Honor, duty, service.........

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In this current political and social climate, where it seems that belittling and denigrating certain groups within our society has gained a certain amount of acceptance and legitimacy, let us stop and take a moment to reflect.

As one who has served, I perhaps have a somewhat different perspective than specific members of our government in Washington, D.C. - those who not only have not served, but who's efforts to avoid service are well documented.

I was raised in an old Southern family where the concepts of duty and honor still meant something. Where duty to God and country were fed to you from the day you were born. But more than anything, I was taught that without honor life has no purpose. And that my duty was to the people of this country, and that the government existed only to protect those people. Yes, it was anachronistic, but when you grew up among the old Southern Gentry, you were taught that the people in your community depended on you to take care of them, to provide for them, and to protect them.

It has become more and more evident that our current President and his family and cronies care only for themselves. They have no honor, and their only sense of duty is to themselves.

So on this day when we pause to honor those who have served, or are still serving, let us not forget who we serve - and let us not let those in Washington forget their true duty.

Fallen comrades.

Dallas Eden Foard
Captain, USNR


Well Said

joannebarbarella's picture

Today is Remembrance Day in our country too, although we celebrate the service of our armed forces on a different day.
Our government leaders talk the talk but have no understanding of what it means to walk the walk. Wearing a poppy in a lapel doesn't cut it. Veterans are still treated like crap.

Bravo and agree

Bravo and agree with almost everything you said, also being form the south and a military brat, along with serving myself, I have a strong sense of honor and love of country.

One point I would like to make is that one does not have to be from the south to have these traits. And being from the south does not automatically give one those traits. Honor, truthfulness, sense of right and wrong are all things we are taught by our parents. These ideas are something parents attempt to instill in their children world wide.

The one part I have issue with is when you singled out

our current President and his family and cronies

There have been several presidents within my lifetime that I have had issues with although my own sense of honor prohibits me from deliberately including insults, toward those that currently or have in the past served in that office, in topics that have no bearing on who happens to be the POTUS at the time.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

There have been both good and bad examples.....

D. Eden's picture

Amongst our government leaders over the length of my life, but truly none who exhibit exactly the opposite of honor and selfless duty like the current administration.

Notwithstanding your comment, I am one Republican who did not vote for the current holder of the office, and definitely does not approve of him.

I honor the office, but not the man. Respect has to be earned, and that has not happened.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I totally agree with you

I grew up in rural Michigan, but I grew up with the same kind of values.

I am really bothered by the fact that so many people in our country believe that what is happening in Washington is acceptable and do not have a problem with the attitudes toward those of us in society that do not fit their idea of acceptable standard. It certainly does not match the tenets on which our country was founded.