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Was working on a story on bcts. Like usual it is there for awhile like a day or two. I had not copy pasted to clipboard like i usually do. I figured ok this is a good place to stop. Lets give it a look over. And clicked on preview..

Access denied..

all my work gone.

I am so pissed off. I have never had this come up before.

p.s. I did save some of it but only about half of it in a file before.


Back Arrow Works for me

BarbieLee's picture

When I get those annoying little popups and it looks like my comment may have gone south?
When I try blogging and the darn thing glitches and doesn't carry my blog forward?
The little back arrow is a life saver for me "IF" I didn't already copy and past to MSWord to save on a jump drive. No I do NOT trust HDs as I have a box full of them that ate weeks, months of labor and stories and business contracts, and...
Bottom line, if one of those "sorry out of order" glitches stares you in the face, try the back arrow. Hasn't failed me yet. I take that back. Don't hit refresh page when the glitch happens. The back arrow won't work after that. You only back up to the glitchy page.
hugs hon
Life is meant to be lived. Not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Working directly on BCTS

is just like using most other web sites.
You are ALWAYS just one network glitch away from disaster.
OR the site operator decided that a reboot is needed.
OR... your login credentials have expired.
I'm sure that you get my idea.

If you must work directly in BCTS always save your work to some sort of offline storage at regular intervals. Like... every minute or two.
You would be surprised what even two finger typing can enter in two minutes.
Better still work in a local editor and copy/paste into the target site.

Sadly, I see this as only getting worse. The rise of the "Cloud" or as I say ... 'someone elses computer just you don't know where' and the thrust of the likes of Microsoft to want you to do everything in 'One Drive' (so that they can read it...?) means that we are heading back to the bad old days of dumb terminals. That's what they want. All your lovely data in their control for which they will naturally charge you a subscription. Fail to pay? Then like the protection rackets of the past, your data will go 'poof!' and it will be gone probably forever.
(3270 rules ok and I threw out the last of my SNA manuals only last year!)

Say no to this Big Brother approach!
Work on your data on your own system and upload it when you are good and ready.

I know that what I've said is too late for you but there are simple steps you can take to minimise this happening again. Cut/Paste + Save As are your friends in need.

AARRRG Cloud Computing

BarbieLee's picture

Not only no but "you know what no". Purchased a Cat S60 smartphone with android OS. I'm positive every function on that phone was there to send data back to Google, and of course relayed to MS. Thank God the phone was defective and went back. (we don't refund but will replace) didn't appeal to me. My response was, "It's a brand new phone not second hand. It's defective and can't find embedded APN which means it doesn't work. Your lawyer can talk to my lawyer and the AG about Lemon Laws"

I "escaped" Google Cloud and MS clutches when I went to iPhone, right? Yes, but Apple is just as bad. Every APP, every function on the iPhone wants me to send everything I do to Apple or most of the functions of the iPhone won't work.

Is it possible to go back to the crank phone on the wall? One long, two short rings, no that's not us. We're two short and one long ring."

If you think what your Smartphone is doing tattling off on you, why don't you Google "Clearview". They don't need to "chip" us to know everything we do. One last thought. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
hugs Sam
My life was meant for me to use or misuse, not end up as a taxpaying slave to support others. I have lived too long!

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

If you're trying not to be tracked or monitored...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Don't Google it. Google is just as bad as anyone else for tracking and monitoring what you do on the web. I've switched my search engine to . They don't track you. It's stopped a lot of those pesky ads for items you search for and already purchased from popping up on every website you visit.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

That is only the start

Don't sign into your Google account.
Don't use any social media from your main PC/Laptop. Preferably close down your accounts.

Clear your browsing History and cache daily.
Use private browsing if possible.
As said, use and ad blocker (ublock origin etc). I also use Adguard. In 2.5 years it has blocked over 300,000 adverts. This is a paid service.
Then search for the lits of domains that the likes of Facebook, Google etc use. These are thousands of entried long. Add them to your Hosts file.
I can search for me on Google (using a private window in a Virtual Machine) and I come up a total blank. Long may that remain. My Female alter ego has more exposure on Google than the real me. Most of that is down to this site but I accept that.

{yes I am slightly paranoid}

You know this...

The (putative) fact you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. The question is, are you paranoid enough?
No, not even close. The wonder of modern slavery is, they've learned how to sell you many times- and make (most of) you think they're doing you a favor!

-another quacker