I don't know whether anyone else is getting this, but now when I go to the homepage at BC, I get a request for a username and password for hatbox premium content.
It happened when I first logged in today and again twice more when I went to look at various things. Each time I returned to the homepage, up it popped.
If this is an error that is being fixed--sorry about bringing it up again. If not, any ideas what's happening here?
Sorry to be a pain.
I'm just plain bad to the bone...
similar problem...
Even when I give it a name and password, it pops back up few minutes later.
Not certain what is gong on....
Lisa ELizabeth
Yup me too
but I click it off and all seems normal for BC.
I have IE running under an AOL shell in Windows XP Pro so BC does things like forget I'm logged on between pages but I know about that glitch.
Bill Gates!
Shout it like "Khan!" in Star Trek II
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Any luck on your stories, Nick?
John in Wauwatosa
Hatbox password
The picture for "An Eft in Her Bra" is linked from the access restricted /premium/hatbox/2007 directory, so the web server is asking for username and password.
Preimum Content?
So I have to sign up, and pay to see the story?
That Link should be banned or removed from the story board, if the picture can be removed from the story without changing the story content... Please!
And the Request for sign in and password, OUCH!
Hatbox log in??
Somethings fishy in the state of TopShelf/BigCloset!
Hatbox Login Request
Fixed. That's what happens when you work at 2 in the morning. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.