In Spain at the moment

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I'm on holiday this week, hence nothing much from me. So far have seen about 15 new species of bird as well as some old favourites. It's been hard work but someone has to do it.

Best wishes to everyone.




Can't fool me

You're loving every drop of perspiration that beads up.
Great break from school ! Have fun.


Maddy Bell's picture

A bit early for the Vuelta!

Use the sunblock

Have fun



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Vacation in Spain

Glad you are enjoying some deserved time for yourself. Wish I could join you as I have very fond memories of the year I lived in Spain. It was near Viveiro on the coast overlooking the Bay of Biscay. Hope your memories will be just as good if not better.

Hugs, Sarah Ann

Prolific writing

I read Bike 1 & 2 on Kindle books. Had to get more. Over the last few weeks I am up to date! I reckon just over 4 million words and counting. Are you the most productive writer ever? More than War and Peace and the bible. At least your writing has more reality than those gross works of fiction! I am now suffering withdrawal symptoms, your humour is wonderful and used with great effect. Amongst my favourites is Pudding walking through a scene saying shit, shit, shit. Thank you for some sanity in my life.