Writing stuff down

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Well OK. This has been weird. Did you know that it is against the rules of war to use tear gas on the battle field. Same for pepper spray, if I under stand correctly. The rain has not started yet this afternoon but the wind blew strong enough to knock out our power power. We had a line down that took out about 800 houses up our little valley here. Going into town was not a total bust. Needed to get a sticker for my plow truck. I still think of 2001 as "not that long ago" but I suppose my pop says the same thing about 1961. Anyway one emissions place was closed even though their website said they were open. And the other one had a "wait time 90 minutes" sign up so we just hit the home center and got parts for jobs on the "Honey Do" list.

Maybe we live too long. 2001 is a long time ago now. Back then I thought that I was going to make my millions in at a dot com company. Oh well that did not happen. I have had a good career. May flies get it all taken care of in a few days. Mosquitoes a week or so. What is it some one said about us? "Four score and 10." Seems like I was almost twenty years old before I knew what a "score" was.

Time seems so long in front of me but so short behind. We call future ahead. I think someone told me that there was a culture that said the past is in front of us and the future behind. Yeah it seemed strange to me when I heard it but now it makes more sense. We can see the past and we can see what is in front of us. We can't see what is behind us and we cannot see the future. I just confuse people though when I wave backwards and say "the future".

Here comes the rain. Together with wind and thunder. This house has been here for a hundred years. I guess a little wind today will not blow it over. the rain is dripping out of the gutter. Another item for the honey do list. Bands of rain. Torrential for a few minutes then a gentle mist. And then another torrent in the next few minutes.

I love you all.

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