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Lions and tigers and bears... Hold it, wrong story there. None of the three would be caught near this place if they have the least bit of survival instinct working. This school has a mix of super powers, magic, and things in between, with a resident demon living in one of the furnaces.
Come visit Whateley Academy just down the road a bit from beautiful Dunwich.
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[email protected] I am toataly enthralled with the Whatley Universe . I check on it on almost daily . The fan fiction is equally { for the most part } captivating .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
The Whateley Universe and canon in particular is a wonder full place to read and enjoy. And there is a lot of various individuals with a variety of talents and problems. But;..!!!!!! No new material is released..Not canon
and except rare occasional visits from their authors sadly nothing new from these imaginative and talented
writers! : ( sniff..
Most the original authors
Are no longer writing Whateley stories. Morpheus and Elrod are about the two most prolific of the new wave of canon authors that came in.
Not sure what happened with the rest of the new authors that were writing 2nd gen stories? The original 2nd gen stories did leave a lot to be desired, but all they really needed to do was stop trying to have all the "main" characters be main characters in a single story to correct that.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Please don't get too upset if this one is empty for a while yet. The stories are coming, I promise. This is just the page to set them up.
Maggie Finson
I've enjoyed the Whateley sto
I've enjoyed the Whateley stories thus far. Would you and your coauthors please produce more. While you are at it, more Morganna would be appreciated too. Pretty please, with sugar on top. :-)