"What's the point?" To quote one of my autistic children when things have gone wrong for him.
This place used to be a source of pleasure and enjoyment. I'd do my best (unpaid of course like all of us) to write something that might entertain some other people. Other people would comment and there would a positive interchange of ideas, which I would reciprocate.
So what happens when I finally steal a few hours from other committments to write something, after three weeks of little free time?
The first comment is ................well not sure what the appropriate adjective is but hardly something that makes you glad you spent a number of hours typing on your keyboard.
Why bother?
The sharp end
Writing is hard. The hardest thing about writing is putting what you've written out where other people can see it.
In a venue like this where commentary can be almost instant, you can get some unexpected reactions. The thing to remember is that if someone took the time to read your stuff and write a comment, they cared. And you made them care. You made your story so important to them that they had to comment, even if it was a complaint about something they think you should have done or one of your characters should have done. Or not done.
And that is the point of writing, the sharp end, making people feel something. You do it well.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Alys, the point
Is that you have a large fan base that eagerly awaits your postings. If the comment had been the tenth comment and not the first, would that have made it better? You are one of a handful of authors who I just automatically read if it's a new or existing story. I may not comment on every chapter, but I read everything...I'm certain there are others who do exactly the same...so keep writing for us!
Actually you have to enjoy it first..so as long as you enjoy writing you should do it...the fact that you have a devoted fan base is the icing on the cake.
Why Write?
I think Erin and Frank are spot on.
I think the most important thing is to write for yourself. Write the stories you want to tell. If people like them, so much the better.
For me, sometimes all it takes is one nice comment and I feel happy. I hope my latest comment on The Price to Pay helps. :)
- Terry
To please yourself
... and a few others. That is the only point to writing, even if you make big bucks doing so, really and, more so, when it is for free.
It is an effort, and the longer you go between post, the more effort you give, it seems the more readers you lose too. But that is just the way this market works, and why writing for yourself, towards you own goals, which usually are beyond the popularity contests, means so, so much to every writer.
But still, you get a great many hits, a megatude of votes, and scads of comments on your stories. You are obviously making a lot of people happy, or bring them enjoyment at the least. Why worry about one comment at all?
I Seconded the above
Alys; I agree on the above I'm not a writer but your stories and several others are always read as soon as I see them up and I will admit I don't comment all the time but your stories are always well written and are appricated (Spelling is not working today for me) and always enjoy reading them. Please don't take a bad comment from some it just a part of life as a writer. Richard
I felt the same way
Some declared they would never read the story again. Some declared that I did it wrong. Some declared that I should have made it more realistic. Some declared that I should have made it less realistic. There were even those clamoring for a re-write for either the heroine to handle things better than she was able, or to delete the entire sequence of events.
When people get caught up in a story on here, they care a LOT about what happens -- and they tend to come up with their own ideas of how it should progress. Just like interested viewers of a television program or a motion picture. Those who comment are still fans, whether they sound like it or not. Think about this: as much as you've written of this story up to now, they've likely already read it all.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Certainly There are points on Both Sides
of this issue. While I don't see a direct attack on the author in the comment you spoke of Alys, all of us have to respect dissenting opinion about the story, plot or characters that were written. Some people may feel totally different about a character apart from the way the author believes she has designed it. And while not all negative or dissenting opinions are necessarily bad they do provide you with reader feedback about how strong something affected them as they read it. It does show you wrote something good to stir them up ^^
You have great plots, great stories and you get large hits and vote counters. So the point actually is: you do write well and are recieved well.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
O Mistress Of The Four-Inch Door!
Hey Alys,
I'm travelling at the moment so I haven't had a chance to read or comment on your latest, but I will, never fear! I haven't seen the comment either so I don't even know how negative it is. My dear, you have thousands of fans out here so don't be discouraged by what I am sure will be a lone voice. Ask yourself, What would we all do without Celyn, Rainbow Girl, Alex, Steve, etc, and TA-DA.. Doorie? So brave the odd sling or arrow of outrageous criticism and satisfy those of us who adore your stories,
Lots of Hugs,
I find it hard to believe
I find it hard to believe what some folks will say on here about some of the great stories that these wonderful authors are putting here for our enjoyment, and yet none of these people would even think about writing to Steven King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice or any of the authors they pay money to read.
This whole thing goes back to a lesson I learned a long time ago I learned from my parents "If you can't say something nice about someone or something it is better not to say anything" a great rule to live by.
One thing I've noticed
One bad comment can make you feel that *everyone* hates your story.
Very true, even though it shouldn't be...
Even a comment intended as good can be interpreted in a manner completly at odds with what was intended and draw a very negative response.
I was always taught that one should praise in public and criticize in private. There actually is an area in-between. Contsructive criticism can sometimes be done in public and sometimes in private, depending on the criticism itself. In a site like this, That kind of thing can be very productive and lead to useful discussions.
(This is not intended as a negative comment to anyone here!)
I try (but don't always succeed, I do admit). to make it clear when I'm criticising the actions of a character vs. critisizing how the author had the character act. I don't normally do either, unless I feel that a character is doing something that seems way out of character, as the person has been presented so far in the story. I hesitate to do this even, because I assume most authors have reasons for why they have characters do things, and this is based on backgrounds they've developed for the characters that just hasn't come out in the story so far.
I guess I'm rambling, and not necessarily helping things. I may return here and delete the reambling after I think about it. *sighs*
Alys, You Have Oodles Of Friends Here
And I am one of them. Some people thrive on hurting others. NOT ME!! I enjoy HELPING OTHERS!!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine