Robin universe stories

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I started reading the robin stories by Zoey taylor from kindle and I've read all the ones here on big closet. I've noticed in comments from the stories that there should be more but I cant find them. The robin wiki seems to be shut down so I don't know where to go. Any one have any ideas. Also I'm pretty sure I'm reading/read them out of order so any suggestions or a timeline would also be very helpful. Thank you

Other stories in the U-verse

These all take place in the TG Universes & Series: Robinverse by Zoe and Ashleigh

From the Streets
Magic of the Kingdom
Magic of the Kingdom Book 2: The AMC Adventures
Resident Robin

You might find more off their stories list, I know they are also on Patron.

Hope this helps.

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"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov

In the Robin Story line there

In the Robin Story line there are only 3 books written, with a 4th book that's got a lot of outlines and such, Boys don't cry there is that one and Everythings sunny with Sarah, From the streets is a newish one from our Patreon, then there's the MotK storylines, and we also have Storybrooke, and a few other unfinished projects.

But if you like Resident Evil, and like Becoming Robin, Resident Robin is a Mashup we wrote for a good Halloween story, there's two of them or three I forget which. We're also got about 25gigs worth of other stories that we started and never finished LOL

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RobinVerse stories

There is also Becoming Danielle about Amanda's younger cousin

There's also Pink Ops which

There's also Pink Ops which takes place at Sunshine Academy which is part of the Robinverse, Becoming Danielle and Pink Ops were written by separate Authors then Zoe and I, but fit in the storyverse and are very good reads! :)

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I've almost read all the

I've almost read all the stories here on bcts. And have bought the robin series and boys dont cry from amazon which is what led me to the stories here. But like I said earlier the comments make it seem that there are a whole lot more stories than what is on big closet and amazon/kindle only has four I believe. [The three robin books and boys dont cry] plus I've been binge reading here on bc that I know I've read them out of order so some things were slightly spoiled some have made me confused but I do like ALL the robin stories even the ones with Faith in them. It's just that it seems there have been no new ones here since 2017 or so. Did Darkkitten say that there are some on their patron page? If so I'll have to check it out. Does anyone have an order that I should reread the stories in? Ty every for responding.