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I'm not sure how many authors were writing to BCTS twenty years ago (yr 2000). Can't even guess how many are here now. What I can observe is there are a whole passel of new authors posting stories. That said, let me say this one more time as I have explained many times before. If you are writing strictly for the knudos and comments, I wish you lots of luck. You are more than likely going to be disappointed. Trying to drive this home to you authors is like giving advice on how to drive to someone who has been driving for years. It doesn't register.

For the majority of authors every story is their baby. They spawned it, nurtured it, and watched it become reality. As every parent they want the world to proclaim how beautiful their baby is. Or in the insane world of publishing, they want money for producing such a beautiful child. If this is one's goal, emotions are going to be hurt or possibly even destroyed. For the one Hollywood actor who makes it up on the big screen there are tens of thousands who didn't make it. Writing is even more fierce. It's a cut throat business. How many movies are made that go straight to DVD if they are even published? They didn't make the "cut". How many books are published which never sold? Hillary Clinton's agents and publisher claimed exciting acceptance of her book, What Happened. The truth is far from the media hype.
Sales of “What happened” were in the 400k range in December, 2017 and MAY have topped 500k by now.
It is important to point out, however, that in order to reach those numbers, and whatever sales have been accomplished since then, retail outlets have been forced to heavily discount the cover price of the book, in some cases as low as $2.00 for a hardcover just to clear out the inventory.
For example, Amazon currently lists the hardcover for $14.95, but just below that is an offer of over 400 “new & used offers” for as low as $1.32.

And isn’t it interesting that the book has sold around 500K copies when she got 65,788,583 votes. That means only .0076% of Hillary voters bothered to buy her book.
The publisher was in reality paying people to buy her book as the selling price was less than the cost of publication, distribution. Many of those sales were people buying for an investment rather than read the book. Buy it now, sell it in years to come for hundreds of dollars. Read the story about Billy Beer when Carter was in office.

The only way most writers are going to get any satisfaction from writing is to write for the pure enjoyment of writing itself. Telling a story their way even if it has been told ten thousand times already by others.

Authors, I'm sorry but if you're writing for knudos, comments, or monetary compensation, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. What one receives is never going to meet one's expectations of a reward. Eight years back the shop was broken into and over half a million dollars worth of high end copiers, printers, mechanical tools were stolen. The doors to the shop destroyed. They were never caught. I try and grow crops every year hoping for financial reward. Three years ago was total crop failure. Nothing was harvested (drought). Two years ago was another disaster as payback was less than five cents on every dollar I invested to produce a crop.

Writing for me is therapy. The world turns out the way it should. Bad people receive their just rewards, good people find a life worth living. I'm a greedy, self serving bitch as I write for one person. Me. If others enjoy the stories, are allowed to escape for a few hours with the heroes and heroines, that is a bonus above something that has already brought me pleasure.

I know I'm preaching to the choir. The majority will still want acclimation for writing their story, their gift to the masses, and they should be rewarded. Write for yourself. If you aren't enjoying it or receiving pleasure from it, if it's a job and one wants to be paid for the effort, take up farming, running your own business, dealing with the public, and get a reality check.
hugs people
I've been a big success in this life. I was born with nothing and I'm going to finish with most of that intact.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

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