*Gothic Question*
"What are you doing tonight?” I asked Janey, she was doing the rounds with the wage slips.
"I was rather hoping for dinner at Chez Julianne with Rory but he's not rung yet, why?”
"Well I was wondering if you fancied going into town,” I started, "We could get some food, maybe go to The Star, you know shake a feather?”
she reached out a hand and placed it on my forehead, "Nope, not running a temperature.”
"Ha de har, what do you reckon?”
"I reckon my little sister has been abducted by aliens, what brought this on?”
"Well, just because I'm stuck like this doesn't mean I have to live like a Nun does it?”
"Okay you're on, I don't think I can stand another night of Midsommer Murders with mum.
"Outside Marks seven thirty?”
"Why not here?”
"I won't be driving, the bus stops just around the corner, I'm not coming all the way out here just to go straight back.”
She had a valid point.
"At Marks then.”
"Where're we eating?”
"They do food in the Hardwick.”
"I'll wear my wellies.”
"Its not that bad,” I offered in the pubs defence.
Well I suppose it does have a bit of a reputation, you certainly wouldn't take a girl there on a date unless you wanted shot, its not really a bad place its just that it gets a, er, rowdy crowd in sometimes.
"We can decide later,” Janey proposed, "Here, you best have this,” she passed me the envelope containing my pay slip.
'Eight weeks,' Zak or rather Trixie mused looking into the mirror, 'it was only supposed to be for a weekend, this Trixiebell Heartswoon lark. Why on earth Rory hadn't just used a picture of Janey for the Whitby pass and why on earth did I let Janey talk me into all this. Well okay, it was greed, she, no we, its not entirely Janey's fault, just got a bit carried away. I was the one that got her nails done, I'm the one that's continued this charade, exacerbated things even.
The image in the mirror certainly doesn't look like the wanna be Goth, barely employed Zak Askwith that the eyes had looked out from for most of the previous twenty two years. Of course I can still see me but I still don't have eyebrows, I still have more holes in my face than a colander, still have pink hair and firmly affixed to my chest, what can best be described as 'realistic' breasts of the C cup variety. Yup, by the time i've got makeup on, I look more like Trixiebell flippin' Heartswoon than she does.
To paraphrase old Frreddy Mercury, is this real life or is it a fantasy, i've been caught in a landslide, an escape from reality. The question is, do I want this 'fantasy' to become 'reality' or can I return to being boring ol' Zak Askwith when I get rid of these nails in a couple of weeks. Of course, while this was all going through my head my hands, on auto pilot, were busily and expertly doing my face – you tend to learn quickly when anything less than perfection could land you up shite creek.
Not that its the full Goth look tonight, no its a watered down version, more like Disney® does Goth so there's less eyeliner, my brows look a bit less dramatic and the lippy is a more subtle shade. The pink hair, i've got used to it now, is in a fashionable bun – those foam bun rings are such a cheat but apart from the shade, I think it looks quite chic, a couple of barrettes for a bit of bling, et voila, time to get dressed. A quick look at my 'wrist' watch confirmed the need to get my act together, ten to seven.
I already had my control pants hiding Zak junior out of the way, it was a matter of moments to add a bra and pull my new frock on before sitting to put on the sheer tights and shoes. A last look in the mirror, check my handbag's contents, before slipping on the one bit of Zak in Trix's wardrobe, my, his, her denim jacket. Watch out Chessy, the Askwith girls are about to hit town!
Of course, Friday night in a town whose nearest neighbours are dead pit villages and upland villages that often don't even host a pub, is always going to be busy with revellers. Its not that the venues are great, the entertainment top line but when the alternative is the idiot box or karaoke at the Dog & Duck, going out to Chessy town centre is as good as it gets. Indeed Janey had forgotten just how busy it can get when she'd suggested their meeting place.
Women from teens to pensioners and everywhere in between were stood alone or in small groups waiting for their friends to join them, a sea of teased hair, barely decent clothing and teetering heels – that was just the granny's, covered the pedestrianised street in front of M&S. Janey made her way through the crowds towards the parish church, the direction that her sister, yes, she did actually think of Trixie as her sister, would be approaching the melee.
"Hey Janey, wasn't expecting to see you tonight.”
"Oh hi Ames, thought you were working tonight?”
"Managed to convince Dad they didn't need me, thought you'd be out with Rory?”
"Tell me about it, I tell you, that man scores zero on girlfriend satisfaction.”
"But eleven on bedroom activities!” Amy enthused, as BFF's they'd had this conversation many a time. "So you looking for a substitute?”
"Maybe, so what're you doing, no Steve?”
"Later, Sian's coming for drinky poos before we meet the lads, what about you?”
"Food and a drink with one of the girls from work.”
"Hey, we should make a foursome.”
"I dunno,”Janey hedged, Amy and Sian both know Zak, how could they not having been through school together.
"Go on, it'll be fun, maybe we'll forget meeting the lads eh?” Amy prattled on.
"Its up to Trix, I think she wanted a quiet evening.”
"She'll be up for it,” Amy proclaimed.
Trixie was rueing her choice of footwear by the time she reached the church, four inch heels were not designed for walking up hills, even little ones. And there, across the graveyard was her sister.
Askwith, J looked about for the caller, expecting to see some form of Goth Princess, instead of which all she could see was another Friday girl tottering across the flags in silly heels.
"That your friend?” Amy asked.
"I don't,” Janey started before looking at the approaching figure again, no it couldn't be, could it?
"Janey! Sorry I'm late, its these heels.”
"Trix? I didn't recognise you.”
"Well dur, I don't have to wear black you know.”
"Hey Trix, I was just saying to Janey, you guys should make a foursome with me and Sian.”
At that moment Sian joined the gathering.
"Hi guys!”
In his, her enthusiasm to reach Janey, Zak hadn't spotted that Amy was with his sister, and when he did spot his sisters BFF it was too late, theyd seen him. Of all the people it had to be her and then when Sian arrived a moment later, the colour drained from behind his makeup.
"Trix, this is Amy and Sian,” Janey supplied, trying to telegraph an apology with her eyes, "Guys, this is Trixie.”
"Like the hair Trixie,” Sian offered.
"Er thanks.”
"So we going for drinks?” Sian proposed.
"We were going to get some food,” Janey told her friends who so far hadn't spotted the true identity of the girl with panic in her eyes.
"We're in for that,” Amy grinned.
"Yeah, lay a bed for the booze,” Sian added.
"Trix?” Janey queried, offering her sibling a last ditch chance of escape.
"Er sure,” her brother squeaked back.
Of course when the foursome reached the Hardwick, a small establishment in the 'Lanes', it was already heaving with evening revellers so rather than add to their number, Amy led them to the Pavements and the still crowded but more spacious, Cavendish Arms. Chivalry might be nigh on dead but the combined girl force of four pretty young women acquired a table, Sian and Amy volunteering to get the first round whilst the sisters looked after the table – not that they knew of that relationship of course.
"What did you invite Amy for, she sort of knows Zak,” I hissed through the din.
"I didn't, she was supposed to be working,” Janey supplied, "And I did give you an out.”
"She hasn't recognised you has she?”
"Yet,” I grumbled back.
"Not that I don't approve, but what's with the outfit?”
"I er just fancied a change from black.”
"Welcome to the light side Trixiebell Heartswoon,” Janey stated in possibly the worst Darth Vader impersonation ever.
The others returned at that point bearing alcohol and menus.
"Ring you tomorrow Janes,” Amy pronounced, "Nice meeting you Trix.”
"And you guys,” I sweetly replied as my sister did the farewell hug thing with her bestie.
Somehow we got through three drinks and food without any query as to my identity, the main topic of conversation being boyfriends, their prowess, or rather lack of in that role. Of course, Zak knows all the protagonists but as Trixie the only one I'm supposed to have met is Rory so my part in the conversation was quite limited.
"That wasn't so bad,” Janey suggested as Amy and Sian ottered off to meet their beaus down at Turnups.
"Pretty sure Ames smelt a rat,” I told her, "She kept giving me odd looks.”
"She was checking out your pierces, you might not be wearing full Goth black but all the holes do make you stand out from the crowd.”
"You sure?”
"Pink hair, face full of sparkles, you is exotic on legs bro, so where now?”
"The Star?”
"Lets go then Miss Heartswoon.”
The Star is really just a pub with a disco on Fridays and Saturdays but being a bit further from the rest of the 'venues', by about ten it quietens down so if crowds aren't your thing its a good choice. Add in the music isn't all Gaga and Kylie and there's no cover charge for girls and its got a lot going for it.
"ID's please ladies,” the lard mountain that is Micky Burke, the Star's bouncer cum doorman requested.
"Micky,” Janey whined, "We went to school together.”
Well attended the same buildings would be more accurate, Micky is not the brightest academically so the Askwith 'twins' only ever shared phys ed with the door guardian.
"I still have to check and I don't know your friend.”
"Whatever,” Janey sighed fishing for her driving licence.
Sugar, somehow over the last weeks posing as Trixie i've escaped needing ID and whilst the image on my own licence is a bit ambiguous, it still gives my real full name. I made a thing of searching my own bag.
"I can't find mine.”
"Let me have a look,” Janey requested after Mick glanced at her card.
"I think I left it in my other bag.”
My sister still took my bag and started looking through the contents.
"Ta da!” she suddenly announced and flourished the card at Mick.
"You two related?” brain of Britain asked.
"Cousins,” Janey supplied barely giving Mick a chance to look at the licence.
"Go on then,” he allowed, stepping aside to facilitate our entry.
"What happened back there,” I queried as we joined the throng at the bar, "He must have seen my name.”
"I gave him mine again,” she giggled.
"You sly moo,” I grinned back.
"Well Mick's hardly the sharpest knife is he, he saw what he wanted, a licence out of your bag, it said girl and it said you were over eighteen.”
"How did you think of that?”
"Well duh, we used to do it all the time to get into places, I think the record was four of us on Jasmine's licence.”
Devious or what.
I've never been a heavy drinker, a few pints with the lads but my sister and her clique drink on a different level. Oh they can act all ladylike when they want but tales of shot contests and the grim aftermath have been regular causes of parental friction over the years. After the first round in The Star I switched to cola, well I'm working in the morning and someone has to get Janey home safely.
We danced a bit, talked a bit, got hit on by a couple of Lotharios and a girl batting for the other team made a play for me, that had Janey in hysterics. All in all, pretty standard stuff for a girls Friday night out in Chessy. By half eleven my feet were killing me and Janey was slurring her words, time to call it a night.
Being comparatively early still we didn't wait long for a taxi which is just as well as it was freezing and neither of us were exactly dressed for the cold. Its not far out to Fort Askwith, a ten minute drive at this hour.
"Mum knows.” Janey suddenly blurted as we turned into our road.
"Knows what?” okay, I'm not sparking that well either.
"Trixie,” she offered.
"What about Trixie Janey?”
"Stuff, here,” she thrust a tenner into my hand, "Taxi.”
by now we were stopped outside the house and Janey was fighting the door handle.
"What stuff?”
"Ever'thing, good night Trix, see you tomorrow.”
And with that she finally got the door open and launched herself at the house.
"She gonna be alright?” our driver asked.
"Yeah, looks like mum's still up,” and indeed the front door opened as the unsteady figure reached it.
"So, where to luv?”
"Er, the Travelodge please.”
I mused on Janeys departing words as we headed back across town to the hotel, what was all that about mum knowing about Trixie? Of course she knows about me, we have met Janey. Geez sis, you really need to get a grip on the drinking, you don't half come out with some cods' when you've had a few.
© Maddy Bell 01.05.2020
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Mums know all sorts of sh1t
about their kids that the kids think that they have kept secret from her.
Just a normal fact of life. Nice to see Trixie back but she has a big decision to make very soon. What will it be eh? {don't answer that}
The question is
What is it that Mum knows?
Madeline Anafrid Bell
You mean that you don't know? (te-he)
i know
what she thinks she knows but is that what Trixie thinks she knows?
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Maddy Bell
You have an awesomely twisted mind when you write some of your stories Maddy Bell. That is one of the reasons I love them so much and have read almost everything you have written. And re-read a lot of it too.
The Shadow Knows
Ask him!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Of course mum knows. How could she not know her own daughter?
After eight weeks of nonstop Trixiebelle, does she remember enough of Zak to be able to switch back? Zak was pretty much a nonentity whereas Trixie has packed more memorable experiences into eight weeks than Zak has in eight years. Trixie is young, a bit of a partier, adventurous in a less restrained way, and all those bold, vivid memories may have driven out Zak's humdrum existence. If it was my choice I'd jump into Trixie's life in a heartbeat!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Another great chapter. I
Another great chapter. I think of all the stories I've read on this site, this and Gaby definatly make my top 5 list. Looking forward to Trixie's (big?) reveal to her mom (or her mom revealing they she knows, and has known for a while, the next time they 'accidentaly' meet).
If you're "backdated" enough -
"She knows, y' know.."
And now my image of Askwith senior is forever etched on my eyeballs; Hylda Baker. I'm sure the further chapters will show her nothing like, but there it is.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Friday Night in Chessy
A great portrait of one of the cultural spectaculars, but definitely not for the faint hearted.
Of course, they could always have got the bus into Sheffield, for a bit of up-market entertainment..the Fiesta for example..
I was never a clubber, not then or now, but you have brought back some ( very shaky) late teen memories from the 80s..
Thanks (I guess)
Love Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
Something that I did either but I used to work in an office where the majority did. As a result I got the tales of weekend debauchery shared every Monday. They were mostly in Sheffield but sometimes for a change they'd go to Chessy, Roberham, Barnsley or even Donny.
Glad it brought back good memories and that I did capture the feel of the experience.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Humm we are kinda left hanging for another chapter