling ‘payroll’ was inside along with assorted family members, all of us sat along a single long table. Eva, Chris and another girl I didn’t recognise, had their hands full keeping us hydrated, yeah, tonight is a rare occasion mid season for the senior team to get in some alcohol, us juniors however were restricted to the house white or Radler, no fair. Dinner started with Blumenkohlsuppe followed by Schweinshaxe with Kartoffelklöße, we’d eaten our strudel and were onto the coffee before George stood and got our attention.

“Good evening everyone,”
“Evening Boss,” Erika called back.
“Danke fraulein Boonen. Frau Foch if you could please, well I don’t think any other team has been as successful as you ladies and gentlemen in the National events,” he paused.

Meanwhile Eva and co were distributing what looked exactly like flutes of champagne.

"Podiums in all countries we contested and a handful of champions too, so if you’ll join me in congratulating them, Erika, Belgian senior time trial gold, Amanda, junior time trial gold in England and here in Germany, Anja senior road bronze, Roni, under 23 time trial silver und road race gold, Thalia under 18 silver and finally, Gabrielle, gold in both junior disciplines.”

Each of us had stood as we were named, bit embarrasing but less than my bra earlier.

George waited for the assembled bodies to finish cheering before continuing, “so, please raise your glasses to all our new medal winners, all for one...”
“and one for all!” everyone chorused back – yeah I know its a bit corny but George likes it, engenders team spirit he says.

We all took the toast, I reckon I should have two glasses as I won two titles.

“Speech, speech!” Tina called out, a call enthusiastically taken up by some of the others.
“Over to you Gab,” Ron stated under her breath.
“Don’t look at me champ,” Erica scoffed.
“Gabee, Gabee,” Tal started chanting, soon joined by Josh and Kat , traitors.
George tapped his glass to get some order back, “Gaby?”

Looks like its me then, the others returned to their seats leaving me stood above a sea of expectant faces. I looked around, Mum beaming with maternal pride, Kat grinning with mischief alongside Petra, Daz looking slightly bemused – I guess having to rely on Josh to translate stuff doesn’t help. What to say?

I took a deep breath, here goes.

“Firstly I’d like to thank George for putting this on tonight, and of course Eva and her girls for doing the catering,” I paused as everyone clapped politely to that. “I’ve been lucky enough to have won gongs not just on a national level but on the world stage too but whilst that's nice this weekends results mean at least as much to me and I hope everyone else here. All of our success is down to team work, the specialist training Dad and George put us all through, the tireless work by our team mates in the actual races with no guarantees of success or personal reward, thanks Tal, Gret.

Our squad has a rallying call, all for one, one for all and this weekend everyone has worked and ridden to that end. So on behalf of all us medal winners I’d like to thank you all, managers, soigneurs, team mates and of course family and friends, without all of you we probably wouldn’t have added to the trophy cupboards, if you’ve got any bubbly left join me in a toast, to you, to us, to Team Apollinaris!”
I raised my glass with the rest, “Apollinaris!”
“Apollinaris!” the room replied with gusto after which I found my seat again.

“That was brill girl,” Mand hissed past Ron.
“Not bad for a short arse like,” Josh called across the table.

Any further verbal intercourse was halted by George tapping his glass again.

“Thank you for the speech Fraulein Bond. Before some of you hit the bar I’ve some more news for you all. Firstly, one of our stalwarts, Maria has decided to retire at the end of this season to go into the wine business, Maria, I’m sure we are all sorry to see you go and wish you well in your future life. Its not farewell to the Pinger family though, Katia will join us full time for next season which should make Petra’s life a little easier. So another toast, Maria!”
“Maria!” we returned.
“And lastly, the young man looking a bit lost next to Tina is Darren Fox who Dave has signed up for the junior team, I’m reliably informed he’s the next hot thing from England, he’ll be joining the rest of you in the blue jerseys with immediate effect,” he swapped languages before going on, “welcome to our family Darren.”

Josh pushed him to his feet, the nervous lad turning a shade to rival my hair as a variety of ‘welcomes’ were offered.

“What did Eva want?” I enquired when Mand bounced back to where the junior squad were sharing a purloined bottle of white wine.
“Meet Der Mühle’s new Kellnerin!” she beamed.
“What? Full time?” Tal suggested.
“Well three days a week to start with.”
“Wit aboot training hen?” Josh enquired.
“Plenty of time, I don’t start till twelve.”
“What about cheer?” I asked, “and the Stube?”
“I’m coming down tomorrow to sort out my hours, and,” she grinned planting a present on the table, “I scored another bottle off Chris!”

“So you gonna come live in Germany then?” I asked Daz.
He shrugged, “you know about the BC stuff?”
“Yeah, sucks big time.”
“Well we’re staying at the house until September so you’re stuck with me till then.”
“What about next year?”
“Your Dad says he’ll have something sorted out by then, in the meantime I’ll train at home and come over for the training camps.”

Training camps?

“Uh huh, so you getting bikes and stuff?”
“Next year, I use my own the rest of this season I think.”
“It’ll be weird having two boys on the team.”
“It’ll be weird with four girls,” he countered.

“Did you know about Maria Mum?”
“Its been a bad secret in the team since the spring, its one reason we pulled Ron over when we did, get her settled in before next season kicks off.”
“You’re not tempted Jen?” Mand queried.
“Never say never,” Mum replied, “I reckon I’m good for another season or two yet. Oh while I remember, George is talking with the garage, looks like we’re getting some new wheels.”
“Neat,” Mand offered.
“Bigger than this I hope.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers Gab but I did hint to George that something a bit bigger might be in order, especially as your Dad uses it almost as much as me.”
“How did the interview go Mand?” Dad asked.

He knew about that too?

“Its not exactly the career I ever dreamed of but I got the job.”
“Don’t knock it Mand,” Mum opined, “there's always work in the service industries and even Wonder Woman here serves tables.”
“For now,” I added.
“Its something you can come back to Mand, wherever you find yourself,” Mum reiterated.

The taxi pulled up at Bond Acres and we clambered out into the now fresh night air, I gave a shiver, Mand must be freezing in her strappy number exposing all that er, chest. Yeah, Dad gave in to temptation, well the round of toasting and the beer George kept ‘forcing’ on him so we got a slightly cramped ride in a Golf estate.

“How’d you know Eva wanted staff?”
“I didn’t, well she sort of hinted last time I did the crepe stall, anyhow when I mentioned getting a job to your dad earlier he suggested I give her a call first, the rest is history.”
“So you’re staying then?”
“Couldn’t leave you to fight the baddies on your own could I?”
“You gonna do college or something?”
“You know I’m not very academic, Eva says there’s some what did she call ‘em, can’t remember, anyway they’re like some sort of day release thing, you collect credits and get a stertificate after.”
“Maybe I should do that instead of going to management college.”
“Don’t be daft Gab, you’ll go to University and stuff, day release is for thickos like me.”
“You aren’t thick, maybe you just haven’t found your niche yet.”
“Maybe my niche is serving beer to fat Germans.”
“They tip well, hey, you could do the Oktoberfest!”
“Do I want to?”

Well okay, little steps.

Maddy Bell © 10.10.2017

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