Missing Morpheous

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I havent seen any new stories from Morpheous either here or on whatley. Anyone know if he/she is okay?


He's been online, I PMed him

He's been online, I PMed him a couple of times in the past two weeks. It's only two or so weeks off of his average between posting his stories so it's not out of the realm of possibility that a new story is probably coming sometime in the next week or two. With how he has written his Generation 1 Whateley tales, he could also be waiting for someone else to post first before he is able to post his next story.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I was going to say...

Daniela Wolfe's picture

I was going to say, he hasn't posted in his yahoo group in quite a while, but given that you've talked with him I don't see any cause for concern. He seems to go quiet every once in a while. I think he's probably hard at work on his next story.

Have delightfully devious day,

last I heard...

Sleethr was writing other fan fiction, course that was quite awhile ago now. Could be real life things getting in the way. It jappens to all of us.

Who knows, he could be

Who knows, he could be working on assimilating another person into the Collective.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Yeah, I hope he returns soon.

...And that he writes something other than Whatley. (Yeah, it's good, but it seems to be all he writes anymore. It's nice to have some variety.)

Just my opinion, of course.


It hasn't even been a year yet since he finished A Piece in the Game of Gods, which was a long non-Whateley serial (making up roughly half of his 2018 writing output alone). Did you miss that one?

before that...

before that...

he had a 33 part "The Box's Pandora" which ran six months before that story. And before that, he did a story set in his "Legacy" universe. He also did a couple of one-off stories in between in addition to his novels. He does about one large story per year that is bookended by Whateley stories involving his own characters, he's busy but he's at least producing non-Whateley content.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I did see those.

It seems like his shorter stories are all Whateley-related, and aside from that, he does 1 or 2 big non-Whateley stories a year.