Illegal to make girls wear skirts or dresses

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WUT: Federal Judge Says Charter School’s Skirt Mandate For Girls Is Unconstitutional

This one is a wide open invite for a Bru bender. I may have fun with this one myself.
Bru, you're up sis.


Not A Fan Of Pants

After 2004 there were years that I did not wear pants at all. Now days my ire has cooled somewhat, though I still get really claustrophobic in pants. Not sure why girls would not want to wear
SKIRTS with leggings under? Everyone should have a choice.


Non sequitur?

Not sure why girls would not want to wear pants with leggings under?

Sorry, I'm not sure where this came from.

The school was forbidding girls from wearing pants.

The fact that you chose to not wear pants is a very different thing. As you say,

Everyone should have a choice.

Which is what the judge was protecting.

(Also: "pants with leggings"?? I would think that would be very uncomfortable.)

"pants with leggings"

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

I find that more comfortable then pants with long-underwear, and almost as warm.

I tend to be cold all the time, unless it's summer. I have actually worn both layered, with knee-socks, and two pairs of crew socks, plus multiple tops under a sweater.



Sorry, I meant to say Skirts with leggings.


If someone wanted to press the issue, yes

So is it equally illegal to force boys to wear trousers?

I imagine so. It's just that there hasn't been a widespread enough demand from boys to be allowed to wear skirts for it to make it into school and legal policy.

If you had anywhere near as many boys insisting on their right to wear skirts to school (or anywhere) as you had girls insisting on the right to wear trousers back in the day when girls were routinely required to wear skirts, then you'd start seeing court cases with boys who want to wear skirts challenging reactionary and sexist dress codes that forbid it.

it goes both ways...

it goes both ways...

just because a boy hasn't sued to be allowed to wear a skirt doesn't mean that it can't be forced to be allowed under the same ruling. It makes all required clothing based on sex null in that district.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

It better be

Boys or AMAB children deserve to be able to wear skirts and dresses if they so please. If it helps them be more themselves and in a healthier school environment this is the future we should strive for. Never forget that most of us trans girls were forced to present as "school boys" ourselves. So by allowing this, imagine if it could have been this way when we were kids? And imagine if we didn't have nut job ultra Christian conservative parents? (Not saying you do but I did)

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Shorts & Temp Pants

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

My sisters and their friends were into gymnastics, they always wore shorts under their skirts.

In the winter they wore tights or leggings with their skirts for the uniform. But when it was very cold or snowing, would also slip on ski-pants or something similar, before putting on their coats, and then take them off again at school.

As far as I know, no one ever seriously objected to this.


PS. Gee, does that also mean that the boys can wear skirts of they want? Or will that need a separate lawsuit?

Every Law has unintended consequences

BarbieLee's picture

This becomes ripe for challenges from every student in every public school who is forced to wear clothes dictated by the school board. A uniform? Who wears the pants and who wears the skirts? If female, has she no choice if pants is the one size fits all uniform?
Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for wearing pants. Of course there was more to it but that was the justification.
A school can no longer dictate what clothes a student, male or female may or may not wear? Don't give me the one size fits all as boys and girls are not the same. Dictating the same for both is discrimination. And if they aren't allowed to chose the other sex uniform such as girls wearing pants then that is discrimination.

Once those in a place of authority start trying to dictate and pass laws on everyone else it never stops as they need to pass more laws to clarify the laws they passed. And then more laws because the next set of laws need clarifying.

It's amazing the Greatest Law Giver over all mankind managed with just ten laws and man has been making a mess of it ever since. I love man's ignorance as it provides plenty of fodder for more stories.
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

ten laws are overkill. Only two are needed

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

I agree

Let's do away with segregated uniforms all together. Allow students of any assigned sex at birth to wear uniform regulation skirts, uniform regulation shorts, uniform regulation Dresses, uniform regulation pants, uniform regulation blouses, uniform regulation shirts, uniform regulation socks.

Let's let segregated clothing go the way of the dodo. Children should be allowed to wear what makes them feel the most comfortable to maximize their learning experience

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

What I think

Lee's picture

First off what is the primary objective of a school is to teach our kids the skills they need in life.
To the end anything that distracts them from learning should be put away for school.
School uniforms in general help children concentrate on their work as they are not concentrating on what other children are wearing. That said at the end of the day what do we want are children to be?
A) the cookie cutter approach everybody the same
B) our children split up in there biological gender

I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion

We should

Let children wear whichever uniform fits them best. That way we maximize their ability to concentrate and potential to study. Allowing a child to express themselves opens up their creativity and intelligence in ways most people cannot fathom. Children who are forced to conform, cut off a piece of themselves and do more poorly in school. I did poorly in school because it was a nightmare and I was forced to be a boy when I was not one.

Kids also bullied me relentlessly, while yes this new radical uniform would have bullying, just put up a no tolerance policy, except make it so all bullies are expelled instead of all people who fight. Kids who fight back against bullies SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED. That is asinine and I loathe that is the current course that the world has taken.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D


I had a date with a girl that went to a school that mandated uniforms. Without the option of judging each other based on their clothing, they took to judging each other based on their purses.


But eh... It was only one date. heh.


Now the rest of the world needs to follow. Let segregated uniforms die in a fire. Let children wear uniform regulation skirts, uniform regulation pants, uniform regulation shorts, uniform regulation dresses, uniform regulation socks, uniform regulation knee highs/tights, uniform regulation blouses, or uniform regulation shirts as they see fit. Let children dress in what is most comfortable to maximize their learning experience.

Segregated uniforms based on assigned gender at birth need to go extinct. It's not progressive or feminist to keep punishing children that don't want to wear certain uniforms and would rather wear other ones.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Uniforms in America...

If any American public schools are mandating uniforms, they are just a lawsuit away from having to stop that policy.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that students don't shed their constitutional rights when the go through the schoolhouse doors.

Of course, many, many schools ignore this -- forcing students to remove t-shirt sayings and the like that the administrators deem offensive. This happens on all parts of the political spectrum.

With adults getting away with all out nudity if they are doing it to make a statement or express themselves, I'm somewhat surprised that schools still get away with policies that specify minimum skirt length, require shoulders and bellybuttons to be hidden, and the like.

Private schools, of course, are free to make uniforms a requirement for enrollment.