Where happened to Tuckerspawn Forum? Is it archived anywhere?
I tried to use the wayback machine to get access to some of the content but I was having trouble finding the actual content despite it indicating that it did archive it. Any suggestions to access the following areas:
Future Tuck forum
Fanfic (particularly one - “after graduation”)
Thanks in advance,
[ sorry to have to ask what may be a bad question but I missed this due to a TBI and the subsequent recovery. ]
Related To?
Is this related to Ellen Hayes's "Tuck Saga"?
-- Daphne Xu
It’s been 7 years since she’s done anything with it.
She had promised to free up her copyright of it for other people to continue to write if I recall correctly if she no longer wanted to do anything with it.
I wonder if she is even alive.
It’s her story but it saddens me that somebody else can’t take it on in the canon universe.
Frankly I have extremely little hope it will get continued.
At one time I remembered reading a post by Ellen Hayes saying something like she made the tough decision not to continue Tuck Seasons (and maybe Tuck ) as well because the real life era/world was too different from Tuck’s setting and the technology, etc was too different and obsolete and would make relating to Tuck too hard/ruin Tuck. This is a paraphrase based on my memory of a post that was years ago, so please forgive me any errors...
I personally disagreed with that idea but it has allowed me to hope that she might be okay/alive...
I wanted to go back and check out some of the tuckerspawn Forum stuff that I forget due to time and injury...
that's the first I've heard of it, though that does sound like the sort of thing she would say. It got harder every year to pin her down to writing more after a pledge drive. I personally miss the Tucker stories a great deal, but figured years ago that she just took the last of our donations and walked away.
Ruining Tuck
What a ridiculous thing to say.
Very few stories tied to a particular time period will ever be ‘for the ages’.
They should be celebrated as a time capsule for a period in a way.
I think more stories should have year context explicitly woven into them where appropriate so a future reader can understand it better.
Fantasy stories in other universes have a far longer ‘read by date’ so to speak but stories of people in ‘everyday’ settings almost inevitably pin it to a time period.
You are completely correct in your statements and I probably chose the wrong word in paraphrasing... My apologies...
My recollection was she was referring to the challenge to produce new Season (Tuck?) episodes. Maybe more along the lines of particular plot points that she felt didn’t work any longer or ?? I think it was only a statement on the problem stymying the creative process and in reference to why no new Seasons (& Tuck).
Ellen was alive as of June
Ellen was alive as of June 2023.
here are the links
[Note: The Wayback Archive doesn't always go deeper than 1 layer of saving. If one save point doesnt have another layer deeper, try another save point and try again. Also, the archive gets scrubbed of sensitive material by the NSA.
http://web.archive.org/web/20150213023157/http://tuckerspawn... This is Tucker forum for 2015, there a few more years here in the captures.
http://web.archive.org/web/20150201000000*/http://tuckerspaw... <- all of the year captures for the Tucker Forum.
-http://tuckerspawn.fictioneer.org/- (server down)
Still getting NO successful results from wayback machine...
“ Hrm.
The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.
This page is not available on the web
because of server error”
Regardless of which section I try to access from Tuckerspawn Forum, this is the result that I get from the wayback machine. I have tried the site map and the calendar and even the listing of all save pages but even I haven’t been able to access any posted content of the Tuckerspawn Fictioneer Forum. I did manage to access a random post using the Tuckerspawn ateros website listing of all saved pages.
Thank you for taking the time to respond with these suggestions but I am still experiencing trouble with the wayback machine even using the specific links that you sent....
1. How did you manage to pull up the content from a Tuckerspawn Forum post on the wayback machine?
2. Why is Tuckerspawn Forum server down? Why was it taken down? Is there any archive of the content?
I am asking here because for a number of years, TG Bigcloset computer gurus were involved in the server fictioneer.org / Tuckerspawn.fictioneer.org. I can’t relocate the posts but I believe I had read that fictioneer.org was part of the TG bigcloset server farm / Tuckerspawn Forums were kept running by the benevolence of the TG Bigcloset computer gurus...
Thank you in advance if anyone can shed light on what happened...
It's been down for a couple of months now
I sent the mods here a message about possibly archiving the forums here, but that's probably more of a "Hey, we should do this when we have the time" thing than anything else.
Thank you
Did you get any response? Might an archive happen someday?
(Or did I misunderstand and the response was “we should do this someday when we have time”?)
I appreciate the additional information...
Future of Tuckerspawn
The tuckerspawn site was on a server that was retired during the last move. It's equipment was aging heavily. I will be working in short term future to pull the data and re-structure it on a new server as either a working forum or an archive as time permits.
Thank you.