I never knew that the funny, irreverent Margaret Cho had her own online blog, but I'll be watching it from now on!
Here, she laces into homophobes who claim "Christian values" as the basis of their hatred and "righteous intolerance":
(If you're uncomfortable with profanity, or language about God which would have got someone in the 17th century publicly gutted and burned on a pyre by the Church, give it a pass. )
to be fairly straight and to the point. Can you imagine her trying to have that conversation with someone. No way would it ever be finished. Writing is the only way to get that point across. And people not interested will not read it anyway.
Using religion to support one's bigoted views
The problem with dogmatic bigots (while such people may call themselves Christians, they certainly don't walk the walk) is that they are quite willing to ignore anything that disagrees with their predetermined conclusions.
They will gay bash whilst eating cheeseburgers (another abomination mentioned in the same part of the Bible). They do not stone their willfully disobedient children (yep, that's there, too). They, instead, pick and choose parts of the Bible to 'follow' and blindly continue their pathetic, self-centered lives.
And those who feel that God needs them to defend or protect Him... Well, I feel sorry for anyone whose God is so weak and small that He needs the likes of them to protect Him.
Still, if one is truly Christian, one must let Christ deal with those people. That is after all what He told us to do.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
They had cheeseburgers in biblical times? Wow, live and learn! :)
Mr. Ram
Wear Polyester, Go to Hell
Fabric made of more than one fiber is banned, too, so all those polyester blend shirts are even more abominable than one might think; even God doesn't like them. :)
Reading the Bible out of context is dangerous and the passage most often quoted to condemn gays and crossdressers is actually about cultural purity during a time of conflict with Israel's neighbors. The Israelites didn't wear linsey-woolsey or eat shrimp, so people who did either were in danger of being brought in front of the Anti-Israelite Activities Committee.
Red and pink used to be common colors for dress shirts for American men. After the anti-communist hysteria of the fifties, it took a couple of decades for fashion to recover and red still isn't back to where it used to be. Of course, then pink became associated with gays and got repressed again.
I guess it isn't too surprising that a political squabble between two sets of immigrants (neither the Israelites nor the Philistines were native to Canaan) more than 3000 years ago is still claiming victims today. Not surprising, just abominable.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Kittens, Coldcuts, Tattoos, Mules and More...
Leviticus 20:27 -- a prohibition against "familiar spirits". Keeping a pet kitty, talking to it, and having it seem to pay attention to you, even once, is a stoning offense!
Leviticus 19:8 -- no eating 3-day-old meat. This includes those nice coldcuts, franks and sausages with the month-long expiration dates in the supermarket! Prescription: Exile and shunning.
Leviticus 19:28 -- no tattoos.
Leviticus 19:19 -- an absolute prohibition against mules, beefalo, any hybrid vegetables, vegetable gardening, and by extension, multigrain bread, including kosher-style rye, sesame seed buns and southern-style cornbread. This same cite was used as the basis for "anti-miscegenation" laws, which prevented interracial marriage for decades in the Old South.
And let's not even get into skinnydipping! Nakedness is a big no-no.
Fabric made of more than one fiber is banned...
Actually, only mixed linen and wool, technically "shatnetz," and only for Jews*, those who accepted G-d's Covenant at Sinai. Everyone else, it's fine, as are hamburgers with cheese, lobster, bacon, and a host of other things. The only laws binding on Gentiles are the so-called Noachide Laws:
You shall not have any idols before God.
You shall not murder. (Genesis 9:6)
You shall not steal.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not blaspheme God's name.
You shall not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive. (Genesis 9:4)
You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly.
This does leave polytheists out in the cold, but even that's been worked around for the most famous example, Hinduism, since all the gods and goddesses are seen as aspects of the underlying source of being, Brahman, and so a sort of monotheism by default. The same reasoning is applied to the doctrine of the Trinity, and so on.
* And even there, one finds a few exceptions. Mixed wool and linen is mandatory in a certain garment worn by a Kohein in the Temple service, and *used* to be acceptable for the fringes (only) of a tallit (or tallis), the Jewish prayer shawl most often worn by men, but some women wear them as well, usually in distinctive feminine styles and colours to avoid wearing a "man's garment." For technical reasons, this last exception is no longer permitted, and the first is obviously moot.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
my my
Can't say I know Margaret Cho, but this made me laugh at how delightfully OTT she is, with a point. She manages to out **eff your average Aussie construction worker, not that too many of them are gay feminist Christians, or bigoted arseholes either. So was it lipstick and... pigs? hockey mums? pittbulls? McCain? Obama? and which one would look better in a dress? If you were God you'd have to laugh, though perhaps ruefully. Ah... politics.
You have a wry eye Pippa
Margaret Cho is not a lesbian...
...although she is queer-friendly and up front about it. She's married to Al Ridenour and has had relationships with both men and women, so she usually calls herself bisexual, queer, or some less euphemistic alternative.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style