What if

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When I was young I always used to love to read the What If comic by Marvel. When I try to write stories I always see so many different ways they could go with those characters. This led me to think if other people were the same. If they would read a story with the same plot but the story itself turns out completely different.

So, I am wondering how people feel about alternative versions of stories. The major plot would be the same, but some change in an event causes a butterfly effect to ripple throughout the rest of the story. All the characters will have the same personalities but that small change makes the story entirely different.


What if?

Never heard of the comic but it's a question I often find myself mentally asking when I watch almost everything on TV, the internet and the radio.

I say if your muse leads you to write a story using those comic book characters, GO FOR IT!

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Seek it out if you can. It's

Seek it out if you can. It's well worth seeing things reimagined from other writers and artists. None of it was canon, but it did get you thinking and set up stories decades later.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Worm vs Taylor Varga

Worm is a long (about two War and Peace novels) and very depressing story. There are gazillions of fan fiction derivatives of it.

In ever read it because I hate depressing stories. But I do read Taylor Varga, which is a Worm / Luna Varga crossover.

While in Worm, we have a case where so many good and promising people come to a bad end, Taylor Varga turns that all on its head. The author, MP3.1415Player, intentionally works it so that his rebooted character, Taylor Hebert, causes a lot of the really crappy occurrences to simply not happen.

And those crazy lizards troll the whole world. Not in a bad way, but just in a confusing way. They are actually a force for good.


Nuuan. the story would be of my own characters. I would never dream that I could understand someone else's characters good enough to stay true to how the author portrayed them. I am writing a story and just saw a place where it would down a completely different path.

Everyone thank you for the input.

There are officially 7 basic plots....

Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth.
And those can actually be whittled to one as monster, riches, quest, voyage and rebirth are basically one and the same. And comedy with tragedy are not plots in themselves but a"flavor" of if the story makes us cry or laugh. Actual plot device of love is not mentioned but it could be a story plot in itself. And another plot that is not mentioned is a struggle for power.
So we have just three basic ingredients for a story plot: Quest, Love, Power. Combining those in different proportions you can get any story.
As is with trumpet, where you can play about any kind of melody having only 3 buttons to control (apart from breath of the player).