I notice that more and more blog postings are about book releases. I wonder if there could be a dedicated place for books, where they could last a little longer than in the blogs. I have no problem with authors making a posting about their books in the blogs, but I think to encourage sales, a longer lasting place might be appropriate. In other words, when the release falls off the blog, it could move to the new place. The Forums section seems dead, maybe that is where they could go.
Does something like this seem workable Erin? What do others think?
Side panel?
Maybe a side panel close to the Amazon Shopping one ?
Peace and Love tmf
What a great idea! It would unclutter the blogs too.
The main ("Recent Content")
The main ("Recent Content") of new stories list has a list of codes, which includes several publications as well as "Solo" and days of the week, but these "publication" codes are rarely used; would it help to use these codes for appropriate announcements ?
Re: " The main ("Recent Content") "
Kindle book Ads
Are they ads for books yes
But also they are ads for Kindle books published by "Doppler Press" which is also a part of Janglewood LLC just like "Bigcloset Topshelf" and thus earn income to keep this site running.
By all means...
Put the initlal release announcememt in the main forum but I am getting a little annoyed by the repeats announcements especially as Amazon reminds me by email anyway.
As a confirmed Anti-Advert sort of person, anthing that is repeatedly promoted to me goes on my 'do not buy under any circumstances list'. That list is quite large and stems from a period when I worked for a company that worked on SEO (Search Engine Optomisation) or for the uninnitiated, how you make you ad appear above that for the company down the road. That experience turned me off pretty well all advertising for good.
That won't stop the constant
That won't stop the constant stream of advertising by a couple of the popular authors. Even if we have that advertising section, there will be authors ignoring it to promote their books simply by putting a "what am I up to now" blog on top of the advertisement. We will still get a weekly or in the case of one, twice weekly, blog promoting their books.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime