I've just finished rereading Dawns 'A Second Chance' for the third time.
I'm anticipating lots of reading time coming up for some of us, so what are the books that you come back to and reread?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I've just finished rereading Dawns 'A Second Chance' for the third time.
I'm anticipating lots of reading time coming up for some of us, so what are the books that you come back to and reread?
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I just finished meps98’s Severance Pay. All three of meps’ stories are great sagas. I’m going into Anon Allsop’s A
Love So Bold next.
Stories I've gone back to
These are stories I've re-read, and always for the same reason: they haunted me at the edge of my memory. I mean, I kind-of remembered a story.. and how did it go? So I looked it up and liked it even better the second time around:
While checking out and reading a recent story, I discovered that there were a lot of stories by Ricky that I haven't read and have started through the list of them going all the way back to 2010. There are other authors and stories that I will go back to later. I have also bought some books on Amazon that started out as stories here and plan to go through that list.
My list
Somewhere Else Entirely By Penny Lane (is one I am reading )
All the one I like to read a gen are in my bookmarks
Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter By WolfJess7 (Jessie Wolf on amazon)
I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/faq
Great book
Somewhere else entirely is another story I loved. It want on my reread list, but I might need to add it. Thanks!
Somewhere Else Entirely
That's one of my all time favorites. But I've only read it about two and one third times. It's just so SO long that I eventually get briefly by some other story and I don't always make it back to SEE.
But I will eventually reread it again. And again.
The stories I reread most often on BCTS are Morpheus's stories about the Imp.
Trick of the Mind by Maeryn Lamonte
I've read and reread Trick of the Mind by Maeryn Lamonte. I don't usually like stories that involve hypnotism because that borders on force femme, but this one deals with a cross-dresser who ends up being given a post-hypnotic suggestion that has him seeing himself dressed when he's not. Great read.
Another I've reread is The Whitechapel Horror by Valentina Michelle Smith. I've also read Kimberly's Summer Vacation more than once. Sadly, Tina passed before finishing it, but it's a great read anyway.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Bookmarks and collections
I understand at the moment you are looking for things to read but as you do and you find you like them you need to save them in one way or another.
One is to bookmark a story. At the end of every story is a ++bookmark. Click on that and it saves it to your bookmarks. If you go to your account one of the links at the top is 'my bookmarks' click on that and all those stories you marked will come up in a nice list.
A second way is to actually download the story (use the printer friendly format) and save it in a file on your pc. I do that and then, because I have a Kindle, I send it to my Kindle. At present I have over 5000 stories and 3000 books in my Kindle cloud.
The best thing is the Kindle allows you to create collections which can include books AND stories in one collection. I have numerous collections by author and several by category like music industry, or office stories, etc. I also have an all-time favorite collection of books and stories that are cross-referenced in author collections.
But at the moment you are looking for stories to read so here are a few suggestions on BC that haven't been mentioned yet.
SarahUK' 'You Have It All Wrong' Series
Julie O's 'The Scholarship' and her 'Coeds' series
Tigger's 'Aunt Jane' Stories
Anything by Angela Rasch
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
things to reread
Anything by Sleethr - I love Whisper
O2BXX - For a girl
Anything by Julie O - Especially 'The Scholarship'
Anything by Morpheus
I reread my own stories, mostly to horrify myself about the typos and try and correct them before anyone noticed. I have several stories I haven't published that I reread and edit over and again trying to get them to a state where they are good enough. I gave up on perfect before I ever started posting here ;-)
Thanks Commentator
I appreciate your suggestion to read "anything" I wrote.
That's horribly sweet. However, if someone wants to read my stories they could send me a PM and I'll give them a list of those that I think are worth reading.
I would add to the list anything that Erin's written -- under various names.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
my classics
anything by Paula Dillon - Drawn Together is my favorite
A New Style Education and the corollary stories
A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows
A different Plane of existence
Some stories set in an american version, which I can't remember the name of
A Summer of Changes by Luise Anne
Morpheus has many really good stories
Whisper by sleethr is one of my favorite and really well laid out as a novel. I think there might be a pdf download for that.
And way too many other great stories.
feminine fit, finding julia, jacqui and me, one of the girls by julie d cole
gabby by maddy bell
belle of the ball
almost anything by bailey summers, Jem and Sweet Dreams... I'll never have them are my favorites
anything by Anam Chara, but especially debriefings.
A Blank Page by flummox
on amazon
gabby by maddy bell
tanya allen
karen bishop
daring diane
Just about everything by Portia Bennet and others
... alias littlerocksilver and Tim Blewett on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1520392958/).
The "Cynthia Chronicles" start here: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/18023/cynthia-chronicles
A lot by Teddie, and especially: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/71380/tommy-trials-... Seems to start 'slow and typical', then gets interesting, and then just plain better.
A lot from dorothycolleen: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/71250/twas-week-befor...
A lot by Bailey Summers: This is one: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/32620/covered-bridges-1
something people missed.
Not all stories are listed under the author. Some are listed under the universe instead. I'm reading the recon stories at moment.
I like morpheus stories.
Really like the elsbeth stories going on at moment.
gaby 1-4 was very good. After that i lost interest completely. Nena are interesting to read.
One i cant remember the name of though or who wrote it was good. Basically a guy was mistakenly sent to a womens prison, got pretty much changed to a woman in prison, got released and changed name..... Now i think the names marion and penny were in it but dont remember its been a long time.
Enemy of fun writes good stories.
I cannot however, recommend any stories where the author has removed them from bcts where they were free to read for those of us with a fixed income this is kind of a sore point for me. Kindle is meh...
have fun
Some answers
The story about the women's prison is Penny Lane's The State Does Not Make Mistakes.
I'm one of those who removed one of my stories from BC. However I warned everyone I was doing so and gave them the opportunity to download it. You aren't the only one on a fixed income and for some selling their books on Amazon is necessary. At least they posted some of them here first. And the revenue from Doppler Press helps keep BC able to operate and for there to be stories for you to read for free.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
state does not make mistakes
thanks. Couldnt remember which one it was.
Do You Understand?
Those stories of mine who have been taken out of the free realm were done to support this website. I don't receive ANY of the revenue.
However -- I have been fortunate in business and don't need the income. Others do need the income and should not be criticized for making those decisions.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
yes and no
They are your stories. You can publish them however you wish. Supporting bc is fine.
I just can't recommend the stories.
BC and Kindle
I'll read them on BC and if, and when, they appear on Kindle, I always try to buy them to support the author.
Removing BCTS Stories
Firstly, I love your writing!
Secondly, your comment (and others voiced the same sentiment) about removing stories from BCTS -- many of other authors, myself included, are on a fixed or greatly reduced income. Publishing on Kindle does bring in a bit of welcome cash, but none of us are getting wealthy from a genre that Amazon refuses to even acknowledge (they lump us in with either Gay or Erotica).
Here's why they disappear from BCTS: It's an absolute requirement of Amazon that Kindle-published works not appear in any form on any other source. When I first self-published, I thought, "Surely they can't mean the short story that I expanded into a full-length book!" and also thought, "The story was posted, not published" and finally thought, "I'm going to leave my story up for BCTS readers because Amazon will never know. What, are they going to try to track down my little story on the whole wide internet?"
Well, yeah, they do. To the old saying "They have an app for that" should be added, "They have a bot for that." I received a detailed wrist-slap from Amazon with every instance of the short story I'd allowed to remain. It was stated in no uncertain terms that they would not publish as long as the story existed on BCTS or anywhere else.
So I had to take it down, and Erin has always been most gracious and understanding in assisting. I can't speak for other authors, but I would prefer having all my stories remain on BCTS, pure and simple. But I need to pay bills, and any small income from Kindle helps pay for the electricity for my internet and to power my laptop to write this. Sadly, at the expense of some of my stories.
I have reread many stories here on BCTS, particularly several from Sarah Lynn Morgan and Angela Rasch. Several novels that I have purchased were noted here and have reread several times, especially three from Jenny Walker—Chasing Hope, Breaking Cover, and her newest one, True Calling. All are superb and worthy of rereads.
two I forgot
she of the jade skirt
Catwalk confidence
Catwalk confidence
I love this story! It's in my reread pile as well.
Ashleigh Blayze - Legend of the Anari
Sarah Lynn Morgan - everything she wrote
WolfJess - all of her stuff
Sleethr - Whisper series
Maggie Finson - Maiden by Decree
Lisa Caitlin Gray - The Serendipity of Freedom
Penny Lane - Somewhere Else Entirely
Paula Dillon - all her stuff
Penny Reed Cardon - DD Rides Again/Crystal Sprite's Texas Gal - well all of Crystal's stuff actually
Julie O -Coeds series, The Scholarship
oh goddess, there are so many more.
A few years ago when I was recovering from surgery, I started at the top of the author's list and worked my way through all of them. And there are a lot of hidden gems in there.
And given the current Covid-19 crisis, that may be an option for a lot of people.
And who knows I may even get some time to finish my own story.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes." William Gibson
Ooh ohh - I just about forgot
John from Wauwatosa - everything he writes
Grover - pretty amazing stuff there too
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes." William Gibson
Stories i read again
Kate Hart's Drew's meltdown.... It's such a shame this story was never finished but I still reread the story and enjoy it for the take on a well known bigcloset characters (Gaby)
Bouncy of Denmark
Casey Brooke
Almost everything by Casey Brooke. (Surprised I didn't see any in the comments before.) Notably, The Fae, Doorway to Amaru Meru, and in the novella category, Shalim IV, Thyria's Bow, S.L.E.P. - Sacrificial Life Extension Project, Amaia and the Lost City, The Island, The Cauldron, and especially The Curse of O'Braonain's Gold.
Sarah Lynn Morgan's The Unicorn's Gift and Samantha.
A lot of Karin Bishop, but many of them jumped to Amazon. Still, there's Cross Country, Academic, and One Word and One Year,
Same with Grover. But there's still Strange Happenings in Ragnorak County (just 10,000 words; it's probably still here because it's too short for a book (g)).
The completed stories in Amethyst's Hyperverse series.
Angharad's Totally Insane.
Finally, "The Crush - Josh the Mermaid", by Erin. Less than 700 words, so it doesn't belong here, but I've read it more than a dozen times.
I Don't Think Anybody's Mentioned...
Simon(e), by D.L. Just read it for a third or fourth time earlier this week, along with one that I think is already on here, How I Became a Girly Girl, by Louise Anne Smithson. (To anyone who's inclined to reject that one out of hand, it's not really a spoiler to say that the "I" there is the GG, not the transitioning TG.)
Anything by
There are some stories that I have reread to the point that I can almost quote them:
Anything by Tiffany Shar - Dollar Runaways etc.
Anything by Daring Diane - the Cheerleader series is exceptional
I miss C Sprite stories, have reread them on storysite.org many times
Please allow me to butt in...
Kindle books by Laer Carroll are exceptional. Very similar to Tanya Allan, although without TG characters (for the most part).
More Stories
Some have been mentioned already, some not. All are great reads.
A Study in Satin - by Tigger (a Sherlock Homes novel)
Being Christina Chase - by Admiral Krunch
Somewhere Else Entirely - Penny Lane’s stories on ‘Anmar’ now running to something like 8 books
Sarah Carerra – by Megan Cambell
A Love So Bold – by Anon Allsop
Any of Maddy Bell’s Gaby or Nena stories, well all of them really
Honey Bunny – by Louise Anne Smithson
The Station’s Late Night Princess – by Alecia Snowfall
SNAFU – by Angharad
Catwalk Confidence – by Connie Alexanderie Jones
The State Does not make Mistakes – by Penny Lane
I’m with the Band – by Melanie Brown
Jessica Rabbit – by Barbie Lee
Zoe and Ashleigh
anything from Zoe and Ashleigh as well as almost all the previously mentioned in this thread. this is a great thread. its helping find more stories to try.
Thanks Sophie. If you would, please mention one of my free-stories. I understand not being able to purchase books on Amazon, I have money problems myself. I keep some of my works on BC as a thank you for the stories I've been able to read for free. I am thankful for all the stories I've been able to read here.
Here are some of the authors I've enjoyed:
Julie O
Tiffany Shar
Jennifer Sue
Paula Dillon
Tanya Allen
Bailey Summers
Here are writers that I've collaborated with but read before I did so
Wolfjess7(a.k.a. Jessie Wolf)
Please check them out, I love their works and think others will too.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
The stations late night princess
This is one of my all time favourites. I love the fact that she has a plan...
Secondhand Life
I'm enjoying looking back at favourites. Another one I've just rediscovered in my bookmarks is Kat Walkers Secondhand Life