In my New girl in the Cheer squad story. I dont know how to solve this issue. One of my major characters will have to go away :( and I dont want her to
It started with what I thought was an innocent changing of Owens documents maknig him female and it proceeded from there. Then I realized how serious it really was
and now to solve it, the Federal Marshals office has got involved. Since the Coach thought she was just helping him do this with her connections to the state level and the AGs office
I cant really think of any realistic scenario where Coach Crystal doesnt do serious time in federal prison
I can try to shoehorn in where they have mercy on her but in any real world scenario there is no mercy
In the beginning of the next chapter I am writing. Two federal marshals inter Owens classroom and take him for questioning. He isnt in trouble himself, but they will need his statement and some answers.
But I like Coach Crystal. so now I dont know what to do. I guess I have to let this take its course. Crystal is going to prison
there are many things you can do....
1- Go back, do an edit and rearrange things so they never went that high up.... all she would need is her name and gender marker changed , mainly only on school records.... she is desperate.... she could just have a doctor sign authorization for the gender marker change, based on transgender civil rights amendment or something like that... I do not see how that would cause any issues instead it would solve them
2- I like crystal do.... I do not want her serving time testing out the theory 'orange is the new black'... ya she is being kinda uncivil in the latest chapter.... but I dunno...
3-Gotta be logical about it... if the dirty attorney can do it they can undu it or even amend it... a person with that kinda power would deffinitelly not be stupid enough to back themself into a corner like that.... a law man, a lawyer/attorney they know how to play the system, find loopholes etc.... he could easily claim that he made a slight error... think about it... how often does governmental authorities like documentation, address etc get shit wrong on a regular basis? I still get bloody mail via voter card under my deadname, even though I settled this issue with them last year & been changed since 2012...
4) Have olivia (I do not know if it would work realistically, civil issue yes... it could be seen as such... but a federal issue not likely but who knows) testify, that crystal was only seeing to her needs and safety & upon doing so made a regrettable decision to take it much further then needed... say perhaps Olivia does not blame her for her actions, as she knows she was only following her heart on the matter doing what she thought would be best for her, that she knows she did if you have to punish her.... be lieinet.... minor federal crimes can often be worked off with like 100 hours of community service and probation.... olivia could also claim that she had a right to be recognized as female as that is who she is on the inside, it was not malicious... it was out of kindness... sure she abused her powerbut she dd it for the right reasons, i know she is sorry & that she ment no harm, I am the one it was done to/for I request the mater be dropped on her own recognicense...
Those are a few idea's at least... I call the switcheroo 'the darren stevens' it was neccessary to make the change.... but it is a pain in the a$$ lol.... I ws never fond of darren #2 (bewitched)
I cannot see too many feeling slighted over an edit... just make a post and perhaps put it in the teaser/header whatever that edits have been made in previous chapters... perhaps even giving a summary on that eidt
Hope I was helpfull
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
A first offense?
Have Coach Crystal be given probation, if this is a first offense -- meaning a first conviction, of a non-violent crime.
-- Daphne Xu
It's easy to keep Coach out of prison. Staying as coach, however, should be very, very hard. However, there is one possible solution: What sort of teacher's union is there? There is a a reason I wrote "should be" in the second sentence. In some places it is almost impossible to dismiss a teacher. Is this one of them?
Go back and edit the story.
It is the only logical solution. You own it. It's your story. Change it so the issue is not so big. Take a breath and continue.
I hate to admit it, but I
I hate to admit it, but I haven't started reading your story yet. But I will, I promise!
Just speaking in general terms, this sounds like it should result in a guilty plea and probation. If it was done without any money changing hands (no bribery), and without any threats (no extortion), there's no victim (nobody was defrauded, grades weren't changed), what's the crime, other than a minor and essentially harmless change to some official records? I can't see a busy prosecutor wanting to spend much time on this one.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Current Legal Ethics
Not to be too negative but it has been my observation that:
1.) Your actions aren't unethical unless they're illegal.
2.) Your actions aren't illegal unless you are caught and indicted.
3.) Your indicted actions aren't a problem unless you are convicted.
4.) Your not really convicted until you've gone through all appeals.
5.) If you're rich or famous you can be pardoned -- so you're really not convicted unless you serve your entire sentence.
So - taking it all back to the beginning . . . you're not even doing anything unethical unless the entire process is allowed to run its course.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Like my grandpa loved to say...
It ain' agin' tha law if'in ya don' get caught!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Little lost on the translation though.... am interested what that means?
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
It ain' agin' tha law if'in ya don' get caught!
It's not against the law if you don't get caught!
thank you
thank you
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Several way for aborting a court case...
Did the arresting officer read the Miranda correctly or even at all.?
Did all the evidence collected the proper way.?
Did any of the revelents information acquired legally.?
and the list can goes on and on...
Peace and Love tmf
Thank you for your advice
I have posted another chapter taking some of your advice
I hope you can read it and tell me what you think of it's solution
Oh My Goodness I Over Slept
Owen/Olivia overslept, waking up from a terrible dream, where Coach got help from the wrong person and it escalated to a drastic result. Nothing in a story is concrete until you prove everyone is awake!
Ok thecway I see it
In the last chapter you have Olivia take over as head chear coach well thst really doesn't work. Maybe the assistant coach take over for Olivia, but have Olvia as Captin of the compition team and maybe assistant Coach for the competition team. As Olivia is a freshman Student there has to be an adult advisor on staff to head the team.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
But I do think thats how I want it. It seems silly that I was writing that post worrying about the believability and how to make it realistic and now I have a fourteen year old freshmen promoted to being the cheerleading head coach
how silly am I. I blew believability very far away with this
maybe theres some way to at least try to make it half way plausible.
If I might...
If I might make the suggestion.
Have the AG make those changes without the coach's knowledge. This can easily be explained as the AG was trying to get into the coach's pants. The AG could have even been going for the blackmail angle if they were caught as in "You tell anyone what I did, I take you down with me." and the "If you don't have sex with me, I tell them it was all your idea, and how you used your feminine wiles to get me to make those changes."
Since the coach is found to have nothing to do with the changes at the government level, she is innocent and won't go to jail.
Now as far as the school records. I happen to work IT for a large school district, (16,000 students.) For many years now all records have been electronic. A teacher would have access to only students in her classes and then only able to enter grades and notes pertaining to the grades. Only the school administrators and the IT staff would have the kind of access to change the students records from male to female. So while she may have known about the school records being changed, she could NOT have been the one to make the changes.
School districts are constantly under the microscope for anything they do, so outright firing of a teacher for anything brings in the press like circling vultures. So the school district would try to solve the problem as quietly as possible which means those that are involved would only receive light punishment to make sure they also kept quiet. So the coach would at best receive a slap on the wrist from the school for her involvement. And more than likely the principal removed quietly from his or her position as principal into one as something like a assistant district superintendent, where he or she could be watched closely and possibly pushed into quitting all together.
Once the press gets wind of the AG making those changes and the press go to the school. the school could easily deflect their involvement by stating they legally can't release any information about a student to the press, but if they discovered one of their students considered the opposite sex by the government records, as the school is a state institution, they would legally have to treat that student as the opposite sex.
It will take a judge and a court order to correct his records to show him to be male. Being a minor his name will never be released to the press.
Now for the fun part :)
He is small and very feminine in appearance and hasn't started puberty yet. What if he really was born a girl with 'ambiguous genitalia' that resembled male more than female? And when puberty does kick in, he/she goes to a doctor with terrible abdominal cramps and flu like symptoms to discover this condition. Corrective surgery ensues and another trip to the courts to have her records corrected (definitely has to go to the same judge as before...LOL)
It would require some editing and rewriting but I think it would pull your story back into the believable realm, while also giving you quite a bit more material to work with :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
This is by far the best idea so far.
I was about to suggest something similar, namely, have it turn out that the coach never actually made the changes, or even asked anyone to make the changes. I never understood how she could possibly have done this anyways. But having the idea that the AG made the change because he wanted to impress the coach, and then blackmailed her to keep her mouth shut makes a lot more sense. Nuuan has come up with the same hazy idea I did and fleshed it out into something that fits into your story perfectly and makes a lot of sense.
But there is always the idea of rewriting the story. This would help prevent the story from going into a direction you may not want. Both ideas work.
(I'm surprised I didn't notice this post earlier. I remember seeing the title to the post but I doubt I read it since I've been following and enjoying this story.)