Seeking an Editor

Hello All,

I am currently in the revision stage on a story and am wondering if anybody would have the time and the interest to proof the finished product.

This finished story will be the third installment of The Shootist; however, as with the second installment, the continuance between the stories remains the main character, Sascha, who finds a new place in which and new people with whom to have adventures.

Some details on the story:

  1. Name - A Shootist Disarmed
  2. Teaser - Forced into the wider world, Sascha must learn to make his own way. But should he take the easy route, acting as people expect him to act, being who people saw him to be? Or can he grow into something more, his own Sascha, without further diminishing the current Sascha.
  3. Publication Details - Novella Length (currently 25k, hope to get it closer to 20K), Sequel or Series Episode
  4. Genre - Science Fiction, Adventure
  5. TG Themes - Contests, Deals, Bets, or Dares,
  6. TG Elements - Costumes and Masks, Long Hair, High Heels
  7. Character Age - College / Twenties

If you would be interested, please send me a private message.

Thank you,
Arcie Emm