The Titan Queen chapter 3

The Titan Queen Chapter 3

By Cynthia Jeanette
Sybilla forms a formidable alliance against the reigning king and finds more allies in her quest for power.

The Valentinian family’s head Brom followed shortly after Philip came and the same process was executed on him. He became inescapably bound to Sybilla’s will. They were bound to obey her every command. And then she went back to take care of her precious babies. She knew she would be leaving them to fight in this war and that it would be heartwrenching. But that it would be necessary.


King Theodora sat on her throne alone. Her anger at her infernal little brother simmered within her. It had grown into a white-hot rage. This was all his doing and she knew it. That asshole had deliberately withheld the knowledge of her father’s treaty with the Fay Kingdom from her. This was his plan all along. She knew it in her heart. He knew of the treaty and the goods that the Fay expected. He knew all about that treaty and told her nothing about it. So she didn't know what was expected. When they came to her doorstep she had no idea and thought it was a plot or an attack and responded accordingly. She had no idea. And now they were on the warpath to totally destroy the Kingdom. The Fay had already destroyed many of the border towns and some of the major cities on the border. Tens of thousands of people had already been killed including the bulk of the army. This was exactly what her brother wanted and would use this to show that she was unfit. She knew in her heart that she would not be ruling for much longer. It infuriated her to no end. Her brother was going to reclaim the throne and there was nothing she could do about it. She needed his help and she knew what he was going to demand for his help. She could try to refuse, but it would cost her everything. She was willing to sacrifice the power she claimed if it would protect the people. But she knew that her brother in his anger and thirst for vengeance would undo everything she had accomplished as king just out of spite. He would reverse her edicts that made men and women equal. He would re-institute the restrictions on women’s lives and their freedom just to spite her. He would revive the witch hunters and destroy the followers of Hekate. Witches would be burnt again. The freedom people knew under her rule would be very short-lived and that made Theodora very sad. Her brother’s selfishness and hate would destroy everything she worked so hard to accomplish.

She remembered the pride and the accomplishment she felt when she first seized the crown from her little brother. It was such a victory over that annoying incompetent asshole who only was the heir because of his sex. She knew she was wiser and stronger. She was much more worthy and she did it because she wanted to help the people in ways he wouldn't.

He simply could not have accomplished what she had in such a short time. And it was even prophesied that he may have been killed if he ascended the throne. She nearly was killed in several attempts on her life. But her brother was only sixteen when their father died. Her brother was young, he was very childish and he was mean. He was loving toward his parents and he had many friends. But he was a very sexist and entitled boy at sixteen. He felt that he was above women and that males were superior. He felt that girls were too weak and they needed a firm hand to rule over them. Of course, that was how he was taught by the priests of the church. It was how society was designed and had worked for over a thousand years. He threw it all in her face every chance he got. He teased her because of her female weaknesses. That attitude was what she needed to end and she had gone a long way toward that end.

She freed the women, she liberated the witches and restored the worship of the Goddess to the land. They were all very happy. She knew how angry her selfish little brother was at it all and just wanted to rule for himself.

Her brother’s rage at being turned into a girl and seeing her claim his crown as the King of the Shattered Isles totally enraged him. His rage was frightening. She had never experienced such anger in her life. He threatened her life that day. He told her right to her face that she would die for this. And she hoped that he would come to understand the need, but Serren never did. He kept telling her that he was going to kill her. His rage never ceased. It only grew. It was very frightening but she knew she was safe. Until he began studying witchcraft. That was a move she should have seen but it was a female art and she never considered he would willingly subject to the study of witchcraft and the Goddess. He studied it and excelled at it. By the time she saw the threat growing, it was too late. Threatening the King was a crime he committed many times. She dismissed it as impossible, but it was possible now and he was too strong to imprison. Luckily, he never made an attempt to kill her. He knew he would not have had the support he needed to seize the crown. At least not until now when he knew that he was going to be needed to lead the army. If he led them to victory, then he would have the support to claim the crown.

And she knew what he was going to do to them all once he reclaimed the crown. He was going to kill them all and restore the restrictions on the witches. He was going to seek a terrible revenge on them all. She had to do everything possible to prevent him from regaining the crown. But she knew in her heart that he was going to reclaim the crown and kill her. He said it to her face multiple times. Her rule and the liberation of the women was going to be extremely short. It was coming to the end. There was little she could do about it.

She heard that he had killed the professor in cold blood. He was going to kill more of the witches. Her brother seemed to hate the witches with a passion. When he reclaimed the throne, Theodora knew he was going to kill them all. Her brother had become so cruel and so selfish. His wrath was going to be terrible.

Theodora let her thoughts go for several more long minutes as she tried to find a way out of this. What got to her the most was that she had been manipulated from the very beginning. The girl who she relied on the most and thought was one of her best and most trusted friends had been manipulating her from the very beginning. Arcadia knew how she felt about her annoying little brother and had used that to encourage her to unleash more of the pent up resentment and anger she had at how he treated her to return the favor. She said he deserved it. All along knowing how he felt and how he would take it. Arcadia encouraged her and did some herself to punish and mock Serren all along knowing it was arousing his anger and what the end result would eventually be. She didn’t know Serren did love her. But she kept pushing him and eventually he broke. Yes, he did threaten her from the start and was very upset but with enough love and guidance, they could have moved past it. But she unleashed her anger at him and kept humiliating and mocking him. So his anger grew and grew and it eventually broke. She and Arcadia cast the pregnancy spell on him, he got pregnant and that didn’t work out how they planned. Instead of it being a crushing and devastating experience for the boy, it was one of the most loving and wonderful experiences for him. He fell in love with his new babies and resolved to raise them as a mother. He was declared the virgin mother to the entire kingdom and expecting mothers flocked to him for advice. Arcadia encouraged her to take his children as her own and she followed that horrible advice. Arcadia knew what the result would be and it ended how she planned. He finally fought back and nearly killed her. He would have if not for the power of Hekate protecting her. Arcadia planned on her brother killing her so she could reclaim the throne. She was a descendant of the last of the witch kings from the age of the matriarchy. She felt the throne was hers and she was probably one of the few witches in the entire world that stood a chance against her brother’s power. Theodora knew what her brother would want now. He never trusted Arcadia and he wanted her bad. No one knew where she fled to but they had to find her.

There was another matter that she had to resolve and she knew it would be difficult. But if he was willing to cause this war and watch the destruction of the kingdom then that is something she had to face. The fact that he did this to her knowing what the result would be meant he was very determined and there wasn’t much she could do. She would have to give him what he wanted to save the Kingdom. She was willing to give him the crown if it would save the people from destruction. This type of rage wasn’t something she could face. But it hurt her to admit this. By him pulling this on her proved she was worthier and more mature. She deserved it more than him, not that it mattered anymore. If he caused this, then clearly he had a plan that had a chance to defeat the Fay. He was their only chance. But this war was his doing. He knew it would happen. He knew what the Fay expected but she was going to be blamed for it and he would use it against her.

But no one told her about the secret agreement with the Fay Kingdom. She had no idea of the goods she was supposed to provide them each year. In return for vast amounts of gold. No one told her of it. No one really knew. She knew her father trained him for the crown and Serren knew. She didn’t know. So she didn’t transport the goods. She was rightfully alarmed to see a heavily armed group of Fay marching to their gates and she responded to defend her city. She didn’t know that was only a diplomatic state visit to inquire why she had broken their agreement. She had the group arrested and several Fay were killed. The Fay declared war and the next thing she knew there was an army of Fay marching across the border and burning down her border towns and several of her large cities. They were headed here. She mobilized her army to fight them. She marched off to war expecting a victory. Her huge Eagles and Hawks and griffins helped her in their first war against the Valentinians and crushed their army. It didn’t work against the Fay though and they swept her creatures from the sky. Her army was crushed and she barely made it back in defeat. She was now raising another army and hoping she can convince her brother to help. She knew he would eventually help. He had grown and matured. Gone was the sexist boy who only wanted to party and sleep with girls. He was now a woman on a mission to crush her and if that meant crushing the Fay and marching back as a hero, that’s what he would do. And Theodora knew once he did that, she would have no choice but to surrender the crown to him. And she also knew that he would unleash his wrath on the witches and turn back all of her progress. Things would go back to what they were before she ruled. She only wondered how he would justify it to himself now that he had chosen to remain living as a woman and a mother to his babies.

Her first job was to find Arcadia and she called the witches to her chamber.

The elder women arrived within the hour and she gave them the orders. It pained her to realize the witch’s freedom was now on borrowed time and was about to end. As was her rule of the Kingdom. “We need to find the manipulative Arcadia. She has betrayed the crown and she has been missing long enough. She must face justice for what she did. We know my little sister will be coming any time and what she will demand in return for her assistance in this war.”

The new High Witch Amanda inquired, “Why do you need to give the princess anything for her help? You rule not her.”

“The princess is the only hope we have in this war now. She is our only hope to survive. She is very angry at how she was treated. We are all guilty of abusing her because of her sex. She will make steep demands for her assistance. One of them is sure to be Arcadia’s head. Find where she is hiding. You all found Zakister and brought him back for justice. Find Arcadia as soon as you can and bring her back for our justice.”

“Yes, your majesty.” And they left to follow her commands.


Sybilla knew she was going to have to help the Kingdom. She really didn’t want it all to be destroyed. She wanted to rule it herself. She only wanted her wicked sister to know how hopeless the situation was for her. Sybilla wanted Theodora to know that she was her only hope. She also wanted to kill the professor. That bitch deserved to die. The professor led the witches and took a leading part in her abuse. None of them thought what they were doing was wrong. They all deserved to pay. They wanted to create a better world where women were free to determine their own lives, or even marry who they chose to. That is all fine, but there was little reason to abuse her then. But as a boy, she knew Serren represented everything that they were taught to fear and hate. He was an entitled sexist boy set to rule in the name of his father who was the same way. It was how he was taught to be since he was a little toddler. There was nothing he could do about it. Nothing that happened to them was his doing at all. But everything that happened to her was their doing. The witches were clearly evil. He was taught by the priests that women were too emotional to be in positions of power. They were unable to lead. They were too weak to fight. That only men could be trusted to have power. Sybilla’s experience taught him that much of what he learned as a youth was wrong. She learned that as a woman. She also learned that women could be as cruel as men. Both sexes were guilty and had done terrible things to each other. She was going to override many of her sister’s achievements when she wore the crown. But she wasn’t about to put the dumbass priests back in charge. They had been defeated and proved their unworthiness. No. A new order was going to be instituted under her rule. Both orders were going to be wiped out. The witches under Hekate as well as the priests under Ares and Zeus. They were all going to be destroyed.

Morning was coming and she felt she now knew what she needed to know to accomplish her goal. But none of it was going to be easy. She feared trying to enter Tartarus. She would first have to enter the underworld of Erebus. That was where Hades ruled and from what she heard, he wasn’t nice at all. It was an easy place to enter, but getting out alive was the more difficult part. And even then, she would have to find and enter the inescapable prison of Tartarus where the Titans were held. If even the mighty Titans couldn’t escape Tartarus, what hope did she have? And releasing and trying to control them. There were ways to do it. But Sybilla felt that the people who knew how would have no interest in helping her do it. But if there was any hope of doing it, it was now. Now was the time.

It was just at that time that the person she had been expecting to come had finally made it there. Her mother Ellyn had finally arrived. Sybilla figured that Theodora thought that the influence of their mother may finally convince her to help. Theodora was wrong. Sybilla had no love at all for her mother. As far as she was concerned, her mother betrayed her and she no longer had a mother.

Sybilla was sitting outside in a large decorated ring when her mother came in her carriage and stepped out. Ellyn knew this was nearly hopeless. She knew that Sybilla hated her almost more than she hated her.

She looked at Sybilla and said, “Sybilla, I think you...”

Then Sybilla interrupted, “Yes Ellyn I know what foolish mission your daughter Theodora sent you on and you may as well return because I have no intention of doing any favors for her, or for you. You can deal with the daughter you favored all along and set on my throne.”

“I am your mother, you are my daughter” Ellyn tried to say. “Won’t you do anything for us?”

“You are not my mother,” Sybilla said cruelly. “I am not your daughter. You only had one daughter. Theodora was your daughter. You had a boy about a year later. His name was Serren. You betrayed and killed him. You had no girl named Sybilla. Since you didn’t love your son and did this. You now have only one child. I am not your daughter. You killed your son just like you two arranged the death of your husband Gerreck.”

But then since Ellyn was already there. She may as well let her watch in horror since she already arranged for it to happen. “But since you are here already. You can see how I intend to help you all. I still have no idea what you expected me to do with an untrained inexperienced army against hundreds of thousands of pissed off Fay. If I am going to fight I intend to win it. But you are trying to set me up for a defeat. There is only one hope here. So just watch.”

Then Sybilla knelt in the circle and began chanting a very ancient and powerful spell. Sybilla was chanting in an incomprehensible language. It was not the language of the Goddess or of anything she could understand.

As she kept chanting her spell. They all felt the ground beneath them began to violently shake. A great rumbling could be felt far beneath them. Ellyn was very frightened but Sybilla kept chanting her spell and kneeling on the ground as if in worship of whatever she was summoning.

Then she saw a great massive feminine figure began to materialize in front of Sybilla as she lowered her eyes and said, “My Goddess.”

Ellyn was horrified beyond reason. “Oh No, please Sybilla. You didn’t summon her. Please, anything but this. Please don’t do this.”

“My Goddess Hera,” Sybilla said as she knelt in submission. “I need your help in this conflict. Please, I will give you anything you ask.”

Hera laughed bitterly. “You silly girl,” She said arrogantly. “Why should I help you? You caused this war. It was your plotting that caused your sister to offend the Fay. Why should I help you at all?”

“We are your creation,” Sybilla said. “Please protect us. I know you would hate for us all to be wiped out. And there’s another thing. You know what I want and I know what you want, My Goddess Hera and I will give it to you. I know you are tired of your husband’s arrogance, infidelity humiliating you, and his ego. I know you hate him now and you want to destroy him. I will give you what you want if you help me.”

That intrigued Hera more than anything. She knew exactly what Sybilla wanted. “Yes, you could overcome my husband Zeus if I give you what you want. But you know I don’t even have that power. It took all of the greatest Gods combined to defeat them the first time. If I help you release them, what assurance do I have that you can control him enough to not let them destroy us all?”

“If I have Cronus’ crown, I can protect you from them.” Said Sybilla.

Hera laughed. Then she thought for a second and said, “Fine, but I will only trust you if you can defeat him. You will fight Cronus, and you must defeat him in battle. Only then will I agree to help you.”

Ellyn spoke up, “Now you know she has no chance against Cronus. Even you and your husband stand no chance against him. You are setting Sybilla up to be killed.”

Then Hera touched Sybilla and a massive torrent of power entered into Sybilla. She began to glow with an enormous powerful divine radiance. It was then that another figure appeared beside Sybilla.

Ellyn was more horrified as he looked at Sybilla.

Hera said, “I summoned my nephew Hades. He will grant you safe passage through his underworld. He also has a weapon that can defeat Cronus.”

Hades said in the voice of the dead, “Hera requests that I grant you safe passage to the underworld. Charon will allow you to enter and you may pass through the underworld and enter the prison of Tartarus. If you survive passage through the prison and find the Titan King Cronus. You two will combat. This weapon can defeat him. But don’t lose it.”

Hades gave Sybilla Cronus’ massive scythe, a key to enter the prison and an enormous deadly sword. “This is the sword of Ares. Protect them. They are your only chance to beat Cronus. And this is your last gift. IF you defeat Cronus, make him drink this. It will give you power over him. Just don’t die.”

Hera told Sybilla, “And if you do this, then you will have the power to defeat Zeus. I will be free from him once and for all.”

Ellyn stood there stunned and horrified at what she had just witnessed Sybilla do. She was now extremely frightened. The bargain Sybilla just made with the wicked Goddess Hera now just gave her unimaginable power over the world. She could now do anything she wanted and no one could stop her.

Sybilla looked at Ellyn and said, “No, I can’t do anything I want yet. The Gods can stop me and take my power away if I don’t hold my end of the bargain I just made. I am expected to do several tasks for them and then this becomes permanent. I must defeat Cronus first. Then I must deal with Hera’s unfaithful husband and I don’t imagine any of those will be easy. Even with the new weapons Hades gave me. And then, I will deal with my evil sister.”

“Your sister is not evil,” Ellyn tried to explain in the most sympathetic tone she had. “Your sister was entrusted to change things. She was chosen by the Goddess herself. She received visions of the changes and instructions to follow. These changes were things we needed to do. Things could not continue as they had for the past thousand years. And you must know that by now. You were female at the beginning of your sister’s reign. You experienced the oppression and fear we lived under. And you saw how things were once she lifted the restrictions, she suppressed the priests and begin the restoration of the Goddess. The lives of women became much better. Theodora had to become king. It was prophesied. Your change was prophesied. We kept hoping that you would understand.”

“I do understand,” Sybilla said harshly. “But I felt like a sacrifice. Like something being led to the slaughter. I suffered under my sister’s rule. She inflicted great suffering on me. I was forced into everything. Then I was mocked, I was belittled, terrible restrictions were placed on me and I was even imprisoned and forced to beg her for the simple freedom to move around and attend school. There was no reason to do all of that to me. And then, I was even sexually assaulted multiple times. Then Theodora and her friend Arcadia cast a spell on me to make me pregnant with twins. Don’t get me wrong I deeply love my babies. But what she did was still cruel. How can you say she isn’t evil after all she did to me?”

“She was rightfully angry and resentful at you for how you treated her all her life. You were harsh to her.”

“I never abused her the way she did to me,” Sybilla spat out hatefully. “I never forced her into a girl’s life. That was just the life that was chosen for her. None of the oppression was my doing either. I would have continued it as King. But that’s how I was taught all my life. And when I rule again, I will reimpose them all on you.” Sybilla looked at her with a cruel sneer that made Ellyn very frightened.

“I just can’t believe you Sybilla.”

“And this is what really makes me angry. It enrages me big time. It’s the worst of all. What I believed in, is what I was taught to believe in since I was a tiny toddler learning to walk. These lessons were drilled into me by father, and the priests at the church, and the boy’s temple. You didn’t even try to correct what I was being taught. That blessing was afforded to my sister. So I was taught all of this junk you hated. And then you knew it would condemn me later on and cause me to be hated, reviled and made me suffer. Had I known how wrong it was, I could have been willing to help as King and there would have been no need to destroy me. But now, I simply don’t care after what you all did to me. I set it all up and I am happy. Now, you all need me to help you and it’s going to cost you a lot for my help. And you know it.”

At that moment, Hera rematerialized in a flash beside Sybilla. “There is one thing I forgot to tell you and this is a secret that we have kept from you. I have one question for you Ellyn. Why do you think Sybilla was so powerful in magic?”

“This strength is a side effect of the transformation spell we cast on her. This spell was created during the age of the Goddess and the matriarchy. Being transformed into a female was seen as a great gift back then. It was only cast on worthy boys. As a result, they were gifted with great power in magic.”

“But those boys, like King Devinia, Devin still had to study for years to understand and do magic. Not months. Within meer months, Sybilla was able to match the most experienced and powerful witches. Even Arcadia was frightened of her by then. Crushing her sister and nearly killing Theodora after she tried to steal Sybilla’s twins. This type of power wasn’t even given to those boys during the Matriarchy.”

That much was true and they both looked blankly at Hera.

“The answer is, another god interfered in the transformation. Sybilla, your stunning beauty and grace as a woman, as well as your extreme power and the rapid pace you learned it all. Was a gift by the Goddess Aphrodite. Your body wasn’t transformed by the spell, or by the Goddess Hekate as they expected. No, your body was transformed by Aphrodite. And she saw the suffering that was planned for you. She saw what was intended and aided you.”

They saw a brilliant flash beside Sybilla at that moment and it was almost as if an older clone of Sybilla was standing beside her. There was Aphrodite standing looking lovingly into Sybilla’s eyes.

“Yes,” Aphrodite said mischievously with a smirk, “that was all me. And I must say the stunning beauty you were transformed in was quite a shock to the witches. You truly have a divine beauty now. And I saw the horrors they had planned for you. I saw your sister’s seething resentment at the male privilege you were born with. The freedom you had as a boy and the crown you were going to get just because you were male. How she was dismissed and ignored. The hatred Theodora had built up at you over the years and what they all planned to do to you. It was as wrong as could be. And you could never have learned witchcraft enough to fight them. So I gave you a few godlike gifts. You were able to learn at a stunning speed. That shocked them a lot. As a boy, you were never really into learning and books. But once you found out the only way you could try to fight it, you dived right into the books of witchcraft and the classes. You progressed at lightning speed. That frightened them. I also gave you much more power than other witches. Sybilla those were my gifts and I am glad you were able to use them. And now,” Aphrodite smirked, “I have pushed Hera into this but she is all too willing if it gets her free of her stupid husband. You have been sent on a quest. If you are able to complete it, you will be able to take your place among us on Olympus. After that, I would think being the king of a small minor island nation would not be enough for someone of your power. You will be above a king. Even the Kings will have to submit to you. You will be their Goddess. Even Hekate will fear you. She will be so sorry for what she did.”

“Only if I can do alone, what the most powerful gods were barely able to do. Defeat Cronus all by myself. Theodora loves to fight. She wanted to be a warrior king. Maybe I will take her to Tartarus and see if she can fight Cronus.” Sybilla giggled cruelly at the thought of taking her cruel sister to Tartarus and making her face Cronus.

But Aphrodite and Hera’s harsh look made Sybilla rethink that plan. Maybe it wasn’t so good. Then Hera said, “Think about it Sybilla. Setting her up to be killed may seem good at first. Watching her do what she loves only to be vastly overpowered by a Titan and killed may seem like a good idea. But letting her live and watch you gain power over her, and for you to have such amazing authority and power she can’t ignore. She must submit to your power as the God she loves is diminished by you. Imagine her then. Some times, living is a worse punishment. You were born for greatness and you are beloved by the Gods. Theodora will end up being despised. And now you need to prepare for your first challenge and your future. You must go to the city of Plantagenet for the grand ceremony you arranged. He is assembling the Lords and the army for you. It’s exactly what you wanted and it’s about ready.”

Ellyn was confused as Sybilla arranged for the pink princess carriage with the Plantagenet crest on it and they began the long trip from the countryside with his ex-mother, and his spouse and their babies to travel to the city of Plantagenet, the territory’s capital.

As they traveled there, Sybilla was remembering the first time when he was supposed to be named the King in a grand ceremony like this. The one where instead of getting a grand crown, he got a small pink tiara and was named the princess. He was turned into a girl and watched his sister betray him and claim the crown. Then the betrayal of the lords as they proclaimed their loyalty to her. She didn’t know everything that Theodora did to gain the lord’s loyalty. She met with each of them setting up the entire betrayal, giving each of them royal gifts as they arrived. All of it behind Sybilla’s back. It was such a monstrous betrayal. Sybilla let her anger simmer and now some of the lords were going to proclaim their loyalty to her. One of them was going to name her as the lord of the family. Things were going to change this day.

As they got closer to the territorial capital, Sybilla saw the army camps of the various families that traveled here to be part of this ceremony. Things were finally coming together for her and she was getting what she wanted out of life. Theodora was going to get a rude shock very soon when several very important families abandoned her and there was little she could do about it right now. She had a very poorly trained army and the Plantagenet and the Valentinian family had well-trained armies. An army raised and chosen by her influence, and she set up a grueling training program. She had a vast and well trained and loyal army now. Unlike Theodora and the Valois royal family who was now doomed. They lost their army. They lost their heir. All they had left was Theodora and there wasn’t a man alive that would marry her and agree to lose his last name to her. The Valois family was dying, all because of Theodora’s betrayal. The Plantagenet family would ascend to power.

The carriage parked and they stepped out of it. Sybilla walked through the sea of people assembled according to their rank or nobility. The massive number of each family's soldiers stood in formation with their armor and shields. Their crest marked which family they served. The nobles stood in front and Lord Philip Plantagenet stood on a raised platform with his people waiting for Sybilla to arrive with him. The ceremony was about to begin as Sybilla walked up to the raised platform wearing her ceremony’s gown and her family sash marking her as a member of the Plantagenet family. She was wearing her sword on her belt and she loved this sword much more than her former family’s sword that was taken away from her after she was betrayed. No one was going to take this sword away from her. A strange and very powerful and fierce-looking man stood beside Lord Philip. He was wearing no family crest but he was clearly a very powerful warrior. She had no idea who this man was or what he was doing on the raised platform. Philip seemed to accept him so Sybilla hoped that everything was alright with this man. It was still strange. She also saw agents of the king among the crowd. They were in for a rude shock.

She walked up to the raised platform and Lord Philip signaled that everything was ready to begin. The crowd quieted down as Philip began to speak to the vast sea of people assembled before them. They would have quite a lot to report to the King.

“This event will signal a great change in the order of our noble families. This marks a momentous and undeniable moment in time. This powerful young lady who was betrayed and denied her place in her own family has proven herself to be a powerful young woman and a most valuable member of this family. Her dedication to the Plantagenet family deserved to be rewarded. She had reformed the army of our family. She has raised a very powerful army in such a short time and she single-handedly designed the training regime that has made them so strong in combat. And this is only the beginning. When the Plantagenet join the war against the Fay, the Plantagenet family will be able to take the lead in the effort to push the Fay back. The Valois will no longer be able to take the lead, and nor will the false King Theodora. She will have to follow our lead. So, as this effort was led by the Lady Sybilla Plantagenet, I have decided to reward her. Bear witness that as of this moment, I am stepping down as the leader of the Plantagenet and lord of our family. I name Sybilla as the head of our family as of this moment. She is the leader, and the Lord leading the Plantagenet Family. Members of our family including me will from now on take direction from Sybilla.”

Then Philip knelt and swore fealty to Sybilla.

Many of the members of the Plantagenet were unhappy and were hesitant to follow Philip’s lead. This was unexpected and the noble ranks of the family were unhappy with Sybilla.

Sybilla stepped forward and drew her sword in a very threatening gesture. Her body began to glow with an angry and divine radiance. Her sword glowed bright red with fire. The nobility backed away in fear.

Then the strange man stepped forward and shouted with a godlike boom, “How dare you betray your family. Sons and daughters of the Plantagenet. Your former lord gave you an order and named a new leader who proved herself very worthy. You kneel and obey your new lord, or be named traitors and enemies by your lord Ares.” He glowed like the God of War.

That answered that and the lords knelt and swore allegiance and loyalty to their new lord Sybilla.

Then she kept her divine sword drawn showing her as an ally of Ares. It was clear who that sword belonged to. The man Ares smiled at her in approval. He whispered in her mind, “I don’t mind. I had another sword made. You are clearly worthy of that sword and it likes you. You will do well against Cronus.”

It was time to address the crowd herself. “Thank you members of the Plantagenet family for with your loyalty and trustI will lead us to power. And thanks to the members of the other families that have sworn loyalty to me. We will make a fearsome alliance against the King if she chooses to start hostilities, which would be a foolish choice when our entire kingdom is under attack.

And then she walked into the noble’s palace and down the great hall and turned into a council chamber where she had called a meeting of the other lords and administrators of the territories now under her control. She took her place at the dais as the other lords and administrators took their seat around the table. This was where she belonged. This was the position that was stolen from her. She had a feeling that some of what she had to say would be very shocking to say the least.

Sybilla began the meeting. “As of now, I am reimposing the restrictions on women’s lives. Women in positions of power must be removed. Women are to hold no positions of power within the territories under my control. Are we agreed.”

There were several women there holding administrative positions but they were outvoted. Much to their shock and despair. One of the ladies protested, “How can you do this?”

“It’s easy, and the measure has passed. Next on our agenda is to restart the inquisition.”

This was very shocking. Sybilla continued, “The edicts repealing the laws forbidding worship of the Goddess are hearby repealed. Worship of the Goddess is a crime in our territories. The witch hunters are reinstated. The church is to be reinstituted. Their power is to reinstated. Are we agreed or not?”

The women opposed it but they were outvoted again by the council. Few really wanted to oppose Sybilla. Some were bound to agree with her. Sybilla really enjoyed the shock and despair on the women’s faces as they saw where this was going. They would be removed from their position and replaced. No woman would hold a position of power again. They couldn’t understand how Sybilla could betray her sex like this.

The measures passed. The women were really upset and the council meeting ended with Sybilla standing up and walking out. She then met with Philip and asked what he thought. Philip smiled and said, “You were ferocious. Few of them had the courage to oppose you. You did great.”

Then Sybilla walked out to address what remained of the crowd. “As of this moment, I have made several key changes to the way our areas operate. As of this moment, I am reinstating the previous status of women. Contracted marriages are hereby enforced. Women’s place in society is what it was under the church. The witch hunters are reinstated and will do their job. The previous restrictions and laws against worship of the Goddess are hereby reinstated. Worship of the Goddess and their religion is outlawed. The inquisition against the witches will be reinstated. Women in positions of power and authority are to be removed. Only men may hold positions of power within our area.”

One of the noblewomen stepped forward and asked the obvious question, “What about you, aren’t you a woman in a position of power?”

“No,” replied Sybilla, “I wasn’t supposed to be a woman. This was forced on me against my will, by the witches. And now, I am clearly above men and women.” Her features ignited in a brilliant blaze. Her eyes lit up, her hair ignited in fire. She held her fury sword high in the air. “I am a Goddess.”

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