Traffic Problems

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There may be a delay in posting the next part of "Why Would She". I'm writing this using my phone connection as the B&B where I'm staying at the moment has really bad internet and I'm only 5 miles from Inverness.
Off to Ullapool today and another B&B. It might be Wednesday evening before I get a decent line speed.

This piccy was taken yesterday morning near Strontian (where the element was originally found AFAIK). I got midged in the process.
Screenshot 2019-06-10 at 07.04.43.jpg
Iffy weather but the forcast is for mainly dry for the next few days.




Maddy Bell's picture

Don't look at the weather forecast!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Er? But?

I've arrived in Ullapool and had a great day. Not a drop of the wet stuff falling from the sky and some dramatic scenery especially on the 'back road' to Applecross. The Views over to Skye and the Cullins and even as far as Eigg in the south and Lewis in the north. I'm knackered eve though I only rode 200 miles today. around half of that was "single track with passing places". I had to let several convoys of German and Dutch registeres Campers go through in the other direction. By convoy, I mean at least 10 campers all following each other. Madness. Get those towels out, the Germans are in town. :) :)
There is a picture there honest...???? Quite why I can't see it I don't know.
This is looking over to Skye and the Hills of Eigg are visible in the background.

I'll try to do the last edits to part 3 tonight and hopefully post it tomorrow morning. More Single track roads and along the top coast to Wick for the night.


Maddy Bell's picture

Seem to have the Scottish weather down here atm and forecast the next couple of days. Glad i'm not out on two wheels until Thursday!

It's possible those campers started out seperate, its amazing how quickly a queue builds on those single carriageway lanes even when there's next to no traffic about.

How are the midges?


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Eigg and Rum

Rum is the hilly one, Eigg the pancake with a hill at one end.

Enjoy the beauty. Posting can wait.

AuPreviner's picture

Please take the time to smell the thistles. It is, after all, Scotland! :-D


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Made it to the top of Scotland

depsite the wind today. I really feel for the cyclists battling into 20-30mph headwinds or at time crosswinds. From Tongue (yes there is a place with that name) over to Thurso and round to Wick it was hard going due to the wind. Those cyclists deserve a good meal and a drink for their efforts against the wind today. It was hard enough on the motor-cycle. The Squalls that came in every hour or so just made things worse.

Tomorrow, I'm heading for Inverness (55miles away) and hoping to get the rear brake on the bike fixed. It basically stopped working not long after lunch. It is either on or off. Due to the extra work, the front brake is also making some weird noises. Oh well. That's life.



Maddy Bell's picture

Bit of wind never hurt anyone!

It's the impact when it launches you or stuff into you that does the damage!

Dodgy brakes - thought it was serviced before you set off?

Nice chapter last night btw.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Brakes and Tyres

Take a real hammering up here. A new tyre with only 3000 miles on it was totally scrubbed on one side.
Anyway, I small Motorcycle shop in Muir of Ord replaced the pads and also found me a new tyre. That was 50 miles away in Nairn. Tyre replaced and new pads and I'm ready to carry on.
But it is 'right dreech' here at the moment. Cold as well and this is mid june!!!!!

Worse weather predicted for tomorrow. Deep Joy!