New and Improved You Are a Meany

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I have started working on a revised version of You Are a Meany. The differences in this version are I am going more into character development, giving more details on Luke youth, the sentences to be easier to read and less of simple grammatical and typing errors.

I feel like any story which I ever published online was a rough draft and meant them to be. The reason is I was honing my skills as a writer, and a typist. Even with the story only being as polished as I could make them, I wanted to share them. Giving some people enjoyment from me working on bettering myself is a win-win situation in my book.

So to the point of this blog posting. If anyone remembers the story and liked it, I am asking them if they would want me to send it to them to read. I am asking this because I want to know if the changes I made improved the story. I am telling the truth the story will go from being one book to two. The first book about Luke until around 30. Also, if I improved enough as a writer I am thinking of publishing the book instead of just posting it on free sites.

Hugs and Love


Also liked first time

I liked it because it dealt more realisicly with the consequences of forcing a young hetrosexual boy to crossdress against their wishes, and the long term fallout, the mother bad to deal with look forward to the revision