Thought I would drop a note to let those following, Necessity is the mother of invention, to let everyone know that things got "Oh my GOD!" busy for me at work. Of course everything is an emergency and is needed NOW So I've been bringing some home with me at night to work on, on this 'mad-science' experiment I call a home computer.
Necessity will continue as I catch my breath from this latest craziness.
It sucks when life gets in the way......
But it happens to all of us. Hopefully you will find a way to overcome and triumph, and soon be back at your writing. In the meantime, we will always be here waiting patiently.
Well, maybe not so patiently, lol.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Nite Werk?
Hummm..., banks, liquor stores, jewelry stores? What else kind of ah em, things are associated with night work? Mob enforcer? "Buddy, Big Pete says you're late on your payment." Car Jacking? The security cameras in the shopping centers don't do that great in showing all our features when it's close to midnight. Everyone is too tired to be cautious. The Chop Shop gave us a standing order for this year Lincoln SUV, as many as we can uh, liberate.
By the way, who is the wheel man? I don't trust Mickey. He'll leave us to escape from the badges ourselves if anyone says boo to him.
Call me when a new job comes up. I'm in.
I'm hiding my face when I send this so NSA won't recognize me.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl