Tammy:Moving On - Chapter 35 "Interrogation"

Moving On  

Thirty Five (final)




For all of Tammy's adventures ---> click here

Thursday 1st June 2017

To Tammy things were starting to get easier. She'd taken her two seater Czech Sport up for a two hour jaunt around the Highlands the previous day and her fleet manager, Jim, now reckoned she had enough hours logged to apply for night flying. He'd promised to contact instructors and an email had arrived shortly after she'd arrived at her office at eight fifteen.

She learned Jim had booked her onto a night flying course course at Inverness, covering two evenings, just as soon as her university exams were over. His email also confirmed that the instrument course was the following week and would last a further four days. She could use her own plane for the first course but not the second. The fees totalled nearly £6000, so she did wonder how to justify the cost.

Tammy was, however, still receiving a stipend from the Security Service, even though she'd heard nothing from them for months, but she had received a substantial payout for her weekend at Faslane. Even so, she would have to dig into her savings to cover the cost in the hope that the added skills would repay her.

There was also the question of whether to stay over in Inverness or fly in each day? Which would be more cost effective?

There was some good news, Marcus had finally sent her an expenses form and asked for damage reports on her plane plus copies of invoices. Jim had also sent a set of invoices to her, Tammy queried the labour charge.

"Jim, it says £1500, is that a genuine fee?"

"It's market rates Tammy, although the boys would have done the overtime for free if you'd asked."

"I couldn't ask them to do that! I do need to thank them properly though."

"Have the money paid into the business account here and I'll handle it."


Tammy made out two claims, the first was for her additional costs from the weekend in Faslane, the expenses had started with new lingerie and ended with a hotel bed in Glasgow. She'd put everything on her debit card so it was a simple affair, although the total came to just shy of £850.

The second claim was for her plane and came to £10,050; she wondered how that damage could have been justifiable? Tammy was, however, going to make Marcus pay for his lack of concern by submitting the parts invoices as well as the labour. Tammy was aware this might just be a little fraudulent, but felt justified. If she was correct, there was no way the invoices were traceable back to Kerri.

The storage box for her scuba gear and the compressor were both due the following day, so Tammy aimed to be at home to receive those, as well as moving the gear out of her secure room as soon as possible. If nothing else, she could snorkel in the pool until the compressor was installed. Although it only needed a 13Amp outlet, Richard had decided to make it a waterproof 20A connection, as it would be outdoor. An electrician was expected there today to run the new feed and breaker.

As an after-thought, Tammy decided to make a third claim. If they needed her to be a scuba diver then it was easy to say that that Marcus was responsible for all the necessary equipment. That was more awkward as she didn't have the invoices for the kit that Kerri had ordered, only a delivery note. She held onto that claim until she could speak to Kerri.

Tammy reviewed both of the the finished claims and sent them off, attaching everything she thought necessary. She decided it was time for a break so walked to the corner of the office and put the kettle on, a noise in the stairwell produced Joey.


Joey was wearing a short sleeved floral top twinned with a knee length white lace skirt and white sandals. She was carrying a black bag that Tammy hadn't seen before.

"You like?"

"Quite nice. Now, why did you decide dress up today?"

"It's time for a new me, to forget the past and stop hiding. The sun's out and I'm also seeing Sarah this afternoon, so I wanted to make a good impression."

"You'll achieve that."

"Good, what do you think of the top, I only bought it yesterday, but wasn't sure?"

"It's fine. Are you wearing make-up?"

"A little, is it obvious?"

"No, it's just I don't remember seeing you with lipstick or mascara before?"

"That's because I didn't wear it, in fact I've deliberately not worn any, except when mum put some on me when I was quite small. Would you believe I had to watch Youtube videos to learn how to do it?"

"Oh, didn't your mum show you?"

"I told her I never wanted to wear make-up, so she stopped offering to show me. How about you?"

"I didn't see much of my mum when I was younger and I didn't paint my face until I started working for Sarah, she helped me."

"Oh, so do you see your mum now?"

"Not my original mum, but my Dad remarried and I live with my Dad and step-mum."

"Oh, didn't you get on with your mum?"

"It was difficult at times but I've moved on." Tammy decided to change the subject. "You must be coming up to your eighteenth, when's your birthday?"

"Next week, I thought you knew?"

"It's written down somewhere, but not in my planner. What day?"

"Next Friday."

"So .... the 9th? What do you have planned?"

"I don't fancy getting drunk, in fact, I'm not keen on bars."

"Are you going home?"

"No, I'll be in town as I'm working the next day."

"Fine. Now, how do you feel like visiting some of the clients today?"

"Err, which ones?"

"The businesses, just to check everything's okay. I think there's four places due a visit this month and they're all walking distance."

"Can do, a coffee before I leave?"

"The kettle has just boiled."


Tammy's mail was delivered so she went down to the door to collect it, one envelope was clearly from her solicitor. She opened it to find her end of month statement dated the previous day, with nothing to pay.

She was sure there had been business with Jeremiah Smith of Smith, Smith & Smith several times during May and not all of it involved the University? The itemised statement said otherwise and was marked as having been settled via the University's solicitors as agreed.

"You look happy?"

"Yep, it's my solicitor's invoice for May."

"I haven't had one, but I guess I wouldn't be happy?"

"This one's an oddity, Joey, there's nothing to pay."

"But you told me you'd called him, err, Jeremiah?

"I did, and I don't have to pay anything. It's complicated."

"Nothing you do, Tammy, is simple?"

"True, I guess."

She went through the remaining post and came across an envelope with overseas postage, addressed to the Secretary of KT Flight Ltd. Tammy smiled, it was the name she had decided for the company that would take ownership of her new plane, the Epic E1000. The company was registered offshore and the paperwork was from the handling agent in the Caribbean to confirm the business registration. Tammy slid this into her bag for later.

"Right, where am I going?"

"Check the planner for this month's visits and any that were missed last month. Just mark the ones that are local, it should be four. You shouldn't need keys, but do print off a check-list for each premises."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Tammy waited until Joey was out of the door then unlocked the secure room and settled herself in front of the phone. From memory she called the Human Resources section of the Security Service.


"Hello, it's Tammy Smart. I wonder if I've been forgotten?"

"Let me bring your record up ..... ah, you were in the financial intelligence unit."

"Yes, but it was broken up months ago."

"You're not currently attached to a unit, but you're on sabbatical?"

"I'm at university, but I'm coming up to the summer break."

"Okay, so what do you need to know?"

"Whether I'm on a course or something else between July and September? I'd like to know soon so I can plan my summer."

"Understood, I'll have one of the senior managers have a look at this. Do we have your current contact information?"

"I guess so, I haven't moved or changed anything."

"Thank you Miss Smart. Goodbye."

The line went dead, but at least Tammy had got the first shot this time.

She thought about calling Marcus but decided nothing would be gained so she locked the room and went back to her desk. Tammy had her head in her revision notes when Joey arrived back.

"Have fun?"

"It wasn't too bad, Tammy, although those solicitors thought I was a boy!"

"Dressed as you are?"

"No, because the only time I was seen with you I was in jeans and a sweatshirt so I guess I didn't look very girly then but I never thought I looked like a boy."

"I hope nothing bad was said?"

"No, we laughed."

Who did you speak to there?"

"I'm sure his name was John."

"John Hibbert?"

"Yes, I think that was his name. Do you know him?"

"Yes, we were in the sixth form together." Tammy wondered if a little half-truth was appropriate seeing how Tom and John shared a room for many years.

"So, Joey, did you see anything that needed doing?"

"No, not there or at the other places, all fine."

"Okay, write the visits into the files then take a look through today's emails. I've actioned some and deleted the spam."

Tammy decided she could leave Joey so took herself and the company paperwork over to Wick Airport.

"You didn't need to come over, Tammy?"

"What's the point of having an assistant then doing all the work yourself? This way I can get out of the office."

"True, but my office is here and this is where I'm needed."

"Where did the Epic go?"

"Come with me." Jim grabbed a set of keys off a hook and led Tammy to the hangar next door. He unlocked the double doors and slid one open just enough to pass through.

The plane had arrived in a gold and black paint scheme, now being resprayed white and was covered in masking tape.

"We could have the new registration through early next week, you suggested G-KTFL, didn't you?"

"Yes, it's still available isn't it?"

"It is, I checked earlier. You'll need to transfer ownership to the new company before we can complete the registration otherwise there will be a trace on the CAA records back to you."

"I'll ask Dad to help me with that, we'll do that tonight."

"Good, I can finish the paperwork tomorrow. Oh, I had a call earlier to say my claim had been received."

"Well, maybe that part of the Army isn't quite as inefficient as the part I usually deal with?"

"Whatever, it'll still take a few weeks to process. You do realise that it's a fraudulent application?"

"I won't tell if you don't!"

"Did you want to take your plane up today?"

"No, I want to check something inside the Epic, oh, and we need to give it a name?"

"Why not Katie?"

"Oh, great idea Jim."

"I thought that was why the company was KT Flight, that your friend is Katie?"

Tammy giggled. "No, that's not her name. I just wanted a company name that didn't link back to me."

"Except the plane's registered address is ....."

"Yeah, not much we can do about that? Do you think we can get 'Katie' stencilled under the pilot's window?"

"Sure. We'll do that in the same colour as the accent. Midnight blue, you said?"

Tammy nodded. "Yes."

Tammy climbed inside after carefully opening the door. She first went into the cockpit and sat in the left hand seat. Without the key, none of the avionics would come on but she wanted to get a feel where everything was. She spotted a display labelled IFF transponder myand recognised the device from planes and helicopters she'd flown in. Unlike those standard versions, however, this one had come from a major military manufacturer and not a company that supplied commercial aircraft. Without getting power to the systems that was the limit of her investigation.

Then Tammy felt for the hidden box, finding the movable panel at waist height. She punched the supplied code and opened the box within. A manual for the IFF transponder was inside, she slipped it into her handbag then looked into the hidden storage space. The space was the size of a cigar box, enough to hide documents and money, but she suspected it was really for a small pistol and some ammunition. She looked at the back of the lock and selected a different combination then secured it.

Tammy then moved into the mid section and located the box by the rear seat. This one was larger and would be big enough for a medium sport bag or backpack. She changed the combination and secured it.

Under the couch she found a blanket and pillow still in packaging, apparently new. The galley was ready for use. It had a large unopened can of coffee, box of bagged teas, packets of sugar and creamer along with six travel mugs.

In a small cupboard were snacks; packets of nuts, ginger biscuits, sport bars and even instant cup meals. A check of the dates indicated they could be kept for quite a while.

The small refrigerator had a few bottled soft drinks, juice and waters, all American brands, although it was off at the moment. The one thing Tammy found odd was the large bag of cinnamon candies called Atomic Fireballs. It had been opened, but secured with a clip. Tammy picked them up to take with her.

She sat and took the booklet out of her bag, dropping the bag of sweets in there. The IFF was indeed military spec and just required the relevant squawk code when in simple mode but could accept additional identifiers in military mode.

Jim poked his head in. "Quite the set-up, isn't it?"

"Nicely stocked, and the seats are comfortable. Have you found the WiFi for the internet service?" Tammy asked, looking around.

"About that, it's usable but not straight forward. There's a very low power wifi node next to the rear seats and it only accepts two connections. However the USB points are all enabled for network access and there's a couple of ethernet ports by the desk. There's also a HDMI port which connects to the TV."

"Sounds like you checked it all out?"

"Yes, but I also hit the screen that said 'insert credit card number' and I stopped at that point."

"Okay, we'll have to see how much that costs and maybe factor it into the hire charge? I guess a pack of coffee filters are needed as well? I didn't see any." Tammy commented.

Jim shook his head. "No. The basket has a permanent filter basket. I wouldn't advise stepping back for coffee in flight all by yourself. Fill a travel bottle to keep up there with you."

Tammy climbed out. "All in all, it is a very nice plane. Plush."

"Still no idea as to why you got it." Jim commented.

Tammy had been thinking about that and Kerri's answer. "Well, for work I may need to go further than say, London. My two seater is fine for the short flights I've been doing, but things can change and I will need to go other places. Farther away places. With the Epic, I can get to many major hubs directly. This interior is helpful too. In a pinch, I can just stay in the plane for a rest."

Jim thought about that. "Yes. I see your point. You father and I are thinking that this will appeal to petroleum and shipping executives."

"Ah, true. They barely stop working, so being able to do so in transit more comfortably should appeal to them." Tammy concurred as they left the hangar.

In the name of curiosity, she put her hand into her handbag and pulled out one of the candies, squeezing the wrapper to pop the ball into her mouth.

"I'm sure it will, but I am surprised you wanted such a subdued colour scheme for the plane though." Jim commented.

Tammy nodded. "I believe it may look more professional than...OH DEAR GOD!"

Jim looked over, Tammy had frozen in place and spat a red ball from her mouth, aiming for the doorway, as her eyes were watering. Then he noticed the bag in the top of her handbag.

"Bloody Hell! What are you doing with those, Tammy?" Jim asked.

Tammy held the bag up and looked as if it had personally insulted her. "I hadn't the clue they were pieces of lava! I thought they were just sweets!"

Jim shook his head. "Far from it. Those evil things are an American trick. Pilots use them on long flights to keep sharp. Bloody masochistic, but works I'm told. Here, I'll bin them."

Tammy was about to hand the bag over then changed her mind. "No. Put them back in the plane. I may have someone annoy me and those could distract them."

In her mind, Marcus or Kyle would be fitting targets.

Jim took the bag. "If you say so."

"One last thing, is Pete interested in flying Katie?"

"Yes, he's already qualified for the type and just needs a few hours in it."

"Can the company pay for that?"

"Yes, we'll book it as soon as the registration is done."

"Okay, I'll head back to the office then."

Tammy drove back to Thurso and picked up lunch from the bakery before walking back to the office.

"I bought cakes."

"I wondered if you'd gone home to bake them?"

"Let me see, Joey, is that enough cheek for a written warning?"

"Well, never mind, I think you have a problem."


"The phone in there rang." Joey pointed. "The man was quite annoyed."

"Firstly, who was it?"

"He didn't give a name."

"And secondly, how did you get in there?"

"I've seen you enter the combination."


Tammy could hear the phone ringing as took herself into the room and shut the door.


"Was that the Cooper kid? earlier?"

"You mean his daughter, Joey, Marcus?"

"Yes, of course I bloody do!"

"Yes it was and she's just told me that you wouldn't tell her who was calling."

"Did you leave it open?"

"No, but apparently she worked out the combination by observing me."

"Well that's a problem."

"Yes, Marcus, which until a few minutes ago I was unaware of. So, how can I help you?"

"Just to let you know I submitted those claims. Your personal one will be paid quite quickly, the other one will take longer."

"Jim's had a call to say it's being processed. It's his team who are owed the money."

"So I saw, I also saw the report from Prestwick and the CCTV."

"Yes, I thought that might help but I had to make the enquiries myself. You can clearly see me being removed from my plane at gunpoint and later watch the vandalism. My solicitor obtained the security report as well as the CCTV and retains a copy of that video in case it's needed again. Of course the local air maintenance company, TJs, had already submitted their report to my fleet manager and that doesn't make nice reading either."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, an observation, Marcus, and it's evidence that I won't be swept under a carpet or used as cannon fodder just because it pleases someone with a rank that exceeds their IQ! I'm through with all the crap and for once I hold all the Aces, I'm not some little girl any more."

Marcus sighed. "I understand your anger. I would likely be as well. There are some things that can be done and some that cannot."

"I can think of one way to avoid such things in the future." Tammy offered.

"I'm listening."

Tammy spoke slow and clear. "From now on; provide me with an IFF squawk code for any destinations. I come in under that identifier and leave under my own. That should work."

"That would work, if your plane had such transponder." Marcus replied.

"It does, now. I just have to get my night and instrument ratings. I'll get those soon." Tammy informed him.

The SAS Captain sounded impressed. "Game changer. Sounds like a considerable upgrade. I do wonder though; how did you manage to get a military transponder?"

"Christmas and birthday came early. I also have full kit for scuba. I'm waiting for a compressor and water tank set to fill my tanks now."

"Really? So you did take the course seriously." Marcus commented.

Tammy sighed. "Yes, Marcus, I did. Now I just have to figure out exactly how to incorporate that into my business to explain having the skills."

"Shouldn't be too difficult as you're on the coast?"

"I doubt you'll find people building beachfront properties up here."

"It was a thought. Don't forget you'll need diving insurance if you decide to use the skill professionally. Naturally you would be covered if we need you to dive for us?"

"I expect so. Do I get a copy of the documentation?"

"I'll have them sent to you, meanwhile I can let you have some training videos that aren't available publicly. I believe Kyle features in one of them."

"Really? If you can send those up to me? Is there anything else?"

"No, that's all. Should anything come up, I will let you know." Marcus disconnected.

Tammy hung up then opened the desk draw and withdrew the instructions for the lock on the secure room as well as the requisite tool. A few minutes later she'd changed the combination, but wondered if a better system was needed.

She returned to the main office, Joey was on the phone, so Tammy went to the inbox and looked at the outstanding emails. There wasn't much to do so she grabbed her phone and sent John a text.

"Any chance of meeting after work?"
He replied a minute later.
"I'm meeting Tanya in the hotel bar once she's out of the salon, five o'clock?"
"Sure, see you there."

Tammy waited until Joey was off the phone.

"I've changed the combination on that door."

"I guessed you would, but why do you need a lock on that door?"

"Sometimes I store things in there that are valuable."

"Well I can't imagine that diving gear costs too much?"

"More than you think."

"Yes, well, maybe, but it's that phone isn't it?"


"Why go into a locked room to make a phone call? It's not normal. Then that guy wouldn't talk to me and the phone display had a strange word, Broadsword, what does that mean?"

"Joey, it means nothing."



Tammy picked up her roll and started on it, whilst flicking through the IFF transponder book and started to see how the various modes worked.

She sent Joey off at three to see Sarah as there was little left to do. "Can you come in for a few hours tomorrow just to deal with any calls or messages?"

"I can, are you going flying again?"

"No, there's some deliveries at home and I have no idea what time they're turning up."

"Not even a rough time slot?"

"Yes, Friday, after sunrise and maybe before sunset."

"I see. I'm sure I can handle it."

"Good, thank you."

Joey left and Tammy brought a well-known online supplier up on her screen and looked for discrete cameras, finding a couple that resembled smoke alarms. She ordered three, adding some micro SD cards to the order.

She realised she hadn't spotted any cameras on the plane and wondered if there weren't any? The aircraft manuals were with Jim so she couldn't check and didn't want to distract him from his work too much. The obvious question was, if there were cameras, who would be watching?

Also, Marcus didn't seem to know about the plane. If he was having Tammy watched, then how was that missed? It didn't matter right now, but he would probably be truly pissed when he found out.

Tammy's personal email pinged, it was a reply from the CAA confirming there was no further action to take in regards to her incident. She would have been prepared to send them the footage from Prestwick, but it now wasn't necessary. That did give her a reason to call Jim.

"The CAA got back to me."

"And told you there was no further action?"


"See, Tammy, it's all about reports. If there's a report and it tallies with the evidence, then you're usually in the clear. The problems start when you submit an inaccurate report or none at all."

"So, report it."

"Yes, make sure your log is up to date as that'll give you your dates and times."

"Okay, thanks Jim. One other thing, have you spotted a CCTV system on board the Epic?"

"According to the book it's an optional extra."

"Fine, thanks."

"Are you coming over in the next few days?"

"Unsure, I need to spend the weekend revising. Did you need me?"

"No, but we'll put your plane in the hangar with Katie so that frees up space in the Smart hangar."

"Seems reasonable, I'll know where to find it."

She ended the call then took another look at surveillance cameras and settled on a couple of tiny cameras for the cabin area of Katie. It was odd that the smaller the camera, the higher the cost.

Tammy met John an hour later in the Castletown Hotel.

"No Tanya?"

"She's delayed and will be along shortly. What's up?"

"You had a visit from Joey earlier today?"

"That youngster, could have sworn she was a lad last time I saw him, er her. Another one of your converts?"

"No, she's all girl, but until today I'd never seen her in a skirt or even anything feminine. Best not to mention it to her, she's had some family issues."

"Oh, sorry."

"John, please don't tell me you're going to refer to any local TG folk as my converts? That is just so wrong."

"Yeah, sorry, it's all those discussion shows on the telly, warps the mind."

"Let me guess, Tanya has those on all day?"


"I hoped she was growing up."

"So did I."

"Look, please don't raise gender issues as you'll more than likely get it wrong. One other thing, Joey doesn't know about my history and it's up to me if she gets told - not through gossip and innuendo?"

"Oh, sorry Tammy."

Tanya still hadn't arrived so Tammy decided it was a good time to leave. Along the road she could see Sarah showing Joey how to lock the shop. Tammy walked the long way around to her car.

Thursday 15th June 2017

Tammy walked out of the exam hall after another two hour exam. The good news was that this was the last such exam and she was fairly confident that her progression to the second year was in the bag.

The same couldn't be said for two students who had tried to help each-other; neither would be joining Tammy in the second year.

The same pair, two days earlier, had alleged Tammy was hiding a device in order to cheat. This claim had delayed the start of the exam by fifteen minutes whilst Tammy was asked to remove her jacket and allow a simple pat-down by a female adjudicator.

Of course there had been no apology and she wasn't allowed to speak to anyone before the exam; Tammy had felt everyone's eyes on her when she returned to the hall, but she took her seat and tried to concentrate on the paper in front of her, deciding to deal with the miscreants later.

Afterwards, having done the best she could; Tammy went in search of Ben, but was told he was unavailable and "please put any complaint in writing."

The irony was that the paper that day was one based on the terrorist attack in London a year earlier and the inquest that followed, just as Freddie Flint had suggested. Tammy had an urge to write pages more than was necessary, but that might ring alarm bells when her paper was graded.

She drove to the office and found the place empty, but it was gone four so Joey would have finished. The secure phone rang as she put her bag down.


"Hello Miss Smart, it's Karen Bond, I'm a senior HR manager at the security service."

"Oh, hello."

"I understand you called a couple of weeks ago about any summer placements or training?"


"I wonder if you'll be free for two weeks from 3rd July?"

"Where will that be?"

"We'll let you know a bit closer to the date. Can you check your official emails for any notifications?"

"Sure. Is it just two weeks?"

"That's all I have here at the moment."

"Okay, thanks, I'll block that out and tell my assistant to cover me in the office."


"I run a property letting agency."

"I thought you were a university student?"

"That as well, I finished the first year exams today."

"First year? Did you take a gap year?"

"No, I had to start the first year again as I ended up in an operation when I should have been in classes. In fact, I couldn't repeat the same course so I switched."

"Which probably explains why your file has a Do Not Recall flag on it."

"Yes, it would be nice to complete this course."

"One more thing, apparently you haven't been tested on a range recently?"

"I tested in Abigail Adams house when I was last there but I was on a range at Easter and scored fine."

"Where was that range?"

"RAF Wattisham."

"I see. Don't forget to check your emails Miss Smart."

"Will do."

Tammy's official laptop was at home, locked away, and she hadn't touched it for months, perhaps she should plug it in and let it update the system?

Over the past few days her personal expenses claim from the Faslane trip had been settled and the money was now in her account, although the claim for the plane had been subjected to query after query, all handled by Jim.

She went back to her car and pulled a package out of the back, it had been delivered to home that morning.

Back in the office she removed two items and set about getting them installed. Unfortunately Tammy had forgotten to bring a drill, screws or even steps so wasn't going to fix anything that afternoon. She put the two cameras in the safe and took the rest of the package back to her car, locking the premises.

Friday 16th June 2017

Tammy was back in the office by eight and unloaded her car, having paid a visit to a DIY store the previous evening. Her office now had a small toolkit, drill set and miscellaneous fixings. Perhaps more importantly, she also now had a set of steps.

Joey was due around nine so Tammy set about fixing a ceiling mounted camera in the secure room. This camera wouldn't connect to the office wifi whilst the door was closed, but she set it to record onto a memory card if anyone was under the camera.

The second one went in the main office and was in a position to cover the top of the stairs and the door into the secure room. This one could hook onto the wifi for remote viewing, but would also record onto a memory card. The downside was that the batteries would need to be charged or replaced fortnightly.

Tammy was still up the step ladder when Joey arrived in the office, but Tammy had tucked the packaging in the secure room, out of sight.

"Smoke alarm?"

"Yes, it seems when the office was remodeled the workers removed it and didn't reinstall, but that's all sorted now."

"Okay, what's going on today?"

"Let me get down first!"

"I'll put the kettle on."

"Good idea, thanks Joey."

Tammy tidied the steps away into the secure room, which was now devoid of her diving gear. Whilst in there, with the door ajar, she opened the CCTV app on her phone and found an alert from both cameras as expected. She closed the door behind her.

"I won't be here for the first two weeks in July, Joey."


"No, I'm on a course."


"I have no idea what it is or where it is, and all I have is a date."

"What about the middle weekend, will you be back here?"

"Unlikely, in the past these courses have used the weekend."

"So you've done them before?"

"A few times."

"So what are they for?"

"I can't say, sorry, and I've already said too much."

"It sounds like you're really an undercover intelligence agent?"

"That's ridiculous."

"Is it? You have a special phone that's in a locked room, you suddenly qualified as a diver having not mentioned it once, you fly all over the place and suddenly took receipt of a flashy new plane. You get into Army and Royal Navy bases without trouble, but when your plane hit trouble the other week, the pictures and videos disappeared off Facebook and Instagram. I recognised the plane's registration, but you haven't mentioned the incident at all. How am I doing?"


"Then I find out that you decked my father at Wattisham and got away with it."

"I didn't get completely away with it."

"You pulled a gun on him, how is that even legal in this country?"


"So you have guns?"

"Sorry Joey, but you have to stop otherwise you could end up in trouble."

"Look, from where I am sitting, you're either an intelligence agent or you're fooling people into thinking you are one?"

"How about neither?"

"No, that isn't an option."

"Joey, this kind of talk is dangerous, very dangerous."

"I want an answer."

"Or what?"

"Well, I'm not going to the press."



"Joey, before I finished my A levels my family was targeted by terrorists and my own mother was mixed up in it. The people involved in that attack were the money people behind True Freedom, heard of them?"

"Yes, wasn't there an shooting in the West End last year and an inquest where people died?"

"Yes, and several other incidents. My life is in danger so I have special contact with counter-terrorist teams and occasionally I do courses on how to protect myself. I am also called in for follow up interviews."

"Oh, so you're not some Jane Bond?"

"No, just Smart, Tammy Smart."

"So what are you really?"

"I'm really a lettings agent who is a university student, that's it."

"What about the planes, Tammy?"

"I'm a part owner of the family aircraft business and a pilot myself."

"Not an intelligence agent?"

"No, Joey, no."

"In which case am I safe?"

"So long as you don't repeat anything I just said and keep your eyes open for things that look out of place."

"Are you armed?"

"No, not unless you include the rape alarm and the UV spray can in my bag."

"And you genuinely have no idea what the training is?"


"Who arranges it?"

"Err, government."

"Some agency then?"

"Yes, where's that coffee?"

"Coming right up. Are there any biscuits?"

Tammy found the Hob Nobs as Joey delivered her beverage. She had told Joey that she wasn't an intelligence agent, but was she being honest? She'd worked as an analyst and had worked operationally, but was she really an agent?

The opening with Broadsword was an opportunity to move on, but was she being used again? What were they training her to do? Did Marcus really expect her to drop everything and drive or fly off into the great unknown on her majesty's service?

Tammy picked up a cookie and decided it was time to find her own path into the future, time to stop others from pushing her around. She knew she wanted to move on but at a speed that suited her.

She owed it to herself, her family and those around her to stay safe, easy words but if you play with the military then there is no way in hell that you are safe. Kerri's words came back to her - 'In play' did not mean just surviving but she had been 'in play' for some time now. Tammy sipped her coffee although it was now luke warm; it was now clear that her survival was of little consequence to those making up those plays.

Perhaps some re-evaluation was in order?

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