It is truly disgusting......

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First, let me state that I am more than slightly disappointed by the response to my previous blog. I posted here in the hopes of possibly finding someone who might be interested in sharing a home - someone who could perhaps benefit from my situation by the fact that I truly don’t need them to contribute financially and they would be able to share a nice home without it becoming a major financial burden. My take away from this would be that it would help to prevent me from falling into the trap of enforced solitude that I have known before. Nothing more, nothing less.

Instead what I got was a bunch of amateur psychoanalysis, questions about my integrity as a spouse and as a person, and a pile of legal and social bickering.

Second, let me state unequivocally that my personal and financial relationship with my spouse is no one else’s business. I am easily well off enough financially that most of your petty little questions are trivial; but furthermore, whatever happens in the future of our relationship she is the one and only love of my life. I am wholly monogamous, and will be to the day I die - whether she feels that way or not is her choice, but I have given myself wholly to the only person I have ever loved.

Through no fault of hers, our relationship has changed. I was prepared for that possibility when I first made the decision to transition. A decision which I made with her knowledge I might add. In fact, she actually talked me into stopping once, but after about a year I realized that I simply couldn’t go on being someone who wasn’t me. When I told her this, she immediately went to a lawyer and started divorce proceedings. Four days later she told him to tear everything up as she realized that no matter what I was the same person she fell in love with.

I knew that the statistics said we had a less than 4% chance of making it - but 4% was better than the 100% chance of me eating a .45 caliber round if I kept on the way I was. Do the math....... 4% beats 0% on any day of the week.

I have been lucky enough to be part of that 4%. But it has become obvious to me that whether she wants to admit or not, she needs someone other than me and I am deluding myself by thinking that will change. Yes, I knew our relationship would change. I also know that for me it has not, and never will. I am deluding myself to think that things will get better - to her, I will never be more than a girlfriend who lives in the same house. And it gets worse as time goes by. She never kisses me anymore. Where I used to always get a kiss when I came home, or whenever I did something special for her, or simply did something to help her - now I get none. And she is beginning to turn away when I kiss her. How long until I am no longer welcome in my own bed? How long until I find some piece of male clothing that doesn’t belong to one of my sons? I care not to find out.

As for our financial arrangements, well, besides the fact that it is none of your business, I was raised to take care not only of my obligations, but moreso of my family. And I can easily afford to do so.

And as to the comment about being away for work, I spent years in the US Navy away from home for months at a time. A fact she knew when we wed, and a fact she was proud of. When I left active service, I took a job which required about 75% travel, and we dealt with it - for years without any issues. We have worked through those issues, and she has benefitted not only from the income it has provided us, but also the many perks as well.

And in answer to the comment regarding whether my wife works, the answer is yes. She has a very good job.

At this point I can only reiterate my disappointment at the way some of the people here have treated me. I have read comments from many of my friends here in the past which alluded to this, but this is the first time I have seen it first hand. To say I am disgusted is an understatement. I have always thought of this site as a place I could find friendship and support. Support from those few who understood what it is to be different, to be apart from the majority. Perhaps I was mistaken.


A suggestion

Divorces is always a hot topic for T people, so in essence they’ve hijacked your thread, reflecting on their fears, inadequacies, guilt, anger, depression, what have you, so please forgive them.

Ask for any responses be made over PM for any compatibility pain points such as politics, housekeeping differences (e.g. are you a Felix or an Oscar etc)

While BC does attract a somewhat better class of folks from what you would get from say Craig’s List, it is still a diverse set of people in a support group-like situation, so be careful, but I am sure you know that.


erin's picture

To be honest, Dallas, I was actually considering whether this might work for me. I've been living alone now since my mother died 11 years ago and I don't really like living alone. That 11 years is in fact, the only period longer than two months in which I have lived alone.

I'm 70, on Social Security and I own my own mobile home and pay less than $500/mo in utilities. I can cook but am not really a good housekeeper. We'd have to find out if we really suited as roommates but the real problem for me would be those East Coast winters. :) I've lived nearly my whole life in Southern California.

So, I'm still thinking about it.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

As a Southern California girl myself......

D. Eden's picture

I can understand the reluctance due to the weather. It definitely took some adjustment, and I still hate cold weather, but the rest of the year is truly nice.

I cook, clean, and have been told that I make a good wife, lol, so that would not be an issue - unless of course you are a total slob, which I don’t expect to be the case.

I would love to have you if you decide to try. Just let me know.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

That would be cool

Us East Coasters can get to meet you some more then, I missed the last Joisey get together.


Andrea Lena's picture

To be transgender, especially for those of us born of a certain age, leaves us with a dilemma that promises heartache no matter what we do. I think of you often and your all too familiar and painful journey. I am saddened to no end for your heartache. God bless, dear heart.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Even if it may sound so,

Monique S's picture

this is not amateur psychology but my own life experience.

Being M2F trans myself I have counselled people of all sorts of walk of life since 1986. If you are an adult person you take decisions and take the conseqences they produce. I had lived with my partner for 19 years, her knowing of my desire to become a female. When I finally couldn't take the charade any more she sent me away with the same arguments you quoted.
I thought the same as you. Then I met this young woman, who needed and adult woman to help her break free from the cultural restrictions in her homeland. I took her on as a protegée, helped her get into university in Europe. She has become like the daughter I never had. Bit by bit she has helped me to come to terms with the change in focus. The love I looked for is lost, what I found is different, but no less valuable. I have something like a daughter, who knows I wasn't always a woman, but loves me more than her "real" parents. At my age HRT isn't any different than for a cis woman, it keeps my body functioning like a woman, but sexual desire? It only existed in my brain in the end.

Now I take what reality gives me. She studies in the Netherlands, I live in Brittany. When we meet it is as if we just left each other a week ago. We phone and chat. And you know what? Since I have myself resigned to that my former partner seems to begin to overcome her whatever it was. And now, as she tries to get closer again, I realise that a lot of what I thought I felt was illusion. I like her as a friend again, but it stops there.

If you fall into depression if you have solitude, perhaps you still habour some remnants of unfullfilled early desires? Solitude, if you know who you are, gives you the space to look inside. There you find anything you'll ever need, once you are past a certain age. Unless you still haven't found all of yourself. Use the solitude to find it instead of looking back and getting depressed.

I hope this helps,

Monique S

I Apologize.

There won't be any excuses from me for my bad behavior save to say that my own T experience has been do painful.

I wish you the best.



mountaindrake's picture

I was going to rip some of the posters on your previous blog a new one for lack of respect for others feelings and circumstance, but instead I will wish you lots of luck and happiness in your new endeavors it is never easy to start a new life no matter what the reason.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

"they" are still people

BarbieLee's picture

The GLBT label doesn't make them any better or any worse than the rest of the population. We hope and believe because they are either caught up in the boy-girl mix master or are accepting and understanding gives them insight AND compassion the general population is missing. They understand better than the general population. Sorry, not only no, but hell no. They are still human along with all the human strengths, frailties, love, hate, the whole range of human emotions.

Not having read your previous blog, I'm guessing you bared your soul as you seeked a roomie. Of course you want a compatible roomie and the place to start is tell them about yourself. I wouldn't have approached it like that. Share a few details, offer to rent, and if it works lower the rent if I felt they were compatible. IF it didn't work I'd raise the rent until they left. Kinda like dating to see if sharing the sheet with someone the rest of one's life is where we were headed.

By the way, I think I have less than sixty cats, two dozen chickens, no goats, cows, or horses at the moment but willing to upgrade. That HUGE DOG or whatever he is really is loveable after he gets through sampling and accepts you. I'm up three or four times EVERY night but I don't lay down lead or buckshot every time. Usually the critters moved on by the time I get my slippers on. If sleeping with a gun in bed bothers you, I'll keep it on my side. What state do you live in? I've kinda grown attached to the one on my hip over the past twenty years. Thinking I could pull out my cell phone and dial 911 if someone attacked me, really doesn't warm my heart.

So...., we're good, right? I promise I won't take up the whole house..., if it's big enough. All those clothes I haven't worn the past twenty years. I'm working on it. I was back at the VA Friday and they weighed me in at 151. That heavy winter coat, cowboy boots, weigh close to five lbs. Oh..., I'm three wheeling it now. (crutches) so you'll need to do all the cooking, washing, shopping, etc. Doc said it would be for eight weeks more or less. I won't be able to pack up anything myself. Send MayFlower moving and I'll show them what needs to go right now. The rest can come later unless you're too good of a cook and I won't be fitting back into that little black sweater dress.

The nurses at the VA asked if I was always like this? Only when I'm awake. Life is too short to take it seriously. I'm looking for a pirate costume so when I go back and see my doc I'm be gimping along on one leg and have an eye patch. Arrrrr Matey sanity eludes us. Be kind of embarrassing if they call security on me. Still be worth it though.

Hugs D
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


I'm not going to grace this issue with a response other than to say, I have a long memory when a friend of mine is mistreated. When an offer seems to be good to be true. . ..


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

And some of us have grown accustomed

to living solitary lives... at least in person. I communicate daily with several people through various means, but I prefer my own company. I guess I'm just not a social person.

Also... people seem almost required to put their two cents in even though they are not qualified to do so. God knows... if I had taken all the advice that I was "offered" before transition, I would have probably ended with MPD and lost who I truly am.

Don't be too hard on people honey. They're only trying to help and sometimes don't realize that they are speaking for themselves and not necessarily for the person they're trying to "help."

As for the climate... well I am very familiar with the weather in which you live. I'm from Jamestown N.Y., not that far from you.

I will offer no advice to you regarding your personal life, since it's not mine. You'll do what you have to do to stay sane and functioning. I feel your pain over losing what had been a loving relationship, but that's all I can do other than offer a shoulder to cry on and a hand in friendship.

I'm in a stable situation... for now... and not looking to move, but if I weren't... well, you'd be looking at a taker for your offer.

Best of luck and hang in there, okay? I'm on skype ALL the time as cathy_t_ and if you have skype you can call me whenever you need to talk.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg