Well, since we now are three authors who have written stories based on
“Thumping Hearts, Broken Hearts, Hearts United" I, well with some prodding, decided to ask for a new universe. Erin kindly obliged (Thank you Erin!).
(Spoiler alert)
To call it a universe may be a bit presumptious since the theme simply is the fictional fiction series “Thumping ❤❤, Broken ❤❤, ❤❤United” by the equally fictional Corazón Tender❤. Unbeknownst to her, or rather his, father who works at the publisher the author is a teenage boy.
In the words of the father the books are "the soppiest, most braindead romantic drivel ever written or at least published". Or you may prefer Daphne Xu's description "mind-melting mush ". According to Ef(indumb) "the soppiest, most teeth rotting tween and teen saga on the market and anyone who read it in our school was ridiculed relentlessly".
Young teenage girls just can't get enough of it and no boy would be caught dead with one of those books (or would they...?)
Please feel free to use the concept if you want to.
Congratulations, Bru. And thank you, Erin.
Of course, some very high standards were set. Would anyone writing an actual novella for the series be able to reach the diabetic sweetness level required?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
I can see sometime in the future
When writing a short story to this universe will become a rite of passage to all BC writers :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
St. Valentine's Day?
I can see a slew of authors contributing "Thumping Hearts" stories on St. Valentine's Day, perhaps.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Pass the Rolaids, Tums, Excedrin or
Just ban me now. I almost fell out of my chair when Bru (Ms. Mystery Writer) wrote the first drivel with her saccharine, honey dipped, nectar filled pen. All the keys on my keyboard stuck together. I had to swap to a second board to close out and get away before my whole darn computer system gummed up.
Anyone would join in and start up a universe filled with such ad nau·se·am, revoltingly sick, tails is beyond comprehension. To think anyone else would willingly add to such mind boggling, revolting, incomprehensible, disgusting, tasteless story telling shows the true weakness of the human character. Anyone who reads Ef(indumb) or Daphne Xu's description and still stirs the pot by adding a tail has something seriously wrong with them. Bru is excused as I have it on good authority she was dropped on her head as a baby.
You'll have to excuse me while I go hang my head over the china throne and express my unbridled emotions from thinking about the tale.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The true test!
For those thinking about writing one of these stories, your true test to see if it fits the universe:
It has to make Barb sick to her stomach :)
I might write one now just for the fun of reading Barb's comments...LOL
p.s. Now if I can figure out how make those little heart shaped thingies?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Evil AND sickly sweet - No, that couldn't be Nuuan
As for the harts the easiest way is just to copy and paste. However, the "story title" field will not accept the hearts :(
I'm rather conflicted. I don't really want BarbieLee to waste away from lack of nutrition. On the other hand ...
Me? Evil?
I resemble that remark!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Why do I read that and
Why do I read that and instantly think "Warning: completing that thought will result in moving manure piles with a kid's sand shovel"?
I wouldn't want to upset an OK cowgirl, especially with so many punishments available that is borderline torture yet legitimate work ;)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
If only ...
I was smart enough to realize that!
Reminder Nuuan
Girls never forgive nor forget.
I'm taking down names..., Sweetheart
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
If one was posted under my name
Could I blame in on Shadowsblade?
Or maybe that little cartoon mouse with the big head that's always trying to take over the world?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
The actual book
Would it be better to write the actual book, or just leave it as something more banal than can possibly exist in real life?
No can't ever write the book
It's best left to the imagination, especially when you consider the fact that if written Barb may read it and like it, then what would I tease her about?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Aside from cut-and-pasting, one can get a heart symbol by entering the following string of characters (no spaces): ampersand "&", pound sign "#", the numeber 10084, and a semicolon ";": ❤. If you replace 10084 with 10085, you get a heart on its side: ❥.
I provide this information as a public health announcement, so that no one accidentally uses these strings of characters, thereby unintentionally producing more of the “Thumping ❤❤, Broken ❤❤, ❤❤United” series.
I commend your civic-mindedness
I'm convinced that now that we are informed and warned I or other persons posting here will use those characters unintentionally or otherwise ❥❥
I wonder if the editor properly parses the "less than three" emoticon.
Lesee... ==> <3
Court turned the kids lose in the Candy Store with daddy's credit card. I could see this sticky universe as "bad" before. You my Dear just turned it into a disaster zone.
efindumb, cow pile, not at the time but the chicken house is full of more than chickens. Right now I'm dreaming of when we had a dairy herd and all the times I was ankle deep in..., Wishing I could share that experience with Bru for her starting this insanity. I have friends who still have...,
Bru, sweety, wouldn't you like to come and visit..., hummmmm?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I'm not sure
I have to think about it. The question is whether secondhand bovine feed would go well with my Balenciaga dress.
Yer yanking my chain!
Some of them rags cost more than what my tractor is worth! And yes I said rags. As kids our moms would pick out the feed sacks (they were printed cloth back then) for what would later be turned into blouses, dish towels, skirts, etc. I'm beyond joking now. They looked a whole lot better than those ungodly rags Balenciaga is conning foolish women into buying.
Class? This is class. Back in the dark ages so long ago it is forgotten history, I could look this good. Beauty is fleeting and for some of us, sooner than later. Age has not been kind
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
To get a book published requires the efforts of many people in addition to the author. Most of their work is usually visable, but not noticed. The “Thumping ❤❤, Broken ❤❤, ❤❤United” series is an exception to this rule. To produce "the soppiest, most braindead romantic drivel ever written or at least published" takes the efforts of more than one person. The editor of course has significant input, but I would like to call attention to the production designer, who bears significant responsibility for the books' nausea inducing effects on males: All diary entries (of which there are far too many) are written if Fiolex Girls font. This alone has a major debilitating effect on the male psyche.
(The Fiolex Girls font can be seen at