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If they did not have coffee on this planet, we would have to move.



Global warming is hurting coffee production

Global warming is hurting coffee production...

...just another way that it will make the planet uninhabitable!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Global warming and coffee

When my property here in the middle of Michigan warms up enough, I'll grow coffee here. Maybe I should buy some tundra so I can farm temperate stuff in a couple of centuries. Then, the tundra will be up where there is nothing but ice and bare rock right now. And we'll have the whole continent of Antarctica to live on.

But then, the latest prediction is that we are headed for another mini ice age (like the Maunder Minimum some centuries ago.)

I am glad for other sources

I am glad for other sources of it for when coffee was unavailable.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Too little caffeine is one of my worst headaches.

No joke

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Members of my family all refer to "coffee headaches" meaning we are suffering from caffeine withdrawal manifested by a headache and need a cup of coffee.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Have Not Had Coffee in Forty Years

In the late 1970s, I suffered from severe anxiety attacks. I solved the problem with bio feedback.

One of the changes I made was going from five to ten cups of coffee a day . . . to zero.

Consequently, I've never paid more than .25 for a cup of coffee.

I've never had an "energy" drink.

I will occasionally drink a cherry coke or iced tea, but try not to have either after 2:00 PM because sleep experts suggest that caffeine after 2:00 is detrimental to normal sleep patterns.

My body creates more than enough adrenalin to ower me through the day.

Just another planet heard from.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


erin's picture

I suffer from ADD and dyskinetic tremors; caffeine is cheaper and less disruptive to my body chemistry than prescription drugs and has a similar effect treating both conditions. I drink 2 to 5 cups of coffee a day, the latter is probably too much. Two cups keep my hands from shaking and allow me to concentrate. One cup puts me to sleep as effectively as a sleeping pill. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


I use coffee, too. If I don't have it, I can't wake up. Depression and ADD is a sucky combination. Comparatively, the Asperger's is easy to deal with.

Since Michigan just legalized another natural remedy, I'm looking for a strain that will work for me. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm looking at options.

Coffee is great

I use it to deal with my migraines. But I need over 12 cups a day to do it because my system does not metabolize caffeine efficiently. I should have bought stock in a coffee company.

Coffee is good for what ails you.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

And if nothing ails you it'll take care of that too.

I read a study some years back that attempted to link some kind of ailment to coffee. It studied over 3000 heavy coffee drinkers. Heavy coffee drinkers being defined as someone who drinks six or more cups of coffee a day. (At the time I was seriously over the line of a heavy coffee drinker. More on that later.) They found those 3K + heavy coffee drinkers didn't have any higher instance of any ailment than the general population, except one. He was a trustee in a prison serving 20 years to life. He had his own coffee pot and was drinking on average 12 pots of coffee a day. He was suffering from hand tremors. They switched him to decaf (remember, decaf coffee is really only extremely low caffeine coffee) and cut him down to 6 pots a day and the tremors went away. (That said, that doesn't mean that if you already have an ailment that coffee won't aggravate it. So the doctor does know what he's talking about if he tells you to stop drinking coffee because of something that ails you.)

At the time I drank two cups of coffee in the morning, packed a quart thermos for lunch, and between my wife and I we went through two pots in the evening with me getting the lions share. Add to that, usually two or more Dr. Peppers a day. Sometimes, very rarely, I might have had trouble sleeping. When that happened, I'd just get up and brew a cup of coffee, drink it and go back to bed and fall asleep.

These days I'm down to about six cups. A minimum of three on work day mornings. That just jump starts my body and two to three around lunch time. On my days off I can nearly finish of the pot in the morning after my wife has her one cup of coffee. Then I'll want at least one or two more through the day. I do try to cut it off by 4:00 in the afternoon. Not because I can't sleep, but because what goes in must come out. (Caffeine is diuretic.) That means you don't own the coffee you drink, you only borrow it. If I don't leave time for it to clear my system before bedtime, I have to get up during the night to finish the job.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Purgatory (pur-guh-tawr-ee) n

Purgatory (pur-guh-tawr-ee) n.
the anguished, prolonged period spent
waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.

I Don't Think...

...normal quantities of caffeine affect me. I've never noticed a difference whether my soft drinks had caffeine in them or not.

Didn't like the taste of coffee as a kid and never took it up when I got older. Probably haven't had more than six ounces of the stuff in my life. (The aroma's nice, though.)

Back when I was working a regular job it was sugar -- chocolate, mostly -- and not caffeine I craved. I guess that hasn't changed much, except that now it's usually one meal plus sweets and chips/crackers/nuts during the day instead of two or three. (And a multivitamin, since I'm aware that's hardly a balanced diet.)


Programmer's Balanced Diet

Working late on a software problem I would occasionally indulge in the "Programmer's Balanced Diet". Everyone knows that a programmer must have caffeine, sugar, salt and grease. So, a can of Coke and a bag of potato chips would meet the minimum daily requirement of these four important food groups.

Michelle B

Programmers brain food

for me it was a Bacon Sandwich with HP Sauce plus a good cup of Coffee and some Plain Chocolate Digestives Biscuits (cookies to Americans)

When working in the Middle East, I had to revert to using Turkey Bacon but it was a poor substitue.


Turkey bacon

erin's picture

I've discovered how to cook turkey bacon so it is just as good as pork bacon. First, cook a nice pan full of country sausage. Take the sausage out and set it aside for later. Now cook your turkey bacon in the oil left behind by the sausage. Delicious!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

turkey bacon

Maddy Bell's picture

Falls into the same category as veggie sausages, dairy free cheese etc.

Bacon is pork, it can be no other meat!

This turkey product is at best processed beyond sense and worst is probably not even turkey!

When I worked in an office, I did world sales of auto components, it was prodigious amounts of tea and a daily meat and potato pie with Hendo's that supplied the fuel.

Not had a decent pie, or a bacon sarnie (and it has to be red sauce, HP smothers the taste) for a long time - I look at the bacon counter, dream of eating the lean rashers then move along! It's an effective way to diet, works with cake, beer and sweets too, LOL

Alternate sources of caffeine like cola i've gone off of big style preferring natural alternatives to get my 'highs'. Problem is, you have to keep topping up, I get into quite a funk without regular hits although they cost nothing but time!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

There's beef bacon and even

There's beef bacon and even bear bacon - it's meat off of the rib area, basically.

Mind you, that's only for large mammals. I doubt that turkeys have enough ribs to have real bacon :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Maddy Bell's picture

its beef (or bear), its not bacon!

"Bacon is a type of salt-cured pork. Bacon is prepared from several different cuts of meat, typically from the pork belly or from back cuts, which have less fat than the belly. It is eaten on its own, as a side dish (particularly in breakfasts), or used as a minor ingredient to flavour dishes (e.g., the club sandwich). Bacon is also used for barding and larding roasts, especially game, including venison and pheasant. The word is derived from the Old High German bacho, meaning "buttock", "ham" or "side of bacon", and is cognate with the Old French bacon."

Anything else is just a thin cut.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

It actually comes from "back

It actually comes from "back meat", if you want to get technical. Yes, the predominate animal, and the origin point, was a particular line of domesticated pigs, and it was the side meat. What we now call 'back bacon' (which is actually redundant, much like 'chain mail') Over the decades, it's been used to refer to the same cut of meat from a variety of other animals, such as bear - and it's just as accurate as 'pig meat'. Daniel Boone, in the 1700's, sold bear bacon - and apparently it was an acceptable use of the word.

It's one of the few times that the various other languages ended up settling on the English (Anglo-Saxon) word, discarding their own :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Maddy Bell's picture

Is actually more caffeine in tea than coffee and it doesn't have the diuretic effect. I can easily drink 4 cups of tea in a sitting but i'd be bent double with stomach cramps on that much coffee!

Think i've had three cups of coffee today which is about average, I always drink tea when I go out, more for your money and the caffeine is a boost for riding!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

_Tea leaves_ have more

_Tea leaves_ have more caffeine than coffee _beans_, but coffee has more caffeine than tea.

(Black tea, 47 mg per 8 fluid ounce, coffee, 95 mg per 8 fluid ounce) (Green tea is about half that of black tea)

Caffeine actually loses its diuretic effect within 2 weeks. The main issue is that if you (like me) drink a lot of fluids, you express a lot of fluids, diuretic or not. Remember, a roiling kidney gathers no stones.

I suspect that the stimulant effect also disappears within that same time period, like other stimulants. (have to keep upping the dosage for that 'high') You just get used to having it, so the withdrawal is what you have before your first cup-o-the-day.

I've found that if I go cold turkey, I have a splitting headache for one to two days, then I'm back to normal - however that might be defined. I just prefer the flavour, and it's impossible to get 'meals' at a fast food restaurant without a drink - and they charge you whether you drink water or something else.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Hot Cider is the only hot drink I like...

Always get my caffeine from Coca Cola. For 30 years my breakfast was 2 cans of Coke, as was my lunch. I drank 10-12 cans of Coke a day. Had to cut back a few years ago and am now down to 2 cans a day. I have no noticed any withdrawal when I was hospitalized for various surgeries. In January I started a part time job after 3 years of retirement and my desire for Coke has increased to 3 cans a day. One of the reasons I got a job was to increase my Patron donations. Wish you the best, Erin!

Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!

Jennifer Sue

A good reason to start farming :)

Coffee trees are easy to grow, don't require much care and are always a source of backup coffee. (And some shade.) :)

Not true. They're VERY picky

Not true. They're VERY picky about temperature and humidity. I was looking into what it would take to grow one (in Houston), and it ended up being a "Don't bother unless you keep it inside."

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Both correct in context

erin's picture

Coffea arabica which is what most coffee plantations grow is notoriously intolerant of conditions. C. robusta, on the other hand, is not called robust for naught. :) It is sometimes grown as an ornamental evergreen bush, even outside of areas usually thought of as hospitable to coffee growing. And you can make coffee out of it, about 1/4 of commercial beans grown are C. robusta. Maybe not as good of coffee, but most espresso blends are partly C. robusta.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


It is by far not as aromatic and tasty as Arabica, but can be even stronger in caffeine. So, the worst-case scenario will give you some not especially tasty stuff, that however will wake you. :)

BTW, the taste of Robusta can be improved with some vanilla in it. :)

Just as an update, in case

Just as an update, in case you try to search for coffea robusta, and can't find it - it's actually Coffea canephora. 'c. robusta' is a subset of Coffea canephora.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Maybe not quite

erin's picture

Theobromine (a caffeine-like molecule in chocolate, tea, cola, coca and maté) is probably also addictive but no one has done the research. Theophylline, another caffeine-like molecule is present in small amounts in the same group of plants and in coffee, but in very small doses. It's much more heart-toxic and so is probably NOT addictive in the sense that taking an addictive dose would likely be very bad for you. Small doses are used in the case of asthma and it is wonderful stuff I can tell you, personally. As a kid, I could take a pill and breathe easy and go to sleep immediately. Did not feel addicted to it but breathing is sort of addictive. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

From your first breath, you're hooked

True, oxygen is an addictive drug, from your first breath, you're hooked for life. ;-)


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Erin, in a pinch

when an asthmatic is having an attack and there's no inhaler or theophylline, drinking some caffeine quickly can ease the breathing (mildly, but hey, any port in a storm).

Hugz! - **Sigh**

Words may be false and full of art;
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell

I concur!

I've have had very underdeveloped lungs, and when I was a kid if we were out somewhere, and my inhaler was mia, my mom would get me coffee to provide temporary relief.

Yes and

mountaindrake's picture

It also provides temporary relief for bronchial conditions.

Have a good day and enjoy life.


I'll add my own experience. I've never been a regular coffee drinker, except for one job where morning and afternoon coffee breaks were informal management meetings. I started getting headaches on Sundays. When I noticed that if the diet soda I was drinking was caffeinated I didn't get the headaches, I diagnosed as caffeine withdrawl. Changing to a decaf or hot chocolate cured problem.


0.25tspgirl's picture

Caffine, theophylline, Aminophyline, amphetamine are all cousin drugs. The difference is which effect is most prominent. No-doze (caffine tablets) street name is Christian Crank. When I worked in chemical dependency (I’m a nurse) the meth addicts could tell when I had asthma and had to take theophylline. Knowing caffine drug effect of alertness is blunted by increased use I limited myself to 2 cups at the start of shift as an intragastric infusion of caffeine and sugar. 17 years of 12 hour night shifts. Still have 1 (maybe 2) cups though with sucralose with breakfast most days. Years since theophylline - inhalers work so much better. Chocolate is being threatened too - by South American deforestation. As the wicked witch of the west said “What a world, what a world”.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

It is by caffeine alone, I

It is by caffeine alone, I set my mind in motion.
It is by the power of java beans my thoughts acquire speed.
My hands acquire shakes. The shakes become a warning.
It is by caffeine alone, I set my mind in motion.