Gaby Book 22 - Avoidance

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Okay so Book 22 has been released - yay!

However there are some issues with the published versions and I need the help of maybe a couple of editors. I have 2 printed 'proof' copies which i'd like the editors to work through and return to me so I can present an even better version to the wild masses!

I'm not expecting this as a freebie, the 'lucky' editors will each receive a hard copy suitably inscribed for their efforts and mention in the titling as editors.

If you think you might be interested in doing this and have time to spare in a reasonable time frame please contact me here at BC asap.

Thanks in advance



I would be happy to help.



I just ordered 19, 20, and 21 via Amazon, are the errors in 22 bad enough that there is any reason to hesitate in ordering 22 when available?

Safe to order

besides if you have ypur books set up for automatic updates if and when Maddy posts a better version you'll automatically get it. Besides we're talking about typos not plotlines soI don't think your enjoyment witl be affected, mine wasn't.

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs

Automatic updates? Hit or miss.

Automatic updates? Hit or miss.

Although I've always had my account set for automatic updates, my experience has been less than stellar. Sometimes books update, but not always, even when the author and Amazon swear they should. I think there's some magic switch the author/publisher needs to set.

I've bought Gaby #22, and do hope I get the updated version when it gets published.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Maddy Bell's picture

Put minds to rest - we are really talking about layout, maybe some text and continuity issues but nothing that alters the story!
Amazon have pointed out a couple of glaring issues but I thought it would be good to get some other, less invested bods to have a look. So it's mostly a clean/tidy of what is already there and of problems I didn't know existed!

Thanks for all the interest everyone



Madeline Anafrid Bell

When or where can i find the next one

I read all the way thru 22 on kindle when or where will 23 come out :)

Can be and editor if you need. Willing to do it, to repay the joy I have gotten reading them all up till now.


Maddy Bell's picture

First chapter of book 23 was completed yesterday and ch2 is almost halfway wroted. The plan is for the full book to be out in late August but the ten chapter segments should start later this month.



Madeline Anafrid Bell


Maddy, I'd be happy to assist with editing. I've read the series, some books twice :), and look forward to re-visiting Gabby once again! Kel



How different is the pdf from lulu to the printed version as I have completed that and noted a few errors. I can mark them up and let you have that quickly.
If however you are expecting different errors I will offer to proof read /edit

To the editors

please double check the usage of it’s vs its.

it’s means ‘it is’.