Okay folks
So i've just finished writing chapter 23.29, the second of an 8 hour writing session!
Tomorrow then will see the arc completed, a full day it will be, a longish ride in the morning/afternoon then into writing mode in the evening - I already have a fair idea of what's going to be included in the chapter so it will hopefully go quickly! Then it's into assembly and editing so that I can release to you lot on Sunday.
Hopefully there is enough excitement included to keep you happy, no cliffhangers this time just some good solid 'Life of Gaby' content, full of insecurities and new encounters with characters old and new.
Until Sunday
I can’t wait to read the new
I can’t wait to read the new book
Don't forget to...
Get up and walk around every hour. I know that it is difficult in Chez Bell but do it. Sitting still for long periods is just asking for the DVT to return.
Why am I saying this?
I got a lecture from my GP on this very thing yesterday.
Suddenly the GP's are taking an interest in my health now that I've turned 65... Strange that eh.
don't worry
I can't sit still for long at the best of times! I do schedule breaks for food and walks when I have a session - i'd go into meltdown otherwise.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
If I could get up and move
If I could get up and move around more I would unfortunately due to injury sustained in combat I can’t stand for more than a few hours at a time walking hurts I have a tendency to dislocate my knee so I’m not in the best physical condition and it always spirals out of control hence the fact that I gained 150 pounds of last 5 years
Can exercise without standing - it's what I do as my knees are not up to impact/twisty stuff. (I ran in the past as well as cycled and walked a lot. The thing that really did for the knees was a smashed patela thirty years ago) Carrying extra weight just makes things even worse. Last year I had several months of little or no exercise due to the DVT - I put on @ 50lbs.(20+kg)
It has been hard work but i'm now rockin 10lbs less than I was before things kicked off last year. My diet hasn't changed but I do plenty of low impact, sitting exercise - I sometimes even get out of breath!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I would greatly appreciate if
I would greatly appreciate if you possibly send me your workout routine oh my experience has all been high impact high energy workouts specifically catering to the military
me when I get back from my trip
Madeline Anafrid Bell