There are still a couple monthly chapters to come to A Second Chance, and Interesting Times is at a standstill. I have decided that my next story will be a non-transgender one. I don't want to limit my writing to the genre, and I have seen other writers get in a repetitive rut when they focus so many stories in the genre. Fictionmania explicitly bans non tg stories, but it appears they are allowed here (there is a tag for non-transgender).
So my question is: should I post instalments to the new story here? I know I had a lot of readers to River and A Second Chance. Are those people going to be interested in a more mundane story? It will be G-rated, as all my stories are. I haven't put a lot of transgender elements into my prior tales, but will you still read if there is none (or at least none with the primary characters. I might have a TG character in passing).
Let me know what you all think. The comments posted here were so helpful with my prior stories, and I would hope to see that continue with my new story (which will be LGBT friendly).
Go to it.
After almost 15 years of this crap, the TG genre really bores me. Life can NOT be ONLY about getting whacked, buying your first bra and first skirt. There is the first time the wind blows your skirt up, the first time you go hiking and the bugs are so bad, you wish you were wearing pants. And, if you are post op, you'll have to learn to get comfy on a bike all over again because your front bottom will get dreadfully, bloody sore.
Then there are the men who discount what you say, and looking over your shoulder at night in the parking lot. So much other fun. How about avoiding peeing on your shoes in the woods?
The difficulty, Gwen, is that so few of us are actually writing from the perspective of having transitioned. I certainly haven't... and while I can rationally predict that sort of detail and behavior... its the big event, the transformation and the psychological adaptation that follows, that appeal to the storyteller in me. Many TG Fiction writers are focused on the change... on the idealized, perfect change. But even those who aren't... I don't think many have actually reached that point where they can say "here's what it is from the other side" and if they do, its not a fictional telling anymore, its a biography or documentary and those tend to attract different readers.
That said... Dawn... if you've got a story to tell, tell it. :) A good story can always find somewhere to get read. If not FM, here, if not here, we'd be happy to put it up over at the Whateley site. If not there, I'm sure you can find another writing site ... or make one of your own. :) The only down side to running your own thing is that you have to stay active in chats/forums with a link in your signature to make sure people can find you. :)
This whole "Life can NOT be ONLY about getting whacked, buying your first bra and first skirt."
and the rest of the very hackneyed plot lines.
that seem to fascinate so many writers just bores me to tears.
Oh, and becoming a cheerleader and going to the Prom!
These topics have really been done to death on this and so many sites.
Most of my writing is about post-college age people and their lives and the tribulations they face. There is IMHO far more scope for variation and originality than sticking with teenagers.
When was the last 'coming of age' Film to come out of Hollywood even a bit original?
That's my 0.000002p worth on the subject. YMMV naturally
FM does allow non TG stories. It even has a category for misc/non TG stories that has 683 listed. A number of authors who normally write only TG stories have posted non TG stories including Belladonna.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Fictionmania will take all
Fictionmania will take all types of TG fiction. We have no story guidelines. It just has to have a TG storyline.
Incomplete stories / parts (for example a teaser) for stories posted elsewhere are not allowed.
(From the FM submissions page)
Don't know if Erin has any kind of rule but....
I've enjoyed your stories and suspect I'll enjoy anything you write. IMHO - please post.
Some of the Whateley stories
Some of the Whateley stories posted here aren't TG stories yet are read and well received...the only real connection is their connection to the school which does have many TG characters
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Missing Without a Trace
Missing Without a Trace, by Charles Schiman (Charlie98210) was pretty well received. It's not so much the genre as the quality of the work. While a lot of us like to read transgender stories, the real thing is that the content has to have a story to tell and be well written.
I'd say post it and see what happens. If your first chapter doesn't get a good following, then seek other places to post it. There's no requirement that stories posted here can only appear here (as I've seen on some other sites) so post it in several places and see where it gets the best following.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Please, PLEASE post it here.
You have posted 3 stories here that I are among my favorites. (And it's a real list I made up so I can find my favorite stories again.) I will probably like your new story as well. Other people probably will too. I would suggest you also post your story in other sites that don't specialize in gender issues. You will find additional readers there.
I asked once what the story guidelines were on BCTS. Erin said an authors first story here has to be transgendered. (Or at least gender related. I don't remember her exact wording.) She also reserves the right to take down a story she doesn't like. Apparently this almost never happens. And there are a lot of non-gender-related stories on this site. They are rare, but they are here.
So go for it. Please. We love you and your work and want to see more of it.
Please share it
Dawn, I would have to agree with the stories of your's that I've read I would read whatever you wrote. TG, non-TG, hell I'd probably read a cook book if you wrote it lol. I'm also toying with a story my muse keeps leading me to, its fantasy/sci-fi and not TG, I was wondering if mine would be welcome here as well.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
For most of my life I've read almost exclusively fantasy and sci-fi. Three years ago I discovered good sources of TG fiction and have read it almost exclusively ever since. I doubt I'm the only SF&F fan here.
Why don't you try it and find out. And, remember, it's not like if you post it here you can't post it elsewhere too.
It might be a bit...
Right now my fantasy story is mostly just a concept and backstory of one of the main characters... Even though the backstory I've written out is over 10k words... I've yet to write the first chapter, other than in concept... I'm trying really hard to keep my muse, the flaky little wench, focused on finishing Alternative... She keeps dragon me back though (ha ha if you read my super short story The Petulant Muse you'd get that).
Between that and my extremely limited time to write these days, it's just slow...
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
Good idea.
The main thing I like is is it a good story TG or Non-TG.
What type of story are you thinking of?