While Searching through Tanya Allan's books on Kindle. I came across Candy Cane Club (BOOK 2)
It is called Dead End and came out 4 yes ago. I heard previously that there would be a 2nd book but didn't know it had been released.
I really loved the first book and would definitely recommend. I now have to re read the first book before I do the second. I do not know if it is available through big closets links, maybe Erin can check and add the link
Thanks all
The first book was the first
The first book was the first book I ever e-book I bought with money instead of "buying" it for free or borrowing in via Kindle Unlimited. I was hoping that there would be a sequel but rereading it there was little else she could do with the characters as she left them in such a way that their story was finished and what remained to be told was mundane things that aren't interesting...
The story was also a gateway story...you could even call it a gateway drug because it was easy to get hooked on her stories as I ended up diving into her world of espionage, science love. She really has a knack for finding unique stories to tell even if several were formulaic(sorry, Tanya!)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Books bought for more than $0.00
I have been cash poor for quite a while now so there are very few books I buy that cost more than $0.00. I get most of my books through Kindle Unlimited or through web sites like this one.
Despite this, I have bought every Tanya Allan book that wasn't available through KU and I have bought every one of Maddy Bell's Gaby books. And barring the recent Gaby books I have probably read everything at least 2 times.
... there is a third in the pipeline...
.......The Canyman Cometh!
First chapter is complete... once again, Nicole goes where no one else dares. Don't ask me what happens, as I haven't a clue. All my books are as much as a surprise to me as anyone who reads them....
Thanks for being loyal readers and supporting me in my dotage.
There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!
A surprise
Well that is not quite true. There are common plot points that always appear in Tanya’s stories else people would not anticipate what they will (or not) get.
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Here's a link to the series: https://amzn.to/2OUcGpB
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.