So this week I've come down with a particularly nasty virus that has left me sicker than a dog. I missed two days of work which should tell you how sick I am as I rarely call in. I mention this not to elicit sympathy, but rather as explanation. I seldom am so sick that it effects my writing, but since taking ill I sit down at my keyboard and I am unable to string even so much as two words together. Even writing this blog is taking me far longer than it normally would.
Despite spending so much time in bed, a new idea for a story universe popped into my head quite literally out of nowhere. Isn't it strange that I fell so fuzzy-headed that I can't force myself to write and yet out of the blue appears so complete of an idea?
The Universe in question I've dubbed "Molly's Dress Shop" and the first entry therein would involve a criminal on the run for his life ducking inside of a seemingly ordinary dress shop only to discover that the proprietress is a little too willing to help hide him. Desperate he goes along with her suggestions, which involves disguising himself in women's clothes, but as he dons the garments given to him he finds himself changing in some very interesting and impossible ways.
The new comely young-woman finds herself indebted to the owner of the shop, but with no way to pay her, he finds that he must now work off his debt by working in the dress shop.
Anyway, I've headed back to bed have a delightfully demented day,
Daniel A. Wolfe
Read That before
While it doesn't stop you putting your own spin on the core idea, are you sure you haven't read the same web comic I have with almost exactly the same story, indeed I've vague recollections of another.
Basic premise was the criminal was being chased by the local mob, ducked into random shop, which I think was a makeover salon, the owner of which goes overboard in the "Disguise" making permanent changes instead of temporary ones (Tattoos for Makeup etc).
Once fully made over, the new girl attracts the attention of the mob boss, for amorous reasons, rather than revenge.
Can't recall the Name, but it had a primitively drawn anime style, rather than a realistic 3D graphics comic,
Not that it makes any difference to you writing your own story, if you have read this, or one like it in the past, it's best to be aware of it.
Always possible you did think of it independently, which just goes to show, nothings truly unique, as far as ideas go, it's how you express those ideas that makes it your own.
Dark Elven Sissy Slut – Uhuru N’Uru
I don't follow many webcomics. Even if I had, the chance of stumbling upon a new story idea in today's world is virtually impossible. The best we can hope for is show our originality in the telling and there are always ways in which I can put my own unique touch. When I thought of the idea, I knew it wasn't exactly groundbreaking, but it's a fun idea with which I can tell a assortment of different yarns. I never claimed it was original, but nor did I lift the idea from someone else.
For instance the comic you describe sound to be of the so-called 'realistic' change with perhaps some sci-fi thrown in, whereas mine would involve a true physical transformation brought on by magic that occurs when the individual slips on an article of clothing. Another difference I envisioned a dress shop that is misplaced in time, a 50s or perhaps 60s era shop in a modern setting, whereas you described a makeover salon. There are dozens of ways which I could make my story stand out, but as yet this is all in the very early idea stage. There is so much I've yet to conceptualize.
Have a delightfully devious day,