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Holy Smoke!

When younger and addicted to the T.V. (idiot box in lounge room) They used to have The Good Guys Verses The Bad Guys with poison and they called it Russian Roulette !......Back to the story!... It's" Brilliant" The true artist knows how Keep the Audience Captivated!.....You Kept Me Captivated ! PD55

Very clever

I couldn't figure out where this was going until the big reveal of the full vials. O Henry move over, there's a new contender on the web. Thanks for a really good story.

>>> Kay

way cool story!

very different, I liked it! Oh, and welcome to Big Closet!


The only way to win...

Daphne Xu's picture

... was to lose. The poor boy, knowing what he had to do. Not only to restore his friends, but also to defeat the witch.

-- Daphne Xu

Two things accomplished

Jamie Lee's picture

Like usual, instead of seeking out the help of an adult who knew how to help Joey, he, with his moronic ego, self medicated against impossible odds and lost. Causing the others, in the hope to help Joey, to lose as he had.

And again instead of seeking proper help, turned to another friend to try and remedy the situation, which he did only to have her life redirected.

At no time did the witch tell Tweed he HAD to pour the cure in the potion, so in not actually using either vial the witch was guaranteed to lose the wager. And in losing the wager she no longer had the knowledge to vampire another young person.

While Tweed lost his maleness and intellect, he won for his friends, they returning to their previous selves. A loss in this case was a win for others, a sacrifice for the good of others.

Should the team feel remorse because of Tweed's sacrifice for them? Not all, only one, the one who caused the whole incident initially, Joey. He should make sure Twii never wants for anything during her life, even though she's become a sought after model. Joey should make sure no one, NO ONE, ever takes advantage of Twii. Because, after all, she gave up her former life so he could again be, him.

Others have feelings too.