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Help!!! I posted my tales but only two are showing up. I am clueless on what to do. Meh... :(



laika's picture

Hi Kelly.
From what I understand when it's a multi-chapter story only the most current chapter shows up on the front page, the rest get bumped down to make room for other people's stuff. Isn't that right, Erin? So two showing up is pretty good. As long as the clicky link-things at the end of each chapter work people will find their way to parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8....

And I AM gonna read this (+ comment) despite your blog warning that it's gonna be a gnarly tale and not all HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY and 'Wheeee i'm a girl!' I need to stop bein such a wuss alla time...
~hugs, Ronni

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


If I have to guess

I would guess it's an admin or erin. There's a limit to how many we can post a day and 9 exceeds it big time
They are still accessible
But there's the first and last on the front page
She doesn't want one author taking too much front page space


erin's picture

Basically, it's unfriendly to spam the front page with multiple posts in one day. If you want to post the whole story in one day, the best way is to make it a single post.

But if you want to get maximum response to each chapter, one chapter a day is the way to do it.

Take a look, you don't see any other long lists of the same title on the front page. Or long runs of the same author. I left the first and last post on the front, instead of only the last, because that way people can find their way to your story. All of the chapters are posted and on site, but only two from a single series at once. And two is an exception, usually it's one.

We get as many as 30+ stories posted in a single day by as many as 30+ authors. We have to be kind to each other to make room.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Sorry... I derped. I was just so sick of looking at the tale I wanted it away. Thanks for the explanation. It does make sense. :)