So, those of you who follow my work, for which I am eternally grateful for, might notice a rather significant change has taken place with my postings in that my Prom Changes Everything series has had the entirety of the body of work removed. That's because...well...I have no clue how to actually delete the post itself until the BCTS gods and goddesses hear my pleas and are able to remove it for me. But I guess you want to know why it's been removed in the first place. Well, that's because I finally took the quite scary plunge of actually publishing this book on Amazon today. While it won't be available to be purchased for up to 72 hours, I'm hoping that those of you who have enjoyed my work will continue with your amazing support and either recommend the book to a friend to buy or buy it yourself. The entire process of this book from start to finish with all of the amazing support and encouragement I've received from everyone here has been exhausting, but in a great way. While it's incredibly draining to write a book of this emotional scale, it's a good kind of draining because I know that I've put my heart into my words and it's not mere pandering to the masses just to make a buck or two.
Anyway, so that's the reason why I've taken down the story, but please look for it on Amazon next week and if you want feel free to purchase a copy. Thank you again for all of your wonderful comments and support and I hope I'm able to continue providing you with enjoyable, heartfelt reading in the future.
Edit: Apparently Amazon works a lot faster than I thought because my book has already gone live and is available for purchase, so please feel free to check it out and pick up a copy. I'm also working on making it available in print but that's proving to be a slower process (largely due to my horrible internet connection speeds) but I hope to have a paperback option available within a day or two.
I'm posting the link here but it should be available in pretty much every country that has Amazon. Just do a title search for it and you should have no trouble finding it.
Yea!!! for you.
Yea!!! for you. Congratulations.
Good luck!
And I'll be looking forward to buying it!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
The book is up on Amazon
Please use the links on the right and then go to kindle store and type in Prom Changes Everything so BC gets a piece of the action too.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
You can put Amazon links up on BC
You can put Amazon links up on BC and our plug-in will automatically convert them to the appropriate country link with our code for getting a commission.
Here's such a link:
Also, I can't take down stories until I am asked to do so. If you asked me, I missed it. A better thing to do might be to add the link to the Amazon page in place of the body of the story, thereby keeping the comments made on the story here. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
it's a good story
A reminder to those who can: please support good BC authors: buy it, read it, and post a deserving review on Amazon which will help other readers discover it there.
Best of luck to you.
I hope it's a big hit in dead tree format... or Kindle... or wherever.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I loved reading that story on here and am thrilled to hear that you published on Amazon. I hope to one day follow suit.
I hope it does fantastic and hope you are already busy writing another story that I can devour.
Congratulations! I have good
Congratulations! I have good news for you, It's no longer on BC, just the tease.
just for future reference
You don't have to take down stuff from BC to publish with Amazon!
It's a common misconception, you only need to do that to grab an extra couple of bucks from their pot and that is based on your actual sales. If you have stuff elsewhere there might be extra hoops to jump through but particularly if it's posted as separate chapters, you can get published and still leave it here at BC. The thing they don't like is you selling at a lower price for the same thing elsewhere!
Don't be bullied by Amazon - you won't sell more by being exclusive to them but you will lose prospective customers who don't know your work.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Ummmm - No
Kinda pricey, isn't it
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
581 pages
Relatively inexpensive by any means. .Most of the Doppler Press books are $2.99 and less than 200 pages. Maddy Bell's books are usually in the 300+ page and run $4.99 so the price of $4.95 seems quite reasonable.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs