Interview with a Lolita -chp9

Interview with a Lolita

Debra Wallen had expected her day to be filled with the usual drudgery of an Interns life for Fashion Blitz magazine. She never expected to be interviewing one of the world’s newest and biggest fashion designers this day. Not only was the woman a force to be reckoned with but a true mystery as well. Debra would be the first person to ever had a one on one interview with Ren Nagata. This was Debra’s big chance and she really wanted to impress her boss by coming back with an interview worthy of her trust. Little could Debra see how this one interview would affect her life or how it would influence her career.

Chapter 9

Sumiyoshi, Koto, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan, Friday December 17, 2004

Takashi led the troop of six teenage and one mature Lolita into the fashionable restaurant of Ogahanto Sumiyoshi in Sumiyoshi. Ren could not believe how easily her aunt Yoshi and Takashi were able to find a different look for each teenager. Takashi had capitalized on how each girl’s coloring and size made them individuals. To that end he took each girls home nation into consideration.

For England he had used Amanda to pull off the ELG with its Victorian and Western influenced style. Takashi took in Céleste Lorieux’s coloring and French ancestry then went for the classic Country Lolita in honor of her homeland. Gretchen Hufstedler was the only girl from Germany at our school and was proud of this fact. Yoshi had taken in the girl’s blonde hair, blue eyes, and almost six feet of height to go with the Kodona or Boy Style Lolita. For Ren the makeovers of her friends was a chance to show off for her two mentors by giving Maria Rossi her makeover. Ren used the girl’s natural Italian coloring and size to go for a conservative Ero Lolita. The last of the girls was the petite, dark haired and colored Carmelita Esperanza. She was also the hardest of the girls to find a style for due mainly to her coloration and size thanks in part to her Spanish ancestry. It took both Takashi and Yoshi to find a style that would work for the girl. In the end they went with the Otome Lolita style. Even Ren had not escaped the makeover administrations of Takashi. Gone was her normal Bitter Sweet Lolita style in its place Ren now sported the Wa Lolita style. Mainly because she was the only Japanese girl in the bunch and Takashi wanted to showcase each country represented by the teens.

He succeeded all imagination. The restaurant guests were amazed by the parade of young women dressed in the height of Lolita fashion. The five couples that were sitting in the reserved section had yet to witness the stunning parade of feminine beauty that was slowly descending upon them. Only the Sullivan parents had any idea of what to expect. Yoshi had taken pictures of Amanda and sent them to Amanda’s parents earlier at the shop. When Yoshi, Ren, and Amanda went to do the same for the other teens Takashi put a halt to that idea. Saying that he wanted to unveil one of his greatest achievements to the girls’ parents.

The first one to see the girls was Howard Sullivan. At first, he didn’t recognize his own daughter, Amanda. When he did though it was with stunned silence as he nudged his wife and pointed at Amanda. When Gloria Sullivan saw her daughter in all her Lolita glory the woman fell out of her seat. The commotion caused by the Sullivan’s garnered the attention of the other parents. Almost as one the other eight parents turned to look at the parade of Lolitas headed their way. At first none of them could believe the sight of these creatures of feminine beauty. Then they each recognized their own daughter among the Lolitas. To say that the shock and awe effect that Takashi was going for had impacted on the girls’ parents with the full force of a typhoon.

The first to find their voice was Gretchen Hufstedler’s father. “Mein Gott, sie ist wunderschön wie die schneebedeckten Berge von Zuhause.”

“Gretchen. Schatz bist das wirklich du?” Her mother asked.

“Ja. Mama, ich bin es wirklich. Gefällt dir mein neues Aussehen?” Gretchen’s nervousness at her parents’ reaction to the makeover was palatable. In answer to her daughter’s question Gretta Hufstedler grabbed her in a rib cracking hug. “Mama, papa, I would like to introduce Herr Takashi Shizumi and Fräulein Yoshi Nagata. They are the people responsible for my marvelous transformation.”

Hans Hufstedler bowed to the Japanese gentleman. “Thank you for what you have done for my little girl, and Fräu sir. I am sure that I am not the only father here that is surprised by the transformations of their daughter.”

“You can say that again, Hans. I barely recognized my sweet, Carmelita.” Ricardo Esperanza was still trying to comprehend the petite beauty that was his daughter. “May I know what this style is called sir?”

“Si. I too would know this style. You have brought out her maidenly qualities.” Carmelita’s mother gushed with motherly pride.

“Mrs. Esperanza is not the only one who wants to know how you were able to turn our daughters into such beautiful creatures of femininity, sir.” Kathrine Rossi said in stunned disbelief as she stood holding her daughter Maria.

Takashi just smiled as the sentiment was repeated by the other mothers. “Ladies and gentlemen if you would all please be seated. I will go over each model’s look while we wait. Once we have ordered our meals first.”

With their daughters seated between them, the parents all took their seats. Ren was sat between Yoshi and Takashi. Within ten minutes a waiter arrived to first take their drink orders and hand out menus. With drinks ordered the waiter left the party to make up their minds on dinner. When the waiter returned with their drinks everyone was ready to order. The men were more than a little surprised to hear Takashi tell the waiter that everything was on just the one check and he was paying. To these men that could only mean one thing. This was more than just a dinner among potential friends, but a business dinner with a potential employer or investor.

Howard Sullivan was the first to broch the subject. “Mr. Shizumi, I take it that you have a business proposal that you wish to discuss with us?”

“In a way I do, Mr. Sullivan. Earlier this evening I was visiting Miss Nagata in the hopes of finding her niece and kōhai.” Takashi placed his hand on Ren’s shoulder. “You see I was in need of a translator. Something that I have used Ren-chan for in the past. However, Ren lacked the necessary skill in French.” He looked over at Amanda. “Ren-chan suggested that I talk instead with Amanda-chan.”

Howard started to chuckle. He could see it playing out in his head and chuckled. “Excuse me, Takashi-san for my chuckling. It is just that I can already see what my lovely daughter pulled. May I guess?” Takashi nodded his head as he smiled. “Amanda is not as fluent in French as she is in Japanese but does know someone who is fluent in French. So much so that it is their first language.” This last part was said as he looked at Amanda’s friend Céleste. “I then bet she proceeded to negotiate the price for the services for her friend and a finder’s fee for herself.”

“I must say, you know your daughter extremely well to have figured that out. You were not even there and yet you have more than just the gist of the discussion between your lovely daughter and me. That or you were the one to train her in the ways of business negotiations.” Takashi was truly impressed by Howard’s insight to the conversation back at Nagata Lolita Designs.

“If you don’t mind sir. Just how hard of a negotiator is Miss Sullivan?” Asked Peter Lorieux from next to his daughter as he watched Amanda.

“I too would know about this deal that Miss Sullivan has worked out sir.” Marko Rossi questioned pointedly as he eyed Amanda. “I think that we, their parents, should be the ones to consult on financial matters first.”

“That good sir is the reason for this meeting.” Takashi answered with a stony face. Takashi Shizumi had learned long ago how to play poker. His friends often said that he could bluff the devil out of his tail. He had perfected the art of the poker face before any of these men ever set foot in Japan. “Amanda-chan please explain your idea for your business. I believe that you called it Lolita Translations?”

Amanda smiled at Takashi and bowed. “At once Takashi-senpai.” looking around the table at the gathered parents Amanda took a deep breath before starting. “Gentlemen, what I have proposed to Takashi-senpai is this. A full service translation company that only specializes in one language per translator. Translators that will also learn from the people or companies that hire them. It is our intention to use the students of Goto-Kono Senior High School. Just among our classmates we can cover the enter UE, the Mediterranean countries, half of Eastern Europe, and a full third of the Oriental Countries. We would provide ethical, loyal, and highly trained translators, while still learning the ways of business.”

“Amanda, honey, have you thought about how you’ll get around that pesky law concerning students working? After all none of you girls have work visas.” Gloria asked her daughter with some concern. “And where did you come up with your name?”

“We have a way around the work visa requirement mom. As high school students we can form a club. The club will have to be a cultural club. Through the club we’ll be able to hire out as kōhai to reputable businesses on the grounds of furthering our educations. Each translator will be paid a set gratuity by the company or businessman that hired them. This allows them to work as kōhais without needing their work visas.” Amanda, Takashi, and Yoshi had worked on this part of the business during the drive over from Yoshi’s shop. It had been Takashi’s input that settled most of the problems. Even the other four teens like the idea.

“Amanda dear. You didn’t answer me about WHERE you got the name for your little enterprise. I won’t ask you again.” Gloria informed her daughter.

“Well, that is a little complicated.” Amanda was blushing at this time. So were the rest of the teens. “It, kind of came about thanks to our makeovers.”

All five of the gathered fathers burst out laughing at the embarrassment of their daughters. Takashi just hid his smile behind his drink. The mothers though became more interested in the idea of their daughters not only learning the ways of business but earning money as well. This was something that they could pass down to the other girls in their school that came along after them. Especially if it was in the form of an after school club.

Ulva Hufstedler was the first to say anything. “Is this the only style that would work with my daughter’s coloring and size Mister Shizumi?”

“Mrs. Hufstedler when it comes to your daughter Gretchen, I have too many styles that I could have used.” Takashi was on ground he was more than happy to discuss. “The only reason I went with the styles that I picked for each girl was to honor their individual homelands. While your lovely daughter has the coloring and proportions to wear the Country, Classic, Gothic, and Otome Lolita styles I felt that she would better represent her homeland as a Kodona Lolita or Boy Style.”

Takashi slowly wave around the table. Stopping to point at each girl while naming them and giving the name of the Lolita style they were wearing. “For the lovely Céleste Lorieux we went with the classic Country Lolita as it shows off her delightful and playful French maiden appearance. Gretchen Hufstedler as you know is our Kodona. Her natural coloring lent itself towards this style. A style that plays heavily towards her German ancestry. Yoshi’s kōhai Ren had a real challenge and a chance to show her talents with Maria Rossi. Ren used Maria’s natural coloring and size to go with a more conservative Ero Lolita. A style that truly emphasizes Maria’s Italian linage. Of all the girls, Carmelita Esperanza was the greatest challenge to find a style for due mainly to her coloration and size lending themselves to so many deferent styles. In the end we were forced to return to one of the styles in which Lolita has its roots. The Otome Lolita style. Of, all the nations Japan was the easiest to represent. We simply had Yoshi’s kōhai Ren dress in the Wa Lolita style. A style that is heavily influenced by and incorporates many traditional Japanese clothing elements whilst still keeping the Lolita silhouette.”

“Mister Shizumi why did you give our daughters makeovers? Not that I disapprove of Maria’s new look. I think that all of the fathers here would agree with me.” Marko Rossi told him with a sly smile. “There must be more behind the reason for the makeovers. We are all businessmen and know the cost of such things.”

Takashi chuckled before answering, as Yoshi hid her giggle. “I have several reasons Mr. Rossi. Though the main one is to give this fledgling enterprise a look that would attract the attention of prospective clients and potential corporate sponsors for their club. As you all know, many of the local high schools’ clubs fail due to lack of funding. We all know the old saying of ‘sex sells’. Well in fashion there is another saying that balances that. ‘Shock effect equals sells’. What better way to shock your competition than to present such ultra-feminine creatures as your daughters? Ultra-feminine creatures that are as competent as they are beautiful.”

The mothers and fathers of the gathered girls were stunned by this very blunt admission from Takashi. Takashi once again showed these highly experienced men and women of International Business that he was a true master of the boardroom and the art of the deal. Unlike the parents of the girls, Takashi was more than just a businessman and fashion designer. He was a student of Sun Tzu, Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher who authored The Art of War. Takashi had applied many of Sun Tzu’s teachings to his business model.

The first parent to truly understand what Takashi was doing was Amanda’s father, Howard Sullivan. His response was to start laughing. The plan was prefect. By forming a school cultural club, the girls got around the law by having potential clients act as corporate sponsors. To cover the part where the club would need some educational value the sponsors would also act as senpai for the girls in the ways of business. It was practically perfect. And by the girls forming a cultural club they could in truth recruit new members from the incoming class. The only catch was if the student council and school would approve such a club. This was quickly brought up by the girls’ mothers. To them education was the more important aspect of the project.

“Would the student council even approve of this club, Amanda?” Gretta Hufstedler asked the teenager with a sharp eyed stair. She knew that the six gathered teenagers were all considered to be the bottom of their school socially. Their whole class was considered by the Head Mistress and the rest of the school’s staff to be the school’s misfits, social outcasts, and delinquents. An attitude that carried over to the student council and its members. Unfortunately, Gretta knew that most of the girls in her daughter’s class fit into one of those three categories.

This time it was Ren who answered as she fought to control her giggle fit. “That is the beautiful thing, Fräu Hufstedler. We DON’T need the council’s approval to form a new club at school. We only need four founding members and they cannot reject our request to form the club. Even if they do, we’ll just form the club anyway and use an off-campus facility to hold our meetings. If we really want too to get nasty, we just go straight to the Headmistress with our petition to form our club. As much as that woman hates us she still has to follow the rules herself. We meet all the requirements, she has to let us form the club. She would even have to appoint us a faculty sponsor and advisor from the school’s teaching staff.”

“I must say Miss Nagata. You are quite the formidable entrepreneur. May I know where you learned your skills?” Marco Rossi asked with true surprise.

“Mister Rossi, my niece learned her skills at the knees of her parents. Both of whom I learned a great deal in my earlier years.” Yoshi answered the man with a smile. “My brother-in-law and sister could give lessons in business and diplomacy to just about anyone on their own. Yet, when they worked together, they were unstoppable. Not even Takashi and I could match their teamwork.”

Yoshi smiled as she place her hand on Ren’s shoulder. “Ren had the privilege of learning from both of them. She grow up showing her parents in many political and social situations around the world.”

The five businessmen could see that the real mastermind behind the project was Ren Nagata. While Amanda may have been the catalyst that started the ball rolling, it would be Ren who carried it over the finish-line. The gathered parents could also tell that the six teenage girls were becoming fast friends. Friends that would go to the mat for each other and their ideas.

“Takashi-san, how would you propose we pitch the use of this club to our companies?” Peter Lorieux wanted to know. “After all, we just cannot walk-in and tell our respective superiors to use our daughters as their new translators.”

“I totally agree with you, Peter-san. The answer isn’t so much as how, but when.” At the blanks looks of the fathers Takashi knew he would have to explain further. “WE” Takashi began by pointing to the men. “Setup business dinners with respected Japan company representatives. Only make sure to not arrange for your company’s normal translator to work the event. In their place you take your daughter. At the dinner explain to your counterparts that your normal translator is out sick but that your daughter offered to fill in at the last minute.”

“Attack where and when the girls can showcase their talents. While keeping our counterparts off-balance. We give the girls a platform to set in motion their own success. I must say Takashi-san, you are a truly devious man.” Marko chuckled. “I am certainly glad that you’re only acting as guide for our daughters. I would not want to face off against you across a negotiation table.”

“Thank you for the compliment Mister Rossi. I only have one concern with their plan. Who will the school assign as their club’s faculty sponsor.” Takashi held his glass of tea to his lips for a moment before drinking as if deep in thought. “It would have to be considered a cultural club if the school’s administration pushes matters. These all require both a faculty sponsor and advisor.”

Ren knew that Takashi was basically laying the groundwork for her. They had talked about how to get the parents of the other girls more involved in their little project. It had been Carmelita Esperanza who gave them the next part of their little dinner discussion. She pointed out that her mother, along with Kathrine Rossi, had their teaching credentials. Ren smiled and pointed to Carmelita. “You’re on.”

Ricardo turned to his daughter. “Carmelita, what is your friend talking about?”

“If we do need an advisor or faculty sponsor and the school doesn’t want to give us one. We just ask mama and Mrs. Rossi to fulfill that position.” Carmelita answered with a smile that showed more than she was letting on.

“Okay what does that mean Miss Esperanza?” Howard asked her politely. Only to hear the two mothers chuckling. They had already figured out what the girls were getting at.

“Sir, both my mother and Mrs. Rossi have their full teaching credentials. We can go to the Headmistress and board of directors with their credentials forcing their hand on approving them as our sponsor and advisor.” Carmelita answered quickly.

Of all the gathered men, only Marko Rossi grasped what Carmelita was saying. If the school’s faculty refused to help, then the girls would basically resort to blackmail. Well, not so much blackmail, but hardball business tactics. He couldn’t believe that these teenaged girls have not only been able to come up with a sound business plan but a way to implement it. One that the establishment will be forced to accept and unable to stop. He may have been the first to spot the craftiness of the girls, but he wasn’t the last. Soon all five of the gathered fathers wanted in on this plan. A plan that they knew would make them all a great deal of money in the term.

As dinner was served the parents of the gathered teens went over the finer points of the girls plans. For the next two hours they discussed what needed to be done to insure their success. One of the surprising developments was the way the mothers rallied behind the idea of Mrs. Rossi and Mrs. Esperanza working as the sponsor and advisor for the girls’ club. The men though saw their needs for translators being solved in one simple and rational step. Not to mention a way to ingratiate themselves to their higher ups at the same time.

Just before ten pm that night the impromptu dinner broke up. Without exception, all of the girls wanted to hold a sleepover at Ren’s place. Unfortunately, Yoshi had to put a stop to their sleepover plans. Much to the disappointment of Ren. Only Amanda was able to leave with Yoshi and Ren. The rest of the girls said that they would all meetup the next morning at Junko’s pies and cakes. With plans made for the next day the teens said good-bye and went on home with their parents. Once it was just Yoshi, Ren, Amanda, and Takashi they called for a cab to take the three Lolitas home. Takashi gave each a kiss on the cheek wishing them a goodnight as he helped them into the taxicab. Ten minutes later he climbed into his own taxi.

Back at their apartment Yoshi gave both girls a hug. “You did great tonight, kids.”

“Thanks aunt Yoshi, but this was all Amanda’s idea. I just kicked the ball to where it needed to go.” Ren blushed at the praise her aunt was lavishing on her and Amanda. “I knew that she had a great idea. She just needed someone to hear her.”

“No, you don’t Ren. You don’t get to dump all the credit on my shoulders girlfriend.” Amanda blushed just as hard as Ren did at the praise from Yoshi. “If you hadn’t come up with that idea for the makeovers our whole plan would have gone down the tube with one flush. By the way why did you dress me up as an EGL?”

“I was going to go with something else, but aunt Yoshi pointed that your coloration, size, and age lent themselves more to the EGL look.” Ren was honest with Amanda. “I wanted to go with the Dark Princess or Aristocrat Lolita.”

“Wow! You see as some kind of Victorian Aristocrat?” Amanda was surprised by this.

“Sure. You have that air of sophistication about you. The one that just screams High Class Lady. I can’t wait for tomorrow though.” Ren was rubbing her hands together in an imitation of the Wicked Witch of the West. “Your mine now my little pretty, you and your little dog too.”

Amanda turned to look at Yoshi with a quirky smile. “Why do I suddenly get the feeling that I just became her life sized Barbie doll?”

Yoshi returned the quirky smile and patted Amanda’s cheek. “Not just hers.”

“Yeah, we got you for the next two weeks all to ourselves. Along with access to three full warehouses, and eight full shops.” Ren giggled as she headed for the kitchen area. “Anyone for tea?”

Amanda just shook her head as Ren went about making a pot of tea for the three of them. For the next hour the few hours they sat around the katotsu drank tea and watched the movie Prince’s Bride. Both teens thought the movie had more a few spay points that fit in well with the comedy aspects. It is just one of those movies that crosses all lines of entertainment with equal measure successfully.

Amanda didn’t remember what the time was when she and Ren went to bed. All she knew was that it was sometime in the early morning. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Amanda pulled on her housecoat and headed towards the living room. She could hear the sounds of the TV playing. At first Amanda thought she was hearing things, but she could have sworn that she was hearing the opening theme sound track to ‘Girls & Panzer’. Her second favorite anime of all-time right behind ‘Cross Angel Rondo of Angels and Dragons’. As she entered the main room, she found Ren and Yoshi sitting once again under the katotsu with a bowls of cheerio’s and tall glasses of milk.

Amanda blinked her eyes a few times before asking the very obvious question. “Really. Cartoons and cereal. What are you guys? Little kids?”

Yoshi blinked then looked over at Ren who had the same look on her face. Both turned back to look at Amanda before pointing to the TV. “But it’s Saturday.”

Amanda stood there unable to think. The stupid explanation stripped her mental gears. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. To her the simple explanation was something that a nine year old would say. Not a grown woman and a teenager. Amanda soon had the look of ‘I’ve been slapped with a tuna’ cross her face. Seeing this both Yoshi and Ren burst out laughing.

“Amanda-chan why don’t you just take a seat. I think we’ve hurt your brain too much too early this morning.” Yoshi ordered the teen with a smile, while patting the third floor seat. “We knew that you weren’t a morning person. Your mother informed me.”

Grumbling Amanda just took her place under the katotsu. Pouring herself a cup of tea first thing Amanda turned to watch the anime that was currently playing. All the while she blatantly ignored the amused looks of her hosts. Ren and Yoshi had planned their little fun with Amanda from the time that they found out that she could spend the winter break with them. Once Amanda had her first cup of tea Yoshi slid a warm bowl of oatmeal in front of her.

Once Amanda was awake enough to comprehend the world she turned to Ren. “So, do you really do this every Saturday morning? Or did you just do this to mess with my head? Be honest girlfriend.”

“Honestly?” Ren giggled. “It is a little of both. We normally have breakfast here at the katotsu before aunt Yoshi heads for work. As for the anime that was just me screwing with your head. I love my anime, but I won’t subject you to it while you’re here. I know that it is not everyone’s thing.”

“I don’t mind the anime.” Amanda quickly moved to block Ren’s hand before she turned off the show. Amanda blushed at being caught out as an anime fan girl. “I guess I should confess. I’m anime-fangirl. I have been for a while.” Amanda blushed even harder. “So, are you like me? A fangirl?”

“Oh yah. She is one of the biggest fangirls that I know of.” Yoshi answered for Ren from the kitchen area. “You should see the way she dresses for one of the conventions. Total Steampunk anime-Lolita. How she can combine some of her style choices and make them look as good as she does is beyond me.”

“You’ve already been to one of the conventions?” Amanda was floored. She hadn’t been to more than four conventions and she had been here for more of her life. “Which one did you hit? Who did you see?”

Ren giggled at her friend. “I’ve only been to one Amanda. Even then it was more of a working affair.” At Amanda’s blank look Ren sighed. “I was there promoting Takashi’s new Fall Cosplay Lolita and Anime line-up.”

“You mean you were one of the Booth-girls?” Amanda asked excitedly. “That must have been so awesome! I would loved to do that sometime.”

“Then you shall have your chance Amanda-chan.” Yoshi said as walked back towards her room to get ready for her work day. “Ren you can raid my closet to find something for Amanda to wear today. Be ready by ten. A taxi will be picking up no later than ten-thirty. Use the Casual look for both of you.”

Amanda looked over at Ren as Yoshi disappeared into her room. The smile on her friend’s face more than words. “IS your aunt joking?”

“Nope. I know that you knew about the Com-con over in Kyoto this coming week.” Amanda just nodded her head. “Well, Takashi has a booth there and WE” Ren pointed at herself and Amanda “will be the ones working it. As Models and Booth-girls.”

Ren watched as the excitement grew in her friend’s eyes. The prospect of being a booth-girl for just one Convention was too much for her to pass up. “How soon before we can start getting ready? How many days are we going to be at the Com-con? Do we have to work every day of the Com-con? Will we get a chance to walk around?”

“Slow down!” Ren could only laugh at her friend’s excitement. “To answer your questions. Yes, we’ll be there for all five days of the Com-con. No. we won’t have to work all five days, only three of them. Even then we’ll only be working half-days. Takashi will be rotating other models through the booth. We’ll get our chance to walk around and see the convention. There is a catch though. We’ll have to wear whatever we were wearing at the booth. Do worry though we’ll be getting paid for the entire time we’re there. You still game?”

“Let me see if I got this right. First, I get to have the kind of access that only booth-girls get to a Com-con. Second, I get free Cosplay wear for the full five days of the event. Third, I will be getting paid to walk around in that same Cosplay wear. Then hell to the yeah, I’m still game. I just got to know if my parents approved of all this? I mean I don’t need any more grief. You know what I mean.” Amanda turned shy towards the end.

“Don’t worry about that, girlfriend. Aunt Yoshi squared it all away yesterday.” Ren started to giggle. “She and your mom talked about the trip while we were finishing up classes before the break. If you check your suitcase, you’ll find your passport has been packed. Along with a bunch of clothes that you won’t be needing.”

“Why won’t I be needing what I packed for my stay?” Amanda wondered what Ren was up to. “It’s not like I’ll need a lot of clothes at the convention. Not with Takashi having us wear a new outfit every day. Even if they are just loaners.”

“Um… Amanda they’re not loners. Whatever Takashi has you wear is yours to keep.” Ren told her friend. “That’s the upside, the downside is he expects you to wear it whenever there is a convention within a few hundred miles. Then there’s the clothes he’ll have for you for after convention hours. You can bet that he’ll have at least two to three different looks for you to choose from each day.”

“Oh wow!” Amanda couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you sure about that? I mean we have to be talking about close to five to six hundred dollars’ worth of clothes.”

“She’s told you the truth Amanda.” Yoshi answered for Ren as she walked back into the room. “Takashi Shizumi is very generous to his booth-girls. Especially when it comes to the clothes that he has them wear.”

“But why?” Amanda asked. “He has to be losing money doing that.”

“He writes each and every full outfit off a tax deduction under advertising. In the long run it doesn’t cost him a dime. In fact, he actually makes money off the Booth-girl wardrobes. He keeps at least ten copies of every outfit at the booth for fast makeovers of convention goers. He always sells out before the end of the second day of the convention. The last convention he had to order in an emergency resupply.” Ren told Amanda with a mile wide smile.

Ren looked up at her aunt. “When are we supposed to be at your shop again?”

“No later than eleven-thirty, Ren. That’ll give you girls enough time to look around a little before we have to leave for the train station.” With that Yoshi gave Ren a kiss on the forehead and headed for the door. “Remember to take your meds, Ren.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Ren called out as she watched Yoshi slip her feet into a pair of Mary-Jane high-heels with a T-strap vamp. Ren and Amanda both notice for the first time that Yoshi had gone with a Kuro style Lolita today over her normal Otome or Class Lolita styles. It gave Ren an idea for hers and Amanda’s outfits for the day. She just had to remember if she a had a auburn wig for Amanda. “Amanda wait here. I need to go check on something.”

Amanda just shrugged her shoulders and went back to eating her breakfast. Ren ran to her room first. Ren smiled at finding the needed waist length dark auburn wig for the Kuro style. Running over to double check her aunt’s room Ren was almost bouncing with joy. There on her aunt’s vanity was a matching wig to her own. Both wigs were styled with twisted braids falling from temples on each side of the head that were tied with black ribbons at their ends. The hair in back was pulled into a low ponytail that was tied by a large black bow. They were perfect for twinning.

Running back to the living room Ren smiled at her friend. “Amanda, how would you like to be my twin for the day?”

“What?” Amanda looked at Ren with true confusion. “Just what are you talking about?”

Ren sighed. “Haven’t you ever seen Lolita twins or triplets?” Amanda just shook her head no. “Well, it is when two or more Lolitas dress exactly the same.”

At Amanda’s still blank look Ren realized that she needed to better explain what Twinning was with a more depth. “Okay, listen carefully, Amanda. Twinning is the term used when two Lolitas have coordinated their outfits to match in almost exactly the same way. Sometimes they use contrasting or complimentary colors between each twin, for example Shiro and Kuro twins, or when one Lolita wears blue while the other wears pink. If there are three matching Lolitas it is referred to as Triplets, four as Quadruplets. And so on. Do you understand now?”

“I think so. But what does that have to do with us going out later today?”

Ren was really starting to smile now. “With a little makeup and a few tips that I’ve learned from working with my aunt. I can make us look so close to being actual twins. That I’m positive that we could fool most of the people around. Why I bet that we could even fool the shop-girls at any of my aunt’s shops. You want to try?”

Once Amanda heard Ren’s idea in full, she couldn’t help it. She just had to do it. A little over two hours later just after eleven in the morning the two teens stepped outside the lobby of the building. From the top of their heads to the tips of their Mary-janes you would be hard pressed to tell them apart. Both girls were wearing a long sleeve A-line dress with ruffles around the hem in solid black. Underneath each girl wore black bloomers with two black petticoats. Their hands were covered with finger-less black gloves, while their legs were covered by thigh-high black wool stockings. Everything was in black including the wool Berets that adorned the tops of their heads. There was something about the girls’ outfits tweaked Amanda’s curiosity. It was something that hit her funny bone.

“Ren, I thought you never did the Goth Lolita. Sure our outfits are way more girly than would be expected for Goths. Why today?”

Ren stopped and looked over at her friend before giggling. “Oh, I never do the full-blown Goth-Lolli Amanda. Just because we’ve exclusively used the color black doesn’t necessarily make our outfits Gothic Lolita. In fact, usually Kuro Lolita outfits, like the ones we’re wearing, fall under Sweet Lolita in terms of style.”

“Okay, what does that mean? I’ve never heard of Kuro Lolita.” Amanda was confused by the terms that Ren was using.

“Okay, let me break it down for you.” Ren waved for them to continue to walk. “First off let’s look at the Goth.”

“Hey! I’ve seen enough Goth Lolli’s to know one when I see one.” Amanda countered.

“Really, Amanda? Or do you just think that you do.” Ren smiled when Amanda got a frustrated look on her face. “Your typical Gothic Lolita, uses more blacks and whites and tends to be a darker, more elegant style of Lolita; and other less common subsets such as Classic Lolita, which favors a more refined and subtle fashion, or Punk Lolita, which might include accessories such as spikes and chains.”

“Okay I can see that, but how is Kuro different?” Amanda really had to know now.

“Well the Kuro Lolita, from Kuro which means ‘black’, is the Lolita fashion of an all-black outfit and no other colors. Kuro has an opposite style in Shiro Lolita, which features all white coordination. Unlike with Goth Lolita where there is no definitive opposite. This is why Shiro/Kuro twinning is a really popular theme.” Ren then smiled as she was truly on one of her favorite topics. She loved having someone who would listen to her talk about Lolita fashions.

“The biggest difference though between the two styles is simple. Most Goth Lolitas usually have a splash of color amongst all the black. Unlike the Kuro Lolita who wears only black like us right now.” Ren waved her left hand down the front of her outfit. “Even though Kuro can be considered a subset of the Goth-Lolli. It isn’t.”

“Wow girlfriend! You really are into the lifestyle. How long have you been doing the whole Lolita thing anyway?” Amanda was amazed by Ren’s knowledge.

“You’re not going to believe me, but it is the truth. I never did the whole Lolita thing until I came to live with my aunt a few months ago.” The uncomfortable reminder of her dead parents put a damper on Ren’s enthusiasm. “Before then the only other time I ever dressed up as a girl was for a Halloween party.”

Amanda stopped Ren on the street and pulled her into a tight hug. Whispering into Ren’s ear, Amanda let her know how she felt. “You can always talk to me Ren. I know that you’re not into girls. But I still think you’re cute as they come.”

“I won’t go saying that I’m not into girls Amanda. Not yet any way. Let’s just say that when it comes to the so called opposite sex. Well, I’m very flexible.” Ren giggled into Amanda’s hair. “I’ve been kind of hooked on this girl I know from school lately. She’s a really pretty American redhead.” As Amanda blushed Ren just continued giggle into Amanda’s shoulder.

“Come on we need to get going. Aunt Yoshi is expecting us.” Ren pulled on Amanda’s arm. “I figure we got enough time for a snack before having to show up at her shop.”

“Tea and cookies at this time in the morning?” Amanda asked.

“Sure, why not? Besides, after this afternoon. We’ll be a little too busy over the next few days to sit back and treat ourselves to some like this.” Ren smiled at her friend. “Besides, I need to get you into the whole secret of the Lolita thing. You know. Lolitas live off of tea, cakes, pastries, and cookies. It’s that whole need to keep ourselves sickly sweet, cute, and adorable.”

It took Amanda a few seconds before what Ren had just said hit home. When it did the teenage girl burst out laughing. Before she could regained her composure, Amanda had to wipe tears from her eyes. “You do know that is nothing more than an urban myth, right? Like Pop-rocks and coke.”

“Yeah I know that, but I had to go for it.” Ren giggled. “I know that aunt Yoshi is going to flip-out when she sees us enter her store.”

“Why?” Amanda asked as they stepped onto the train station platform. “And why are we taking the train instead of a taxi like your aunt told you?”

“Well, we’re taking the train to meet up with a few other Lolita friends of mine.” Ren pointed a small group of Lolitas just walking onto the platform. “Here they come now. Amanda I would like for you to meet Maiha, Fuyuko, Miyoko, Ohmie, and Ahmie. I met them all shortly after I moved in with my aunt.”

“Really? Where did you meet them at? I thought that your aunt was like hardcore overprotective of you. Especially after you first got here?” Amanda asked nonstop.

“I met the one on the left end at Takeshita dori street fare first. That’s Maiha Natsumi. Daughter of Toyoko Police Chief Natsumi. She introduced me to the others a few days later at the same fare.” Ren told her friend with a smile.

“So you’re going to introduce me to your friends outside of school? Is that it?” Amanda was letting her nervousness slip into her voice. She wasn’t as comfortable as she had led Ren to believe.

“Relax, Amanda. They’re cool.” Ren hugged her friend’s arm. “Besides you’re with me. If they get out of hand, I’ll let them know.”

Hearing Ren’s words of encouragement Amanda relaxed. She knew that Ren wouldn’t any one hurt her or give her a load of shit. After a round of greetings the girls headed for the last stop before Ren and Amanda had to leave. The hour they shared with Ren’s friends was an eye opening experience for the teenage American.


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