Chimera the unbelievable DNA

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This ought to give our BCTS writers something to chew on. DNA is NOT a definitive test for who we are or even what we are.There are people out there who are neither male nor female but both or neither depending on how their embryos developed. And we aren't talking about hermaphrodite.

This isn't a medical journal about two women who were Chimera but a case of government over reach using the power of such to condemn the women for baby swapping, child snatching, being surrogate mothers.

It is now believed by the scientific community most Chimera don't even know they are. Unless one has a paternity test, DNA test, blood test it still doesn't expose Chimera. They can be one DNA in their blood, another in their organs, different DNA in different organs, different DNA in their hair from one single hair to the next one right beside it.

Seems as if our intrepid fiction writers might have been ahead of human understanding and knowledge once more. And who said fiction was make believe? The only impossible exists in the mind. Some say it, claim it because they don't believe and they don't want others believing it is possible either. Impossible is the end of the debate. If it's impossible then this discussion is over, never mind what anyone else thinks.

I sure wished I had invented "impossible" duct tape and sticky notes.
Life is a gift. Don't stop yourself from enjoying the whole thing because someone made up rules all of us were supposed to follow.


More common than we think

It is not usually identified unless it causes problems, and the medicine involved is mainly just palliative.

country blocked Youtube

BarbieLee's picture

I know, frustrating isn't it. There are literally dozens of work arounds so if anyone is frustrated by Youtube blocking content because one doesn't live in the right country. Give some of these a shot.

I'm not going to give recommendations to any particular one as everyone's computer, ISP, and their country throttling what one may or may not watch is a variable and one size doesn't fit all.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Met one once

I was in high school (1974). When to my friend's aunt's house. Did not know what a Chimera was at the time. Just she had two different color eyes (brown and blue) and some strange coloration to her hair. Twenty years later, I read about chimera in people.


0.25tspgirl's picture

I have wondered if, how, and how often Chimerism plays a role in transgender. I believe it plays a big role in intersex. No way to tell with out a lot of people being multiple sites genetic tested - including brain. Obviously not happening....

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Saw something similiar

In a special on NatGeo, or History Channel can't remember which now, But thy spoke about gender and chromosomes, etc.

One part I remember was this young woman, who doctors had discovered that while born as a fully functional female, (A rather pretty one too), she was genetically a male.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

The video talked about split gender

BarbieLee's picture

There was a baby born that had a definite dividing line between both halves of his-her body. One side was a fully function male. The other side was a fully functional female, both sides having the proper organs. I guess this explains when one eye is blue and the other brown as in the aforementioned reply. The other thing is as Gwen pointed out, no one tests a dozen different organs, blood, etc for DNA. The medical profession believes there are a "lot" of Chimera out there without anyone knowing, even those who are one themselves.

There are over one billion things that must go right in perfect sequence for two single cells to mature into a human baby. The fact any of us turn out halfway decent is a miracle unto itself. Provided one believes in miracles. I don't, I couldn't if I wanted to. I believe in faith.
Just when we think we know it all, we begin to understand we know nothing.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Wasn't that the name of the horse in a Mel Brook's movie :b

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

FWIW I'm assigned male at

FWIW I'm assigned male at birth with XY chromosomes. Ambiguous genetalia, possible bladder exstrophy and bleed regularly. Gonads are suspected ovatestis as they don't look or feel like testicles.

My pituitary cycles, don't produce testosterone and when given it doesn't bind and aromatazes higher than normal.

You would think I would have a proper diagnosis but my end result was to stop looking further and just treat the symptoms that are life threatening. Having dumped 60k on medical tests and being shuffled to 12 doctors that might know all i ended up with was more questions.

I personally think (so does endo) it was DES exposure as my mother admitted she used massive doses up till 7 months in the hopes of miscarriage. The case you talk about makes me wonder if that was involved.

Anecdotal but with the treatment I received from medical professionals my whole life. There could be way more issues that are not even listed with the intersex umbrella. Most doctors "don't have time" or of the belief if it's not in easily diagnosed it just needs antibiotics. There is also the bullshit of having to go through the same tests over and over because the new doctor thinks the other was a quack.


Hypatia Littlewings's picture

My Doctor totally dismisses my DES exposure as being, totally insignificant, of no possible medical consequences, and not worth looking in to or even considering. She completely oh poohed the topic.

I have done some internet searches, but I am not entirely sure of what are good sources. On the one hand I don't trust official sources to be, doing more then passing out the approved whitewashed facts. or for them to be complete, and up to date on the latest research. On the other hand, in the current internet environment, with al its fake news and opinions, I have no idea what alternative or additional information, is or is not legit. (This goes for most everything else not just DES.)

The YouTube video linked in this blog, shows exactly how messed up and wrong, the official line can be.

I seem to have some odd things going on with me that no one can pin down. they keep trying to fit things in one of the standard boxes, but then its not quite right. But they only test for what they normally test for.

As far as test in general goes, whether related to this, or ANYTHING else, there is no way to get test YOU may think are need, without getting your doctor to recommend it and then getting it past your insurance. Most things are way way to expensive to pay for yourself, and for somethings you still need the recommendation to get, even if you can and are willing to pay. Of course there are hypochondriacs, who think they have everything, so just blanket approve all requests would be chaos.

~ Hypatia >i< ..:::

DES Followup Study

The US National Institute of Health (NIH) / National Cancer Institute has an on going DES follow up study.

The DES Follow-Up Study investigates the long-term health consequences associated with exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES). Since 1992, the National Cancer Institute, in collaboration with research centers throughout the United States has been conducting the DES Follow-Up Study of more than 21,000 mothers, daughters, and sons.

Michelle B


Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Thank you for that link, which also leads to others.
Some how I did not hit that in my google searches.

~ Hypatia >i< ..:::

Per Hypatia/DES

My mother, my spouse's mother, and my first TS friend's all took DES because it was thought to prevent miscarriage. We are all early onset (ha) TSs.

DES exposure really has done a lot of damage to many wimyn. They get lots of female organ cancers and their daughters do too, since the eggs that formed their daughters were formed when their moms were in the womb. It seems obvious that the drug has lots of effects on the fetus of the DES consumer. Giving us Tgals a female brain or at least a female gender identity brain region is very plausible.

Flash! Just read the link and it was all about daughters of DES mothers. The study said it was of sons and daughters but no finding for sons was reported.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Same here

Andrea Lena's picture

I'm likely why I'm the way I am at least in part because my Mom because was prescribed DES. As odd as it might sound, considering the dilemma I still face in the decision to come out, I'm glad I am who and what was formed before I was born. As difficult as it has been, my gender underneath it all is WHO i am; something you noticed long before I did. I am eternally grateful that you played such an important role in helping me identify Andrea as the main component of whom my mother bore. Love you, Nee Nee!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Thing Abut DES...

My mom had something of a history of miscarriages; the only two survivors of her first five pregnancies were us DES guys. (My other brother, 12 years younger, was unexpected and made it through without it.)

So whatever the side effects for me may have been, it certainly seems likely that my brother and I wouldn't be here without it.
