So this chapter is the start of the futanari. It's not the absolute weirdest that TG Techie is going to get, but we've just jacked the weird level through the roof.
Just so you know, futa is the ceiling. I'm not going as far as say, dick fucking, or horse cocks. If that's what you're into I don't have any judgement, it's just not where I'm taking this.
And I'm sorry if you didn't think this was the way the story was going. Not so sorry that I'm going to change it, but still sorry. If you want some tech then the sex chapters are clearly labeled and I'm trying to divide them so that the tech stuff is independent.
Oh, and thursday's chapter is a bunch of teenaged drinking, so you've been warned about that too now. @ me with your passionate disapproval, or just do whatever.
Based on some memories from
Based on some memories from college, teenage drinking _is_ technical theatre. Just not in the shop.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
My new word for today is...
Dick Fucking!
It seemed like almost a redundant term until I looked it up.
So the one futa girl with the giant penis slides it into the hole of the even MORE giant penis on the other weenie girl and fucks her dick while they smoosh their humumgous boobies together. Oddly I couldn't any videos of anyone actually doing this, just a lot of Japanese cartoon drawings. Golly, you can learn a lot on the internet; I can't wait to use my new word in conversation: "Dickfuck you, motherdickfucker!!" Or maybe-
Oh shit, I have a computer virus now. Damn these cyber-STDs!!!
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Sadly enough, I HAVE seen
Sadly enough, I HAVE seen animated cartoons of this.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
As weird as you can go?
I think it's just about the deepest, weirdest, internet hole you can go down. I mean, if that isn't weird enough for you, you're going to have to start mixing genres to get what you need.
For anyone watching at home, you should know that a very large number of these cartoons (and they're all cartoons. This is a fetish that is both not possible, and not possible to be pleasurable) feature characters from the video games Overwatch and Fortnite.
Have fun with that information!
Edit: Now that I think about it, I'm thinking inflationary fetishists are weirder. But I don't really understand that fetish, because inflation suits don't seem entirely sexual. Or at least their sexual nature doesn't seem apparent to me, a non-practitioner of inflation fetishism. Is the fantasy that you actually swell up like a balloon and then have sex? Or is that fetish that you're having sex in a balloon?
Let's call it a tie.
Do I even want to know?
Silly question. I always want to know more, even though there are times that I know that I'll regret knowing.
"I think it's just about the deepest, weirdest, internet hole you can go down."
Um... knowing the Internet, I doubt if it's the deepest, weirdest hole. I'm sure that there are more.
Anyhow, that inflation suit thing looks like what happens if you forget to vent your drysuit as you're ascending from a particularly deep dive. Or like some of the cartoons that I used to watch during my childhood. The character gets blown up like a balloon, then makes a raspberry sound as he deflates and flies around.
But eh... no judgement from me, as long as nobody gets hurt that doesn't want to get hurt, and it's all consensual.
But that dick fucking thing? As someone who has had to catheterize for years, I have a hard time imagining how it can be pleasurable to shove something up there.
It's the weirdest you can get
It's the weirdest you can get (in my opinion) without mixing genres. My wife disagrees, she says horse cocks are weirder.
Horse cocks are weirder than
Horse cocks are weirder than what? Bull cocks? Dog?
I'd say that cat have the weirdest of standard animals. Then there's the exploding penis of ducks, which looks like a corkscrew invented by someone on LSD.
Anyway, the 'penis in penis' thing, when I've seen it, is a Futa phenomenon. (Elsa, of all things)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.