There's nowt as queer as folk

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The saying seems tto originate from the North of England and 'queer' really means 'strange' not gay or anything to do with LGBT.

So... there I was riding my Motorcycle over the 'bridge to nowhere' aka the Humber Bridge in Eastern England at around 11:30 this morning and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone Water Skiing up the Humber and under the bridge. A 'wtf' moment if ever I saw one.
Then the skiier fell off and into the muddy brown water.
Quite why someone would choose to ski up the river when the sea which was flat calm today is less than 15 miles away.

As the saying goes, 'There is nowt as queer as folk'.


Brings to mind an old joke.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

There was a game warden who habitually got to the lake about 10:00 in the morning and made the rounds to check the fishermen for license and bag limit. It seems that very few came close to the limit, except old Jake, who was almost always there loading his boat with a limit day after day. The game warden got to talking with him about how he managed to limit out each day. Jake told him he'd been fishing the lake since he was a kid with his dad and his dad had shown him just where to fish and a secret trick guaranteed to get fish.

"I'd like to learn something like that," the game warden told him.

"Well," said Jake, "meet me here at 7:00 tomorrow morning and I'll take you out and show you the spot and my dads secret."

So the game warden showed up and helped Jake launch his boat. Jake fired up the little kicker and motored around the point, out of site from the boat landing and into a nearly hidden cove. There he dropped an anchor and opened his tackle box. He took out a stick of dynamite, lit the fuse and tossed it over the side.

The game warden stammered, "Jake that's illegal," as Jake lit the fuse on another stick of dynamite.

Jake tossed the dynamite in the game warden's lap and said, "You gonna talk all morning or you gonna fish?"


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Oh yeah! Fishing...

One guy was going to go fishing with dynamite... But one of the friends proposed cheaper way to get fish from the lake - throw a wire up to the 0.4 kV powerline, drop other end into the lake.
Next day they meet and a Fisher guy is very solemn and quiet... "What happened?" "There was no 0.4 kV line so I used 11 kV line..." "So what?"
"At first there were some fish belly up... Then 4 military divers... Than a submarine..."

When my friends and I were teenagers

We decided one hot summer day to go fishing out on the small lake on my grandparent's land. After some time of nothing even nibbling on our bait we went and asked my grandpa if we could have one or two sticks of dynamite (which he truly did fish with as we lived way back in the Appalachian mountains 20 miles from the nearest town). Not sure if he was actually thinking of our safety or was just being greedy, but he told us that he was all out and that we should go see my Great Uncle who had the generator from an old hand crank telephone that he had extended a pair of wires on and used for fishing. My great uncle had no problems loaning his sure fire fishing device to us boys. So we hiked back to the lake with it.

So you have to visualize the setting, My best friend, my cousin and I never wore much of anything in the summer but cut off blue jeans, no shirt, no shoes, maybe a straw hat or ball cap to shade from the sun. The old wooden flat bottomed boat grandpa had used for some many years had been replaced by my dad with a shiny new aluminum flat bottom boat that spring. We took turns winding the handle of the generator, then would stop and take turns rowing the boat out and scooping up the fish or two we shocked.

It was my cousins turn to go out and get the fish. A bit about my cousin, he was sort of lazy, always looking for ways to get out of hard work and spinning that hand crank around was tiring, so it didn't surprise either my friend or I when my cousin came up with a "plan to get more fish faster."

He detailed his plan to us and he thought the grins that spread across my friend's and my face meant that we had fallen for his true plan of getting out of doing the hardest part of the work involved. The real reason we were both grinning from ear to ear was as he explained his plan for him to "Just stay out in the boat and net the fish" we noticed how he was standing barefooted in a boat make out of electrically conductive material.

The two of us took a couple turns each cranking that handle as hard and fast as we could, while the other yelled for my cousin to stop showing off his dancing skills and net the fish. We ended up laughing so hard that neither of us could breathe little less crank the generator any longer.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

I stopped trying to figure

I stopped trying to figure out thrillseekers when I saw the fire department responding to the 10th call for a missing jetskier/boater/kayaker just off shore only to be found nearby, having swam to shore to take a quick break. Folks do stupid things on the water, especially to get a rush from doing it.

I hope the person was at least wearing a life vest because I have zero sympathy if something happened due to not wearing one. Survival matters more than fashion.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

can't see

Maddy Bell's picture

Why skiing on the Humber is weird tbh. And you really wouldn't want to do it downstream of Hull or out into the sea, its a very busy waterway and beyond Spurn there are lots of shoals and rips - the reason that Spurn has one of the very few full time lifeboats in the UK.

The 'umber bridge is currently the crossing between East Yorkshire and 'North Lincolnshire' which strangely has been adopted into GOC! Of course it was originally connecting the two halves of 'Humberside', the much maligned made up region which no one liked or wanted.

It is still the longest bridge in Europe outside of Scandinavia but has about the lowest use of any estuary bridge in the known world! But it is pretty impressive even if the tourists no longer flock to visit it, I still get a bit of a thrill when I cross it, usually by human powered bike.

I have seen people skiing on the Thames which is weirder.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

It's all about water safety

Doesn't matter if it's the ocean, a river or even a swimming pool. I practically lived in the water as a kid, even went as far as to wear my swimming trunks under my school clothes when I could get away with it so I could head straight to the beach from school. I learned to sail before I mastered riding a bike without training wheels. So I had water safety drilled into my head from a young age.

Living in the US midwest, going to the ocean takes either a plane ticket or several days by car. But we have two large rivers that people use a lot. One of the first things I was told by the older people when I moved here was NEVER swim in the rock river. It is full of large rocks that create whirlpools and under tows that will kill you. For me, at least in my opinion this would mean no water skiing or jetski's either, since with both you can find yourself swimming at least briefly. So while I enjoy fishing the Rock river, that is all I ever do on that river.

What I find strange is that with the much slower current and sandy/muddy bottom of the Mississippi river, why do people even bother swimming and such in the Rock river?

The thing is, no matter how careful you think you are being, shit happens. So you need to know the water you are swimming in before you step one foot into it.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.