Trans surgery possible for those 8 yrs old

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After reading several stories indicating trans surgery is possible for those eight and up, I tried to research the countries where it was possible and hit a blank wall. The search engines are either run by transphobia persons or the data is being shadowbanned-sandboxed.

When the net first started I could find trans data for almost every nation with listing of age, surgeons, and clinics. Now it is a needle in the haystack scenario. Most of it has been removed or is put at the back pages of the search engines. Back then the "back pages" were three or four hundred hits away from the first page. No problem if one is serious. Now it's millions of pages. Lots of luck digging into that searching for data the powers that be want buried. I may have to delve into the DarkWeb for research now.

Youtube, Twitter, Google and many others are pulling sites they no longer agree with. I'm one of those who got knocked off because of my conservative views. Everything I was posting was true and could be referenced but it didn't fit their own agenda. "Truth shall set you free" is okay but it might also get one tossed into the gulag both electronically and possibly physically. Especially in Argentina and China. Other nations are cracking down on free speech too.

Is it possible to pull up Norway, Sweden, and a half dozen other nations in north eastern Europe who perform early reassignment surgery? I didn't find any this time. Hopefully they are still listed in my research files but that is a mess. The surgeons I have listed are probably either dead or retired. I'll get that straightened out when I get my taxes straightened out..., never.

April Ashley received her surgery without the whole Harry Benjamin Standards of Care rules. Which I believe every trans should have the right to. April and I have the same concept of female voice. . “She said, ‘don’t go up. No, no. Don’t go to a higher register. Just find your own voice, use softness, use tone.’” Her suggestion of tone is my suggestion of lyrical.

Okay, a sad end to this hopeless diatribe as the search came up dry for countries, where, when, who for early surgery now. I'll cuss Harry Benjamin till the day I die for what he imposed on transgendered. Here is the non story that almost was and I wasted a half day researching.
Life is a gift. Don't waste it looking back. That's past us. Today is now, tomorrow is yet to come.


A bit dated but...

Daniela Wolfe's picture

In 2009 Kim Petras was the youngest person to receive GRS at age 16.

Here's a more recent one of a trans teen being 'one of the youngest' at age 17:

Doesn't seem to be any precedence for a younger child to have undergone gender reassignment surgery.

Have delightfully devious day,

Dr. Money

Daphne Xu's picture

Does his name ring a bell? There have been a few cases of botched circumcision leading to baby SRS.

-- Daphne Xu

Twin Boys one was changed into a girl

BarbieLee's picture

Daphne mentioned the story of the twin boys which Dr. Money changed one of them into a girl after he botched the circumcision. How did that happen? That's only removal of the foreskin. But he then gave one of the twins a vagina. The girl grew up knowing something was wrong. (she didn't have the girl brain to support her) She finally committed suicide. (sound familiar?) She wasn't able to cope as a girl with a boy mind. This is what MtF and FtM transgender are. Wrong mind installed in the wrong body. And so many of you think we should live with this until we can make a decision as an adult? I think of all those who are lost because it wasn't possible for them to live with the emotional conflict. Toss in ignorance from those around them, bullying and their lives are more than they can handle.
I was lucky in I could be a cowgirl even if I wasn't wearing dresses and going to girl parties at school. Long hair, small in stature, no Adams apple, voice that could be taken either way. I could easily hit soprano when I sang. No one besides me knew what trans was so nobody keyed in. And then there are others who aren't so fortunate.
Fire is only a word unless you got close to one or were burnt. Otherwise you wouldn't understand what fire really was.
If you aren't caught up in the gender-blender there is no way you can understand what it's like. Making a judgement based on a word, transgender, is so wrong in so many ways. You can support us, or not make a judgement either way, or you can decide it is wrong. But if you aren't one of us you will never truly understand. Hell, many caught up in this mess don't understand themselves. But then they are excused because they never were told what caused it, not were they given support. Munchausen syndrome is a good description for them.
Believe what you want but until we are given a choice and a right to our own lives without someone outside making the decisions for us. We are truly non human with no rights, slaves to the constricts defined by society. Boys are born as boys, girls are born as girls, God doesn't make mistakes. I'm not a mistake. My God loved me so much He gave me a double blessing. Surgery doesn't change that. It makes it easier to live with.

Maybe before listening to all those so called experts, one might do a little research to find the truth and real actual research, not hearsay. It's a long dry medical read. If one truly wants to make judgement it ought to be on indisputable proof. There were three different independent labs who did the same research and came up with the same results. When it first came out, it seemed every medical professional was calling it bad science. I can only guess their world wasn't the one they defined themselves. Their cash cow, transgender would no longer need years of psychoanalyst support, and if it's real, it could be added to medicare.

Are you going to keep getting all your information from what the MSM spoon feeds you, or are you going to look at the truth and then make a decision? You can still not like us, hate us, but at least you will know we didn't choose this life. You have the right to live life your way. Is it too much to give us the same? What does it take to make sure no mistakes are made? An MRI. The last barrier of society defining us from their point of view.
I didn't need five thousand pages of research to know who and what I was. What I wanted to know and understand was why? After all these years, I want to make it easier for those who follow. Maybe it's time to put all that research into a book?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Daniela Wolfe's picture

redacted. I think BarbieLee said it better.

Have delightfully devious day,

Other than a few fictional stories

Teresa L.'s picture

there has never been one that i have ever heard of. if there was it would have been some kind of emergency/accident/self-harm (which normally precludes SRS/GCS ). i have heard of some 17 year olds getting surgery, but both were celebrities, etc. in fact most doctors want to wait until later to let the body fully finish growing to reduce the need for revisions, etc.

the only surgery SIMILAR in function would be those given to intersex persons. those are done generally not long after birth though, not at 8.

Teresa L.

unless it's an intersex case...

Where surgical means are required to correct a serious issue, I don't see any ethical doctors agreeing to surgery on a pre-teen individual, and certainly not one that has yet to experience puberty.

If you actually read the article

You will see that the headline is entirely misleading. The article refers to pharmaceutical treatment, not surgery, on children under the age of 18.


prescribing hormone therapy that far in advance of puberty seems problematic to me.

It was my understanding...

Daniela Wolfe's picture

I can't speak for the article, but it was my understanding, that in the case of young transfolk that they are put on hormone blockers until the age of puberty then put on hormones once they reached the right age.

Have delightfully devious day,

Age of puberty

While not common, some children show signs of beginning puberty as early as eight years old. There would be no need for puberty-delaying drugs, and no effect, either, unless puberty were starting.

NO ONE is going to admit TG surgery is possible before 18

BarbieLee's picture

Even as dumb as I am, provided I found names and proof of young before eighteen trans having surgery. I would neverI list names and references. It would be a legal lawsuit nightmare I'm not getting involved in. However the shadow proof is there if one cares to dig.
If one cares to read this article there is a trans slice and dice starting halfway. It's a sickness that has no medical proof trans are developed that way. And goes on quoting all the intelligent doctors, psychiatrist, authorities who know it's wrong for anyone to have surgery to correct something that isn't wrong with them. And of course the worn out phrase, they are too young to really know and they all grow out of it eventually. Translation, if we don't allow it then they will finally give up claiming they are trans.

The problem with all these "intelligent authorities" is they never read the medical research papers? Or like many, they cherry pick the data they want which usually is each of them quoting each other with no real resources or research just say it print it and it's true. They believe what they want and the rest is junk science? I have found over a lifetime, those who want to thump their chests and declare how smart they are with all their degrees are nothing more than wind farts. The smart ones don't have to brag how intelligent they are.
I'm not here to change anyone's mind. The data is there if one cares to research. I use to be able to drop into college servers and search using their security net to search medical files all over the world. Don't try it, it is illegal and all of them have closed the back door.
Each one has to draw their own conclusion. For the record, I knew by age five someone made a mistake. I started at age five and I was close to thirty before I stopped trying to make a deal with God. Give me one year as a real girl and you can have all the rest of my life. It's not a life I would wish on anyone but for those who are trans, they deserve a chance to live a normal life if possible. That means correcting the mistake as soon as they are positive. For those outside looking in, if you don't understand, that's okay. Most can't begin to perceive what it's like. For those in the gender-blender hang tuff.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Think about it.

The earliest that I know of female puberty starting is age 9, my own daughter. As to male FTM surgery, one the physiological issues is waiting for the penis to grow big enough to provide sufficient Vaginal volume. Another issue is Skeletal size, and that is probably not sufficient. If a section of the Gastrointestinal tract is used to provide vaginal volume. Closing, I conclude that the idea of a very early SRS is likely fantasy.


Society's Transphobia Fear

BarbieLee's picture

Tuesday I could not get to sleep. Finally at three O'clock I got up and began reading and writing. There was no sleep that night.
The book has begun. I have so much data that needs sorting and filing. Getting it into a manuscript ready for publication will take time, a year possibly years. The references themselves could fill a book to be a believable journal. It has to be because Barb's opinion, her word is just that if it can't be proven. If anyone has any stories, thoughts, data, feelings they wish to share, make sure you also are definite whether you want your name included when the book is published. I'm sorry but any information must be backstopped if it is to go into the book. I must be able to check it out and prove it before accepting for publication. Provided I even get this done. Over six thousand pages have to be condensed into one single manuscript. Dozens of ladies need to be contacted to see if they will allow me to publish any of their personal life. First refusal means each one can request removal if they don't approve of how they were included in the manuscript.

I love all the misfits of society and all those who aren't. Hoping, wishing society as a whole could at least allow us to be "us" without placing their rules, their own ideas of what makes a female or male hasn't worked. My writing about us, clarifying all the misbelief and stating the unvarnished facts as much as possible, won't change the status quo. What it will do is go a long way toward making me feel my life hasn't been wasted. I was born as a female, a girl. The doctor couldn't have been more wrong when he wrote male on the birth certificate. I'm the one who had to live with that mistake.
I love you God. Please love me back.
Life is a gift. Cherish it, treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl