I am going to be publishing some of my stories and was wondering about book covers. So far I have been using pictures that I have found on unsplash and I have been pretty happy with them, but, if it wasn't too expensive I thought it might look even better with someone who was more artistic designing them. So... does anyone know how much that costs and who would be a good collaborator?
Thanks in advance
I design my own covers
I design my own covers. I've done a few for other people as well. Below are some that I've designed. If you like them, I'd be glad to help.

Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Designing a cover
Love your covers and may come back to you, but I have someone on board now.
Thank you so much for your great offer
I do most of the covers for DopplerPress but Piper does some, a few have been done by the authors and two were done by outside artists hired through http://fiverr.com - a resource for hiring professional freelances for brief jobs.
I had two years of Art and Graphic Design in college, a year of working as a graphic designer for a printer, and two years of work in comic books. It helps. Many people have a good eye for images, but typography is a very technical field and even professionals can struggle to achieve the aims of communication, clarity, impact and marketability.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Cover designs
I have seen most if not all of the Doppler Press books and love some of them and even the ones I don't love I like. I may come back to you, but I have someone who messaged me and is willing to help so I am going to try that first.
Many thanks