Interview with a Lolita -chp7

Interview with a Lolita

Debra Wallen had expected her day to be filled with the usual drudgery of an Interns life for Fashion Blitz magazine. She never expected to be interviewing one of the world’s newest and biggest fashion designers this day. Not only was the woman a force to be reckoned with but a true mystery as well. Debra would be the first person to ever had a one on one interview with Ren Nagata. This was Debra’s big chance and she really wanted to impress her boss by coming back with an interview worthy of her trust. Little could Debra see how this one interview would affect her life or how it would influence her career.

Chapter 7

The Westin Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, present day

Debra could not believe that she was being led to the restaurant floor of the Westin Cincinnati. When they approached the hotel the doorman just smiled at Ren welcomed her by name and opened the door as if she came there every day. Then she thought about where Ren Nagata’s offices where. She very well could come here every day. Debra had not yet lost her wonderment over the woman known as Ren Nagata. There seemed to be so much more to the woman than just the fashion designer or Lolita.

When the Maître d'hotel saw Ren enter the restaurant she rushed to greet her. “Welcome back Miss Nagata. Your usual table or one closer to the Square?”

“One closer to the Square, please Lisa. As you can see, I have a guest with me.” Ren told the young woman with a smile as she pointed to Debra. “Oh, and we’ll be expecting the rest of our party to arrive shortly.”

“Right this way ma’am. I have three tables overlooking the Square. One sits directly across the Fountain. The other two have angle views of the Square.” Maître d’hotel smiled pointing out the three obvious sunlit tables.

“We’ll take the center one Lisa.” The young woman just smiled and led them to the suggested table. Once there she set out two menus. Ren took one chair while Debra took the other. Once they were alone Ren looked out at the fountain. “Debra what do you know of our city’s most iconic symbol?”

“I wrote a report on it in middle school. Let me think.” Debra hadn’t expected to be questioned on the Tyler Davidson Fountain. “I know that it has two formal names. One of which is The Tyler Davidson Fountain. Mainly because of how it came about. After the death of his brother-in-law and business partner Tyler Davidson, Cincinnati businessman Henry Probasco went to Munich, Germany in search of a suitable memorial to him. Many years before, artist August von Kreling had collaborated with Ferdinand von Miller at the Royal Bronze Foundry of Bavaria to design a fountain to rival the great fountains of Europe, but which would glorify mankind rather than fanciful creatures and mythic deities. When Miller could find no patron to sponsor the fountain, the designs languished until Probasco came to him with an interest in a similar theme. Probasco requested the addition of four figures with animals that would act as drinking fountains, which Miller's sons Ferdinand and Fritz designed. The original miniature model is now located in the Cincinnati Art Museum. I cannot remember much after that.”

Ren smiled at the blushing teen. “Still you have a remarkable recall. The other name you’re trying to remember is The Genius of Water. It is regarded as the city's symbol, not to mention one of the area's most-visited attractions. It was dedicated in eighteen-seventy-one and is the centerpiece of Fountain Square, that lovely hardscape plaza at the corner of 5th and Vine Streets in our downtown area. Originally, and for more than hundred-thirty years, it was located in the center of 5th Street which was Fountain Square's original configuration, immediately west of Walnut Street. Then in two-thousand-and-six, renovations were undertaken to the Square, sadly the Fountain was temporarily removed. When our fair city reinstalled the Lady she was relocated to a much wider space near the north end of the reconfigured square, closer to the Fifth Third Bank Building and away from street traffic.” There was note of pride in Ren’s voice for the renovations for the Square and the Fountain. “Did you know that the fountain is turned off only for the winter months. Yet it is turned on again every year in time for the first home game of our beloved Cincinnati Reds. Which is the oldest professional baseball team in America.”

“No offence Miss Nagata, but how is it you know so much about Cincinnati? Oh and I thought it was the Atlanta Braves, that was the oldest continually operating team in Major League Baseball; enfranchised in eighteen-seventy-one as the Boston Red Stockings or Red Caps in National Association.” Debra may not be a major fan of baseball, but her grandpa never missed a game.

“Debra, I have always been a student of history. I find it fascinating to just walk quietly through the museums of a city. Why I can take you right now to The Cincinnati History Museum and show you this city’s urban history. The museum features a recreation of the Cincinnati Public Landing from the mid eighteen-sixties, it even has an exhibit covering Cincinnati's role in World War II.” Ren looked down at the Square. “As for who was the first professional baseball team it was not the Atlanta Braves. Believe it or not that honor belongs to the Reds’ and their founding organization the Cincinnati Red Stockings.”

“The who?” Debra asked in confusion. She had never heard of the Red Stockings.

“I see that I need to educate you in more than just fashion, Debra. I am surprised though that your grandfather didn’t teach of our hometown team’s history.” Ren smiled to take the sting out of her rebuke. “I think we’ll visit the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum sometime. Now as for who the Cincinnati Red Stockings were. In eighteen-sixty-nine, the Cincinnati Red Stockings became America's first professional baseball club. The National Association of Professional Base Ball Players was established in eighteen-seventy-one as the sport's first ‘major league.’ It is from this team that our current Cincinnati Reds come from, making them the oldest professional baseball team. The name change was due to the then Red Stockings expulsion. It was in eighteen-seventy-six, that Cincinnati became one of the charter members of the new National League, but the club had run afoul of league organizer and long-time president William Hulbert for selling beer during games and renting out their ballpark on Sundays. Both of which were important activities to entice the city's large German population. While Hulbert made his distaste clear for both beer and Sunday baseball at the founding of the league, neither practice was actually against league rules in those early years. Then on October sixth, eighteen-eighty, seven of the eight team owners pledged at a special league meeting to formally ban both beer and Sunday baseball at the regular league meeting that December. Only Cincinnati president W. H. Kennett refused to sign the pledge, so the other owners formally expelled Cincinnati for violating a rule that would not actually go into effect for two more months.”

“Oh wow! I never knew that politics played such an important part in our national pastime. How did they ever make it back?” Debra couldn’t believe that this paragon of femininity was such a nut over baseball.

“Believe it or not. It was a very pissed off Cincinnati Enquirer sports editor who brought about their return. O. P. Caylor, made two attempts to form a new league on behalf of the receivers for the now bankrupt Reds franchise. When these attempts failed, he formed a new independent ballclub known as the Red Stockings in the spring of eighteen-eighty-one and took the team to St. Louis for a weekend exhibition. The Reds' first game was a 12–3 victory over the St. Louis club. After the series proved to be a smashing success, Caylor and a former president of the old Reds named Justus Thorner received an invitation from Philadelphia businessman Horace Phillips to attend a meeting of several clubs in Pittsburgh with the intent of establishing a rival to the National League.” Debra could hear a note of respect for the men in Ren’s voice. “When they arrived in the city, though, Caylor and Thorner discovered that none of the other owners had decided to accept the invitation, even Phillips didn’t bother to attend his own meeting. It was only by chance, that the two men met a former pitcher named Al Pratt, who hooked them up with the then former Pittsburgh Alleghenys president H. Denny McKnight.”

Ren started to chuckle as she could tell that she had the young girls undivided attention. “This is where the three men showed the ability to play the political game. Together they hatched a scheme to form a new league by sending a telegram to each of the other owners that were supposed to attend the meeting stating that he was the only person who did not attend and that everyone else was enthusiastic about the new venture. How all the others were eager to attend a second meeting in Cincinnati. The ploy worked, and the American Association was officially formed at the Hotel Gibson in Cincinnati with the new Reds a charter member with Thorner as president. While not as exciting as some of the major battles in our nation’s history. It was one of the most fruitful business dealings.”

“Miss Nagata, as much as I have loved this lesson in Cincinnati’s history. May I know why it is so important? How did that business deal impact you?”

Ren chuckled. “Very good Debra. You’re starting to see through my little lessons to the meaning behind them. For this lesson the reason is simple. Never take for granted the lengths to which driven people will go to, to achieve their goals. I have given you only two such examples. Examples that play a very important part in our fair city’s history.”

“I can see that for the Reds. Yet, I don’t understand the connection to the Fountain. I mean wasn’t it just to be a tribute to one man’s dead business partner?” Debra had always loved to sit and stair at the Cincinnati Angel.

“Tyler Davidson was more than just the business partner for Henry Probasco. They were brothers-in-law. That bronze statue down there was meant to be more than just a tribute to Davidson. Probasco gave it to the people of Cincinnati as a drinking fountain. Did you know that you can still get a drink from the four statuary spigots surrounding the Genius of Water.” Ren giggled as she remembered one fun filled fact about the fountain. “You know those basins under each drinking fountain? They were put there to provide water for horses and dogs.”

“Oh, I see where you’re going. One of the most iconic symbols for our city is more than just a monument to one man’s memory. It is a tribute to the city that helped the two build their fortunes.” Debra had figured out what Ren was teaching her on her own this time.

“Very good dear. Now as you can see from these two very different stories business deals don’t always have profit as a motive.” Ren gave her newest protégée a small smile. “Unfortunately, one of those great men ended up bankrupt and alone in a time where a man’s worth was measured in money or power.”

“Who was that Miss Nagata?” Debra asked in confusion.

“Sadly, it was the one man to give our city two of its most iconic symbols. Henry Probasco spent so much of his fortune building Fountain Square it drove him close to bankruptcy. It was a state that he was never able to recover from and finally fell into total bankruptcy.” Ren answered Debra with a sad smile.

“What happened to Mister Probasco?”

“He went to work for one of his friends for the last years of his life. He sold off his home along with most of his possessions to pay off his debtors.” Ren got a faraway look in her eyes. A look that Debra was fast learning to recognize as Ren reliving a painful memory. “My mentor, Takashi Shimizu, the one I told you about earlier ended up doing much the same before his death.”

“Sorry to hear that Miss Nagata.” Debra got a sly look on her face. “When we came in you said that we were expecting a few more guests for lunch. Can I know who is to be joining us ma’am?”

“No need to worry dear. They’re already here.” Ren pointed over at the reservations desk. When Debra looked over, she was shocked to see her grandparents. “I had my secretaries contact your grandparents and invite them to join us for lunch.”

“Why would you do that ma’am? Are you firing me already?” Debra was both confused and scared at having her grandparents see her just then.

“No Debra, I am not firing you. As for why your grandparents are here. I need to talk with them before we go any further. I need their permission to take you in as my newest apprentice.” Ren graced the girl with a reassuring smile.

“Um… what do you mean, ma’am? What more needs to happen?” Debra was even more confused than before. “Why would you need to talk with my grandparents?”

“For starters Debra I want to meet ALL of those who are important to my apprentices. I have had four in the last few years but none of them were as young as you. I need your guardians’ permission before I take you under my wing the way I did the other girls.” Ren smiled as she stood up to greet Debra’s grandparents. “Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wallen. Thankyou so much for accepting my offer of lunch.”

“Well, it is not everyday that my husband and I get invited to spend lunch with one of Cincinnati’s premier business women. Who is this lovely creature?” Mrs. Wallen asked as she looked over at Debra.

Debra couldn’t believe that her own grandmother didn’t recognize her. “Grandma, it’s me. Debra. Your granddaughter.”

The elderly couple both were both forced to do a double take. For Mrs. Rebecka Wallen seeing her granddaughter dressed in such feminine finery was a dream come true. For the past four years she had been trying to get Debra to come out of her shell and show the world what a beautiful young woman she really was. For her husband Jacob Marley Wallen it was a true surprise at seeing his granddaughter for the first time as the beautiful creature before him. Until now, Debra had been pretty much the archetype of a tomboy. She had been Jacob’s ‘little buddy’, always helping him with taking care of the yard and other things around the house that were normally considered the chores for a young man or boy. Debra had never shown any desire to dress up in the frilly things that normal girls do, around Jacob.

“Sweet pea? Is that really you?” Rebecka asked timidly of her granddaughter. When Debra nodded her head yes Rebecka wrapped her in as tight a hug as she could. “Oh, darling I’ve so waited for this day.”

Jacob just smiled and looked towards the ceiling. “Finally, she decides to dress like a girl only to force me to buy a shotgun.”

Debra was more than a little surprised by her grandparents’ reactions to her makeover. “You’re not upset with me papa?”

The old man pulled his granddaughter in tight to his chest. “Not hardly sweet-pea. I like the new look. It brings out your inner beauty. I just need to take care of a few things at the house now. Like cleaning and bore-sighting my hunting rifles.”

Debra blinked then started to giggle as her grandmother elbowed her grandfather. “Oh, hush you! Debra is a good girl. She knows the rules.”

The elder woman turned to look closely at the outfit that Ren was currently wearing. “Miss. Nagata, I take it that you were the one responsible for the ambush makeover?”

“Only the inspiration for the makeover. The rest is the skill of my talented and creative staff. I may design a good deal of my clothing line, but it is the hard work of my style consultants that brings out the beauty of my clients.” Ren answered the older woman’s question humbly. Knowing full well that she played a much larger hand in Debra’s makeover than even she knew.

“Well, if they can turn my granddaughter into this lovely creature before us then I would call them magicians.” Jacob said pointedly. Smiling at Debra. “Sorry sweet pea, but you’re just way too much of a tomboy.”

“Thanks a lot, papaw. You weren’t complaining last week when you needed my help to change the oil in the truck.” Debra complained.

“Now sweetie, you have to give your grandpa a break. You have to remember that he is not used to having such a beautiful granddaughter.” Debra turned three shades of red at her grandma’s subtle jibe. Rebecka turned to Ren. “Shall we sit down?”

“But of course. I did invite you and your husband to lunch with me and Debra.” Ren said with a small smile as she took her seat. Debra returned to her seat by the window while Jacob seated Rebeca next to Ren. After taking the seat next to Debra Jacob gave Ren a second glance. He liked what he saw. As the three adults and one teenager looked over the menus Ren studied Debra’s grandparents. It was with the thoughts of ‘I’ll have to take things slowly with the old man, but not if I get the grandmother on my side.’ That Ren formed her next move.

Ren waited until their orders had been taken before getting down to business with Debra’s grandparents. “Mrs. Wallen, I was wondering if you had any plans for Debra’s future. By that I mean are you expecting her to attend a certain college or university. I know how parents get when it comes to their little girls.”

“Welp, I’ll be honest with you Miss Nagata. Unless Ren gets one of them there, fancy high dollar scholarships or fellowships we’ll be lucky to afford Southwestern Ohio College. Even though Deb won the Ira Joe award the prize monies will only cover two semesters, three at best. That’s one of the reasons we were so proud of her when she was accepted to that internship program for Fashion Blitz magazine. One of the benefits of the program is a partial scholarship to one of the local colleges.” The was a note of sadness in Jacob’s voice over their finances. “As it is, we’ll be taking out student loans for the next four years.”

“What if I told you there was a way for your granddaughter to not only get her college education paid for in full, but get valuable life skills in the process?” Ren had wanted to smile when she heard Jacob bitching about the cost of a college education.

“I would ask you how, first? Then I would want to know if I was at the crossroads at midnight. After that I would want to know if your real name was old Scratch.” Jacob joked. He knew that this lady couldn’t really do what she was offering. The world just didn’t work that way.

“That is the reason that I’ve invited you and your wife to lunch sir.” Ren chuckled as Debra sat there august at her grandfather’s bluntness. “You see, I’ve have recently become the majority owner of Fashion Blitz magazine. This effects your granddaughter’s internship. Before you worry about her losing her position don’t. That program will continue under better management, with better benefits for those who participate in the program.”

“Thankyou, Miss Nagata for putting us at ease over this.” Rebeca said quickly as she could tell that there was something up with the younger woman. “Can we know what else it is you have in mind for our Debra?”

“As you can tell by my speech I am from the US.” Ren answered then smiled. “I am also, Japanese. I am an Army BRAT. In my mother’s home country, we have a custom of helping the next generation grow and learn. It is known as the Senpai and kōhai. Normally this is a relationship between an older student and a younger student in school. This same relationship can also be found in a business environment, where those who are more experienced are considered the senpai. While not normally practiced with someone as young as Debra it does happen. Only there are a few more requirements of the senpai.”

“What are these additional requirements?” Rebeca asked warily. There was something about this offer that had peaked Rebeca’s attention. “Nothing sexual I hope.”

“No. There is nothing sexual involved the senpai and kōhai relationship.” Ren could see the confusion on the older couples faces and had a flash of insight. “In the world of the geisha there is a better example of what I am proposing for Debra. It is known as onee-san and imouto-san. It latterly means senior/junior, or ‘older sister/younger sister’. The relationship is extremely important to the training of geisha. Mainly because the onee-san is responsible for the care and training of her imouto-san. By that I mean I will house, cloth, feed, and see to Debra’s education.”

“How long does this type of relationship last?” Jacob wanting to know more about this proposal before even thinking about saying anything. “Is it for just a few months or does it go through her time in college?”

“I will cover all her expenses until she leaves of her own will or graduates from college. If you accept that is.” Ren gave the elderly couple a deadly serious look. “I will only enter into this IF I have your blessing. I will tell you this much. I have only offered this to four other young ladies. At present three of them are still in college. The fourth is currently starting her first year with the Grant, Grant, and Honeywell law firm in Dayton.”

“That is quite impressive. I can see where your offer would be extremely enticing to someone like us.” The elderly couple looked over at each other. Jacob turned to Ren. “Miss Nagata, may we have a few minutes to discuss this among ourselves?”

Standing up Ren smiled at the three of them. “Of course. If you accept just have Debra bring you to my office down the street. Until then enjoy your lunch.” Turning to walk away Ren stopped. “Oh, don’t worry about the bill. I’ve already taken care of it. I have a standing account here and they’ll just put it on my tab.”

With that Ren walked out of the restaurant. She knew that Debra would want to take her offer. She also knew that her grandparents would balk at the idea. As Ren entered the hotel lobby, she also knew that the deciding factor would be finances. To be precise. The cost of sending Debra to college for more than one or two years. Ren had already foreseen the need to cover the cost of college for Debra. She had done this same thing four times already. It was one of her greatest joys. The idea of helping a young girl grow into a professional well educate young woman was the driving need behind her desire to help girls like Debra and the others.

It had been her own senpai that had instilled the need in her. Takashi had gone out of his way to help her Aunt Yoshi in first raising in the ways of the Lolita. Then later on in helping her aunt train her as first a model, then in the ways of business. Ren’s aunt Yoshi may have been more of a onee-san to Ren, and Takashi like an uncle, but it was the two of them that taught her the ways of life. That was the true success story of Ren’s young life. It had been the teachings of Yoshi and Takashi that drove Ren to help the young girls that came into her life thanks to her business as interns. Debra would only be the latest in the line.

As Ren entered the seven story building that held her office, factory and warehouse she thought about the teenager. Like the building that held her company there was a great many things hidden by the teenager. The most glaring of those secrets was the source of the scars on Debra’s back and upper arms. Ren could tell that the girl had been badly burned in some kind of accident. Ren knew that Debra had been with parents in the accident that had killed them. The background check had found the report on the accident. If it had not been for the fast response of the local Fire Department Debra would have died in the same fire that had claimed her parents.

As Ren thought about that report on the fire the source of Debra’s scars became clear to her. “How could I have been so stupid!? Debra didn’t make it out untouched by that fire. That poor girl has been carrying those scars since she was six. No wonder her grandparents are so protective of her. She is all that left of their son and his family. I might have jumped the gun with my proposal for taking her in as my imouto-san.” Ren sighed to herself. “No help for it now. I’ll just have to wait for their answer and hope for a positive answer.”

Ren greeted her two assistance as she exited the elevator with a smile. “How was the tuna salads I had sent over ladies?”

“Thank you, Miss Nagata. The salads were perfect as always.” Miki answered her. “I really want to know how Chief Julian makes the tuna taste so yummy.”

“Oh, for the love of Pete Miki. The man has to be using fresh tuna.” Shelly complained. Only to get a giggle out of Ren. She always got a laugh out of the two young women who handled so much of her business. To most people the twenty year old women won’t appear to be more than just ordinary secretaries. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Between Miki and Shelly, they ran almost three quarters of the day to day business of Ren’s company.

“Alright that is enough, Shelly.” Ren gave the girls one of her award winning smiles to take the sting out of her words. “Besides, no one knows how Julian gets his hands on fresh ingredients for his meals on a regular basis.”

“Yes ma’am.” The two said as they returned her smile. Shelly looked around before asking. “Is your interview over with ma’am?”

“Yes, the interview ended about twenty minutes ago.” Ren turned pensive. “I should have my answer in the next hour or so. Please, show Debra in the moment she returns. No matter who is with her girls. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am. Do you think she’ll accept your offer?” Miki asked.

“To be honest, girls. I don’t really know.” Ren answered truthfully. “I believe that her grandparents will be the deciding factor.”

“Um… I know that it is not my place Miss Nagata, but why would her grandparents be the deciding factor? Shouldn’t it be her parents?” Shelly asked.

It took Ren a few seconds to answer as she had to rein in her temper. “Normally that would be the case Shelly. Only Debra’s parents passed away in a fire when she six. She barely escape the same fire.”

Both Miki and Shelly sat in stunned silence when they heard this. Yet it was Miki who put their feelings into words. “That poor girl. No wonder she is so withdrawn.”

“Yes, that poor girl. It is one of the reasons that I want to bring her on as one of our interns. She needs something to bring her out of her shell.” Ren told them while keeping her real reasons to herself. After all she had had previous personal apprentices before, so this would be nothing new to her secretaries.

“I hope that her grandparents say yes.” Miki said quietly. With Shelly just nodding her head in agreement. Looking up at Ren. “Miss Nagata we both know that you take in a new apprentice about every two years or so. Why do you do that?”

“It goes back to my own upbringing, Miki.” Ren gave Miki and Shelly a reassuring smile. “While my aunt Yoshi was the one to mostly raise me, my grandparents had a lot of input on HOW I was raised.” With that simple answer Ren headed for her office.

An hour later the elevator doors open one time. To the surprise of Miki and Shelly, Debra walked out escorting an elderly couple. “Is Miss Nagata still here ma’am?”

“Go right on in Debra.” Miki answered her quickly. “I have a feeling that she has been waiting for your return.”

Debra smiled at the two women who had first greeted her to Rococo Victorian Fashions. Rebeca and Jacob were only slightly surprised by the sight of so many Lolitas in place. Yet, they could both understand why when Debra explained that her new boss was the lead designer in the Lolita Fashion Industry. Debra also explained to her grandparents that Ren used her staff as everyday models for her clothing. Seeing as how most of them were life-style Lolitas this wasn’t a problem.

Ren looked up from her desk as the trio walked into her office led by Debra. “I take it that you are here to accept my offer?”

“Before we accept Miss Nagata. My grandfather has a few questions.” Debra said quietly. “The first of which is when you said that you would be responsible for my housing, clothing, food, and education. Exactly what does that mean?”

“What that means is Debra will live with me and my significant other while she completes her schooling. During that time, I will provide everything for her. That includes her first four years of college.” Ren answered truthfully.

“What do you get out of it?” Jacob asked warily. “Nobody does nothing for free.”

“Indeed, they don’t sir. Normally.” Ren giggled with a sly smile. “As for what I get out of it. Let’s just say that I am repaying an old debt to someone I greatly admired, loved, and respected and leave it at that.”

“I’m sorry Miss Nagata, but that is not enough of a reason for us to sign off on this proposal.” Jacob answered truthfully. “I guess that I’m too much a cynic.”

Ren just chuckled. “Understandable sir. I wouldn’t have offered in the first place if I didn’t expect some kind of resistance from you and your wife.” Ren looked over at Debra. “Debra, would you be so kind as to go ask Miki to show you how to make my afternoon tea please?”

Debra got the hint and left her grandparents and Ren to talk in private. Ren sighed once the door was closed behind Debra. “Okay Mr. Wallen time to lay all the cards on the table. When I had my IT, personnel go digging in Fashion Blitz’s database to see if they had a teenage intern, I wasn’t expecting to find Debra. Nor was I expecting to find such a diamond in the ruff.”

Ren stood up from her desk and turned to face her office window. “I will be honest Mr. Wallen. I wasn’t going to offer the proposal when I first meet Debra. Then I spent the morning with your granddaughter. I find that I am intrigued by her. I want to know more about the young lady that is Debra Wallen and her dreams. If you remember I told you that I have helped out four other such young ladies.” At their nodding heads Ren continued. “I offered all four of them the same offer after spending much less time with them than I have Debra.”

“You’ll have to excuse me Miss Nagata, but I still don’t understand your reasonings behind making the offer that you have? Just what do you get out of it?” Jacob asked.

Ren sighed as she knew that she was going to have to explain the whole deal for the elderly gentleman. “Mr. Wallen my reasons for making the offer are simple. First, I see a great deal of potential in your granddaughter. I see her going far in her chosen field of study. I want to make sure she gets that chance. Second, a long time ago a gentleman that I came to love and respect like an uncle made the same offer to me. He did it during a very hard and dark time in my life. Lastly, I made a promise to that very much beloved man to pay-it-forward whenever I got the chance. Only he called it rubber band karma. That is why I’m making the offer, Mr. Wallen.”

Jacob Wallen sat there looking at the enigmatic woman that had offered up the answers to all of his granddaughter’s future school problems. Jacob had spent his life working for the power company first as a lineman then later as a foreman. For the better part of forty years Jacob Wallen had been a true Union man. The idea of someone paying-it-forward the way that Ren was offering was not something he was used to. Paying-it-forward to him meant picking up a meal or cup of coffee. Not paying for a college education with a full ride and clothing allowance. Unless they were an actual college or university wanting a star athlete not some bookish little girl like his granddaughter. Jacob loved his granddaughter dearly but knew that she was not the athletic type and had zero chances of winning a full-ride scholarship.

Rebeca on the other hand acted with the honed skills born from being a trauma nurse for more than thirty years. Ren’s offer was perfect, and she knew it. “Jacob as much as you want to deny this wonderful opportunity I will not. You know that it took us more than fifteen years to pay off my student debts. If Miss Nagata wishes to put Debra through the rest of high school and college while supporting, her. Then I am not going to say no. We will not be turning away from such a deal.”

“Now, Beca.” Was all that Jacob got out before his wife was leaning over him and snarling. For one of the few times in his life, Jacob Wallen let his sense of self-preservation make his decision for him. “Of course, dear.”

Rebeca straightened up and smiled sweetly at her husband. “Good to see that you’re coming around to my way of thinking dear. Now, sign the damned paperwork.”

Ren hid her smile behind her left hand as she rested her elbow on her right arm as it crossed under her breast. Ren was saved from the giggle fit that threatened to overwhelm her by a knock on her office door. With the grace that had been trained into her by her aunt Yoshi, Ren walked to the door and opened it. “Let me take that tray Debra. Take a seat by your grandparents. We have much to discuss young lady and it all concerns your future.”

Debra did as she was instructed and took a seat between her grandparents. Ren smiled as she poured and served the tea for guests. While not a full blown tea ceremony Ren still used her lessons in the art from her childhood. Ren had trained with some of the finest geishas in Japan as a teenager. Her senpai Takashi had insisted on the training. In the past six years Ren had come to thank her senpai for those lessons. The main reason is the way those lessons had allowed her to first set people at ease and secondly conduct business in a comfortable setting.

With her cup in hand Ren sat down across from Debra and her grandparents. “Debra, your grandparents and I have come to an understanding. In exchange for you becoming my imouto-san I will take care of all your educational and living needs for the foreseeable future. As your onee-san that is my responsibility. Your responsibility is to learn what I teach you and to place your trust in me to guide you through your final years of school and becoming a lady. That will be your job. To learn what I teach and have taught to you. Do you understand, Debra?”

Debra looked at her grandparents then over at Ren. “When you say that you’ll be taking care of everything. Does that mean that I’ll be living with you and Miss Amanda?”

“That is exactly what she is saying Debra.” Rebeca answered for Ren. “Don’t worry both your grandpa and I approve of this arrangement.”

Ren spotted the worry in Debra’s eyes and knew exactly what that worry was about. She moved quickly to put the teenager at ease. “Don’t worry Debra. You’ll still be able to see you grandparents whenever you want to. Neither Amanda or I would think about keeping you from visiting your grandparents.”

“Thank you, Miss Nagata.” Debra answered with a smile as she wiped the tear from her eyes. “They’re all that I have left.”

“I understand fully what they mean to you, dear. More than most.” Ren fought to keep the sadness over the loss of her parents from her voice. Rebeca Wallen picked up on the barely hidden sadness faster than Jacob did, but both grandparents now understood that Ren had seen a need in their granddaughter they had not. All thoughts of interfering by Jacob vanished with this understanding.

“Miss Nagata, if I may make a counteroffer?” Jacob said with a smile. “I would like for you and your spouse to join Debra at our home on Sundays for dinner. That will be the only condition that I will place on this agreement.”

Debra couldn’t believe her ears. In all her time of living with her grandparents she had never heard her grandfather make such an offer to anyone. In her mind Sunday dinner was for family only. That meant just her, grandparents, and maybe her aunt and two uncles with her two cousins. She just hoped that Ren understood the honor that her papaw was showing her.

Ren saw the surprise in Debra and Rebeca’s faces at Jacob’s offer. Sitting her tea cup down Ren stood slowly. Once standing she bowed deeply from the waist with her eyes slightly downcast. “I am honored that you would invite an outsider to a family only event, sir. I accept on behalf of my significant other and myself. We are greatly honored. I will inform Amanda that our Sundays are spoken for from now on. May I know what we can bring?”

“Just your appetites, young lady.” Jacob answered quickly for Rebeca. “Oh, one other thing. We don’t stand on formality in my house. No need to dress up fancy for us. We’re just your every day working class stiffs.”

Ren had to take a second to understand what Jacob was getting at before she giggled. Ren’s giggle fit was infectious as first Debra then Rebeca joined her. At Jacob’s look of confusion Ren quickly regained her composure. “Mr. Wallen please forgive my laughter. When said that you do not dress up fancy for your Sunday dinners as you were looking at me, I couldn’t help myself.”

“Why is that?” Jacob was truly confused now.

“Papaw, Miss Nagata is a LIFE style Lolita. This is her everyday wear.” Debra giggled. “I don’t think she knows how to dress down.”

“Not quiet Debra. I do have a more tuned down wardrobe for the weekends. It is just that for Amanda the weekends are the only time she can REALLY let her Lolita spirit shine. She really goes all out on the weekends.” Ren got a sly smile on her face as she talked about Amanda. “My sweet Amanda is a true Dark Princess Lolita.”

“Oh my. I had no idea that there was such a thing as a life still Lolita.” Rebeca said in pure astonishment. “Is there a guide to telling the difference between Lolitas? If there is where can I find one?”

Debra blushed in embarrassment over her grandmother’s excitement to find out more about Lolitas. “Nanna!”

Ren just chuckled. “Debra, time for you to shine. Take the rest of the day and show your grandparents the rest of the office and factory.”

“Yes ma’am, Miss Nagata.” Debra smiled and stood up holding out her hands to her grandparents. “Come on nanna, papaw, you’ll not believe all the different types of Lolitas that work here. I know that you’ll just laugh at some of their get ups papaw, but please give them the respect that you give me.”

“Sweat-pea, you know that I will always respect your friends. I may not understand them, but I will never disrespect them. At least until they disrespect me first.” Jacob smiled at his granddaughter as she led them out of Ren’s office.

Ren cleaned up the tea service and placed it in the kitchenet area of the breakroom. As she returned to her office Ren looked out across the administration floor of her company. Ren thought back to how Debra described her employees and the sheer number of Lolitas that work here. It was true that she employed more Lolitas than anyone else in the tri-state area. She had just never realized the sheer number of lifestyles Lolitas in her employ. It took Ren a few minutes to examine her employees.

Of them all, only two really stood out from the others on this floor, her two personal assistants, Miki and Shelly. Those two could pull off just about every style of Lolita there is with little or nor problem. Then again, they were two of her first converts to the lifestyle here in the United States. The only person in her life that was even more of a convert to the Lolita lifestyle was Amanda. She had been Ren’s very first convert. All thanks to her aunt Yoshi’s help. That had been back in their high school years as teenagers and before the incident. Ren shook her head and went back to her office. She had to finish the paperwork for the next fashion show in London. Not to mention getting Debra’s passport squared away.

Ren hadn’t been joking when she told Jacob and Rebeca Wallen that she would see to ALL of Debra’s education. In her eyes this trip to London, England was just another part of Debra’s education. Just as Takashi had taken Ren to her first overseas fashion show, Ren was starting with the same path for Debra. One that she hoped would give Debra a firm leg up on the world around her.


Sorry for the delay on this chapter and Racing Angles. I had to replace my laptop and desktop pcs. I'll be back to my normal posting schedule within the next week or so. Enjoy my stories.

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