A little chuckle for everyone
Got up this morning and turned on the TV, the news reported it was -33F outside this morning.
Out of curiosity I went online to check to see what the temperature was in Hell, MI (Yes there is a real town in Michigan names that.)
It was only -13F there this morning
That makes it officially colder than Hell here!
Not laughing now
Looks like all those that use "When Hell freezes over" as an excuse not to do something now have to do those things.
And to make things worse theres already too much to do and not enough time to do it.
I thought you wanted it to be colder than Hell? It's when it's hotter than Hell that it's a problem :D
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Hotter than in Hell is good if you're an Inuit
Different culures envisaged their hell depending on what was perceived as worse. In dry, hot Palestine Hell naturally was considered to be a hot place. The Inuits wound up in a frozen wasteland.
Temperature contrasts
In contrast to your experience in your winter, our summer is very hot.
We are currently experiencing temps of greater than +110F to 120F.
Our chickens are laying hard boiled eggs...
Robyn B
Who said this planet was habitable?
It's interesting that if you look around the world on any given day you may see temperature differences of 150 degrees F or more. Hey, who said this planet was habitable? Let's get out of here!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I remember seeing a TV special about Hell, MI
On the TV special about it they talked about how they offerer a letter charring service from the Post office in Hell, MI
And from what I saw that service was real popular with people mailing in their Tax returns to the IRS and divorce papers to cheating spouses.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Two Fun Things To Do
When it's this cold in MN there are two things to do that are fun;
1.) Boil water in a sauce pan. Throw it in the air while standing on your deck. It will evaporate into a cloud before it hits the ground
2.) Sit in your hot tub. You'll be perfectly comfortable but your hair will be filled with icicles in your hair. I was in mine when it was -25.
Anything else outdoors is a pain-in-the-"whatever is exposed."
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Hell, MI
If you google "Hell frozen over" or something like that, you will find lots of pictures of a green sign that says HELL and is covered with icicles.
Hell has a wedding chapel. A number of hard-bitten divorcees got married there because they had sworn that if they ever got married again, it would be in Hell.
The story is that, when the city was first being incorporated, there was a lot of arguing about a name. Finally, someone slammed his fist on the table and said, "We all can name it HELL, for all I care!"
Recently, a google routing map has been making the rounds. It plots the route from Hell, Michigan to Paradise, Michigan. 133 Miles, if I recall correctly. (Paradise is in the upper peninsula, and is actually a very nice place.)
There used to be a sign (I don't know if it's still there) at a gas station that said, "Last gas until Christmas.) It was just a few miles out of Christmas, Michigan.
It's hotter than Hell in Fucking Austria
A balmy one degree Centigrade in the town with the coolest name ever.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Is this a bad time to mention
Is this a bad time to mention that it's been in the 50's and 60's, and raining, all day here in Houston?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Only sixty here
I'd like to order a nice 72 degrees for the rest of the year. No sub zero in the winter, nothing over the hundreds in the summer.
All joking aside it seems that brutal cold has stayed north of me this year. Hasn't stopped the utility bills from biting me in the... Who can afford to live as prices for everything necessary for life keeps going up and up?
Nuuan, you can keep the brutally cold weather. I'll pass.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
this has nothing to do with
this has nothing to do with climate change. So-called "polar vortexes" have occurred multiple times over the decades of recorded meteorological history. The first recorded one was 166 years ago and only identified specifically 69 years ago. It's not a shock, it's simply infrequent. The last ones to hit were in 2014 and was followed by a cold snap that led to the January/February burying of much of New England in snow.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Hell in Norway
Norway also has its Hell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Norway
Slightly warmer though. The prediction for today is sunny and -3 centigrades.
However, if you have a look at the link the Norwegian Hell also have a GODS EXPEDITION (goods handling).