Reposting this. -- Erin
That's right! I'm jumping the gun just a bit, and it's time to announce...
BCTS July 2018 Story Contest: Staycation
It's time our stories got with the times, isn't it? The modern budget-conscious among us don't do "vacations" any more (or at least that's what the media and news feeds seem to tell me.) Instead, what's in is the Staycation: taking your vacation time and, instead of exhausting yourself traveling and fighting with the kids and traffic and paying out lots of money, simply relaxing at home, doing your own thing and being decadent. Topical relevance, hurrah!
And thus, onto the particulars:
-Entries must be posted between July 1st and July 31st 2018 depending on your region. I'm trusting y'all to keep yerselves honest on this one.
-Entries must feature an LGBTQ character in a prominent role in the tale and (obviously) play upon the theme of a "staycation."
-As per usual for my contests, entries must be complete in one posting: no serials, multi-parters, or continuations of other tales.
-While there is no hard rating limitation this time around, I'd personally prefer not to read anything beyond a moderate "R," just so it's said.
Votes will be tallied the first weekend of August, and yet again highest kudos/thumbs up wins, and the prize for the top two authors will be subscriptions to the hatbox. In ADDITION to the prizes, however, I will also donate an additional 1 dollar to the hatbox for every (qualified) entry we receive, up to an arbitrary amount determined at vote counting time (read: however much I can reasonably afford at the time past the cost of prizes.) So, if you want to give to the site and can't afford to right now, chip in on the contest; your entry will help to keep this wonderful place of ours around!
So, what are y'all waitin' for? Pour yourselves a big glass of iced tea, start your own staycation, and write on!
Melanie E.
NOTE: I have had concerns expressed during my last competition concerning the emphasis on single-posting, complete stories. There are a number of reasons I prefer this format for entries, but rest assured: over the next few months I will give authors who prefer to write serialized pieces an opportunity to do so :) Let it not be said I am unfair!
2018-07 BCTS July Staycation Story Contest
Added the Contest tag so it can be used on the story entries. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
giggles, I think I have an idea ...
(goes back to the lab where things go boom ...)
Uh oh!
Run for your lives! Better yet, batten down the hatches on the nuclear fallout bunkers. Dot's in the lab again! *giggles*
"Staycation" contest? I might be able to come up with something, I'll send a post-it note to my muse to let her know.
Who goes on vacation in the
Who goes on vacation in the middle of winter? (unless you want to go skiing)
I do...
Along with the entire Massachusetts school system(seriously, Presidents Day week).
It ain't ideal, but it's better than nothing.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Who goes in the middle of Winter??
Lets see... families with kids, spring breakers, Disney fans...
TGSine --958
Love these types of challenges
For the challenge to not only think up a plot, but one that often has the author writing out of his or her comfort zone. Or in my case twisting the rules to fit within my comfort zone.
I wasn't going to submit one for this as I won the last one but that itch is getting pretty annoying and i'm probably going to scratch it, so I disqualify myself now from winning anything but the Kudos it might bring :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I'm ploding along with one
Ironically, mostly in gaps at work
Might get it finished before the deadline
Contest a Staycation...
It can't be a serial? Darn it...I got one as part of my Togue Lake series...Sorry all, but I've been busy...however I'm going to post a new Chapter of Tarja soon, along with Why Not a Special School a new Torgue Lake/Tarja story, The Wedding another story for Toque Lake/Tarja (rewriting it.), and Summer Visitor another story for the series. New School/New girl, Mark's Wish and Summer Girl will be posted soon.
TGSine --958
Add a new banner category?
I think we should add a new story category called "Contest Stories" - if it wouldn't detract from the normal flow of business. It would attract readers looking for 'good' stories. Go back and add previous contests by contest name and month of the contest. eg "Staycation theme - July 2018".
And of course contest stories would be additionally listed as they are at present. Could generate interest with little risk to BC.
Just tossing the idea out there.
Home - Free Stories - Premium
Home - Free Stories - Premium Stories - Contest stories - Solos - Serials - Authors - etc.
Maybe list top 3 - 5 most 'popular' writers per contest? Or list all entrants...