Well the 3rd draft of 11th Sun is being a cocksucker and I'm in the need of a little love. TG Techie is resuming, so everyone can tell me what they thing of something. I would put all the finished drafts of 11th Sun up, but then no one would buy the book. Which would be sad.
I'm not in a great place and I need a push to keep going.
On the other hand, like the chapter just published isvery sexual, which is a turn off to most of this crowd. And it only gets more intense--and more weird--from here on out. But the chapters here had been received well so far. We'll see how it goes. No one is forcing you to click the link after all.
So updates on Sunday and Thursday for a little bit, I think. I'm taking a break from my main project to do this so it is not going to last long. Basically as long as I feel like pushing myself away from what I really need to be doing, just to whore some likes online.
I don't understand those that
I don't understand those that are upset by sexual acts, even extreme ones. As long as they are appropriate for the storyline, and not just gratuitous sex, what's it matter?
Frankly, I _like_ stories that don't try to cover up natural processes. Having the main character stuck in the bathroom for an hour, out-waiting the trots, makes them more human. Especially if they have to keep holding a conversation through the door.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I find that a lot of people are hypocrites and ignore the same stuff that they are complaining about when it's done by one of their favorite authors. People complain about gratuitous violence yet read Snowfall stories. People complain about criticisms of other writers yet read anything Maddy Bell puts out there. I would say ignore it, but I'm someone who takes things personally and has self destructed far too many times to count when I read complaints.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Glad Your Back.....
...for a while at least. You had just disappeared, and I guessed that you were gone for good. I'm pleased that wasn't the case.