4th July

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Just to say Happy 4th July to all who celebrate it. Kinda hard in the UK they don't appreciate that fact that my Grand pappy kicked their Grand pappy butt. LOL Seriously though most Brits are OK with it.

Cheryl XXXX


I'm Pretty Old

However, both my grandfathers were too young to fight in WWI. If they had older brothers, I'm sure they would have fought with the Brits, not against them. They might even have gone to Canada to get into the fighting sooner!

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

July 4th

It would have been so much easier if the King let us just keep on with our rum business without interfering.

True but...

It's the ignorant loudmouths that aren't OK with it...then again they probably never knew about the attempts to starve thousands into submission by closing off an entire city from the outside world, blockaded a major harbor, and put armed troops on guard to stop anyone from passing alongside the only land road into and out of that city...

The why is often forgotten, but it wasn't a hasty decision and could have been peaceful if not for what happened to Boston.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

The Real Fourth of July

Back in high school, I carried out groceries for several years. Most people think Thanksgiving is the "eating" holiday, but the Fourth of July beats Thanksgiving hands down.

When I was a carryout we dreaded the Fourth of July because people bought bulk items, like peaches in a crate, watermelon, vast amounts of ice cream, etc. And, at that time of the year, shoppers also bought fifty pounds of flour and ten pounds of sugar once a month -- more in canning season.

So . . . have some fried chicken, a huge slice of watermelon, a cold beer (or three) and take a break from MSNBC, FOX or anything that resembles them.

This country was based on a set of values that still exists today. I see those values in the people around me. What I see on TV is NOT America, and never will be.

The average American has great respect for the UK. What occurred three centuries ago is barely relevant to who we are today. Over the years I've had the great pleasure of working in my business with many people in London at Lloyd's. I've never lost a dime betting on them coming through for me.

Celebrate our Independence and the strength of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers. Toast their majestic minds and know that they were special people responding to distinct need.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)